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Search results for query: *

  1. steve100

    A really easy xsl:if quesion

    Hiya, A really easy question for you can I do this in XML to only show a link if the ultraseek_query/results/next/@href contains something? <xsl:if ultraseek_query/results/next/@href !=""> <a id="next"><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="ultraseek_query/results/next/@href"...
  2. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    Only problem is now the user can enter a blank space and it matches all blank spaces in the links. Anyway to test that only character data is entered in the input box - not spaces (maybe when I test for nodeType) Steve
  3. steve100

    Trim function

    Can anyone show me a really easy way to trim strings in JS? I don't know why it is so difficult. Thanks Steven
  4. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    Code now works fine - many thanks for your expertise! Steven <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function textSearch() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); var inputText = document.getElementById("formSearchBox"); for (var i=0; i <...
  5. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    It works when the top nav is removed. I think that it has something to do with the fact that the top nav has links which contain spans and images rather than just text. When I remove the spans and images its OK. Maybe I can do some kind of conditional test like whether the firstChild is a...
  6. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    My Page only works when I remove the top nav bars - why would that be a problem? Steve <body class="wide-col" id="cars"> <div id="site-header"> <div id="site-titles"> <h1 id="site-title"><a id="stt-link-home" href="../../index.php"><img src="../../gui/site-logo.gif" alt="Making...
  7. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    Still can't get it to work could you paste your code and let me know browser type and version. Many thanks Steven
  8. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    I think the problem is something other than the way I am addressing elements this code works fine (but it doesn't allow individual words to be searched within link text). <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > function textSearch() { var links =...
  9. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    Thanks but Firefox should be DOM Core compliant -
  10. steve100

    Using JavaScript to highlight words in a page

    Hi can anyone help I am trying to develop a function which allows a user to enter search terms and have these highlighted on an a-z page. I can't see what is wrong with this function - can anyone help? <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > function textSearch() {...
  11. steve100

    Using Javascript to add a CSS id

    Hi I was hoping that the content of an "a" element could be compared to the content of a H1 element where they both have the same text. E.g on the home page my H1 would be <h1>home</h1> and in my navigation I would have a link called <a href="index.htm">home</a> Can the text from these two...
  12. steve100

    Using Javascript to add a CSS id

    Hi can anyone help?, I want to use JS to add an XHTML id="selected" attribute to the link which is the same as the H1 header on a page. This attribute will be picked up by a CSS file and have a style applied to it to differentiate it as a 'you are here' link. This is what I did: <!-- call...
  13. steve100

    Allowing Cookie Preferences for Pop-ups

    Hi I wonder if anyone can help. I want to fire up a pop up when my page loads but I want to give the end-user the ability to click 'don't show again' in the pop up and set a cookie. However the code below is returning errors, I wondered if anyone could offer advice - I have explained in...
  14. steve100

    Progress Bar with Javascript

    Hi, I have a piece of javascript code which works with Coldfusion to produce a 'progress meter' which shows graphically how many far someone has progressed through a rather long form. Basically the code is executed everytime a person moves from one question to the next (using the onBlur...
  15. steve100

    Javascript not working in Mozilla

    function verify(f) { var fname = -1; var lname = -1; var address = -1; var postcode = -1; var telephone = -1; var pinumber = -1; var region = -1; var gender = -1; var age = -1; var faculty = -1; var interest = -1; var category = -1; var issues = -1...
  16. steve100

    Javascript not working in Mozilla

    My complete HTML form <form action=&quot;someform.cgi&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; name=&quot;feedbackform&quot; id=&quot;feedbackform&quot; onsubmit=&quot;return verify(this);&quot;> <input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;mailto&quot; value=&quot;someaddress&quot;/> <input...
  17. steve100

    Javascript not working in Mozilla

    Hi I have a simple form validation script which works fine in IE 6.0 and Opera 7.0. However it doesn't do anything in Mozilla 1.4 or Mozilla Firebird and I am not sure why. I link to the script using an onsubmit event handler in the form tag: <form method=&quot;post&quot...
  18. steve100

    Popups inMozilla

    I've had another go - this script works in IE and Mozilla but not Opera! <script> <!-- function browserTest (c) { bname=navigator.appName if (bname.indexOf(&quot;Netscape&quot;)!=-1) { newWindowMoz(c); } if (bname.indexOf(&quot;Microsoft&quot;)!=-1) { newWindowIE(c); } }...
  19. steve100

    Popups inMozilla

    Hi all this my problem: I want to create a pop-up link to display RFT files. This pop-up should always open in a new window (a web convention) I don't want to use target=&quot;blank&quot; (not valid xml) Attempted solution 1: If I simply omit the target attribute like so: <a...
  20. steve100

    Latest ECMAscript for back button

    Hi, Windows 2000 OS - would that make any difference? surely the ECMAscript is interpreted by Moz FB javascript interpreter? Steve

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