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    Unwated Domain Controller

    Hello, I work for a school district. We run windows 2003 servers. I have an outside company that occupies one of my computer labs. In the past they have been their own environment completely. They have their own Windows 2003 server with active directory and dhcp and the whole 9 yards running...

    Import Multiple Users (Active Directory)

    I have the wonderful job of creating several hundred new users on our domain. It will take forever to do this one at a time, and I am frantically searching for ways to import the data into Active Directory so that it can be done quickly. Does anyone know how I could do this? I need to be able...

    DNS Error Log

    Oh, and this only occurs when computers are connected to one particular Domain Controller. If I move the computer to another building with another DC, and log in with the same user account the machine works fine.

    DNS Error Log

    MessageId=4016 Severity=Error SymbolicName=DNS_EVENT_DS_LDAP_TIMEOUT The DNS server timed out attempting an Active Directory service operation on %1. Check Active Directory to see that it is functioning properly. The event data contains the error. I am having difficulty with some of my...

    XP Pro Networking

    I have a couple computers in one of my buildings that apparently do not connect to the network during the initial bootup process. When I reboot the machines, I recieve several error messages in the event viewer system folder saying that the computer was not able to contact a dhcp server, and...

    Outlook Web Access

    Does anyone know if it is possible to modify the logon process. Right now my users must enter [Domain]\[Username] then their password. Many users use the wrong slash, and it is causing me one headache after another. Since I cant get a new batch of educated users, I guess I am stuck trying to fix...

    Active Directory Passwords

    Does anyone know if there is a way that I can either setup Active Directory to store user passwords somewhere that I can view them when needed, or if there is anything that I can do to see the users passwords? Thanks for any help you can give. I am almost to the point where I begin to assign...

    Allow logon through terminal services

    I just had a problem with this a little while ago, it turned out to be that the computer I was trying to allow someone to log onto remotely was a Domain Controller, and I had to allow access to Terminal Services under the User Rights Assignment in the Domain Controller Security Policy. Maybe...

    So secure I cant get in.

    Thanks for the response, but the computer is already on the same subnet as the AP.
  10. DMWCSD

    So secure I cant get in.

    I have a wireless network setup with Orinoco AP 2000's. The WLAN was in place when I arrived, and is not working since we upgraded our servers and are using a new DHCP server. The AP's are apparently statically configured, so they are not configured for the new settings. Now I cant see the AP's...
  11. DMWCSD

    Inappropriate Usage

    I work for a school district where we provide some of our students with e-mail addresses. With Exchange 2000 I was able to monitor the mailboxes to ensure that the students were not doing anything they should not. With Exchange 2003 I do not seem to have the ability to monitor the e-mail. Does...
  12. DMWCSD

    Flash Drive Problem

    Hi, some of my users have been having problems with their flash drives. They generally work fine, but frequently will not be recognized. Sometime I can use the command prompt to access the drive, but windows refuses to recognize it. This has happened on a variety of drive types. Has anyone...
  13. DMWCSD

    Network Restarting

    Restarting your servers is a good idea, but everyday is a bit much. I reboot my servers about once a month, or whenever an update calls for it. Servers are made for 24/7 usage, so most companies do not/could not shut them down everyday. Its up to you, but I would personally just set aside a...
  14. DMWCSD

    Problem IP

    Does anyone know how I can find out what switch, and which port on that switch a certain IP address belongs to on my network? Is there a telnet command, or some type of software that will do this? I have Whats Up Gold, and have a map of my network, but I havent seen anything that allows me to...
  15. DMWCSD

    Problem IP

    I have located an IP address that is causing problems on my network. I have just installed Whats Up Gold, if this is of any relevance. What I would like to do is locate which switch and which port on that switch this IP address is allocated to so that I can find the device. Does anyone know how...
  16. DMWCSD

    Group Policy Practices

    I am pretty new to Group Policies, and was wondering if anyone could give me a little insight as to how I would use group policies to lock down a machine so that the users could, for example, not save data to any location other than their My Documents folder. If you could also supply any...
  17. DMWCSD

    Scripts and IE Warnings.

    I have recently purchased the Macromedia Studio Suite, and have been playing with a lot of the features. I came across some really cool stuff using Fireworks. I can put the drop down menus and stuff onto my pages, but when I view the pages that I have created using Internet Explorer I get a...
  18. DMWCSD

    This Virus is Killing me.

    Thanks for all of your help, but unfortunately I was unable to resolve the problem, and time ran out for trying to find solutions. My boss instructed me to Format the drive and load everything over. Oh well. Thanks everyone.
  19. DMWCSD

    This Virus is Killing me.

    Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 9:18:11 AM, on 3/16/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe...
  20. DMWCSD

    This Virus is Killing me.

    where can I get this Hijack? a new troj/bettinet-A has just been detected. I guess I am just going to keep a running tab of all of the problems with this computer.

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