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Search results for query: *

  1. PawelTru

    SQL Server Agent problems

    SQLBill> It is the same job that is setup with multiple scheduled events (ID) under the schedules tab. It was simple to setup just by clicking new schedule you can setup multiple schedules. Michael> I looked at the SQL Server Logs and the Windows Event Logs and I don't have anything that...
  2. PawelTru

    SQL Server Agent problems

    There is no entry for the 8 PM at all (success or failure) and the 2PM completed successfully in 14 minutes. I’ve looked in the Job History Table using Query Analyzer and did not find an entry for the 8PM Job. That is the strange part that there is no entry at all.
  3. PawelTru

    SQL Server Agent problems

    I have a SQL Server 2000 with SP3a running on Windows 2000 Server and a job that is scheduled to run twice a day (2PM and 8PM). The job executes a DTS Package by running the following command: DTSRun /S "(local)" /N "KHH_LoadGL" /R "." /G "{396FE90C-257D-4FA4-AD4E-B7040DCF0E55}" /L...
  4. PawelTru

    Crystal Reports with subreports on the web display an error

    I am trying to post some of my reports on the web and they work fine if the reports do not have subreport. When I have a report with a subreport I getting the following error: Missing prompting unit. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request...
  5. PawelTru

    Return OU using SQL statement

    I am trying to get the OU from AD using the following query: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, '<LDAP://DC=test,DC=COM>;(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user)); ou, sAMAccountName, givenName, sn, name, PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName, homedirectory, telephoneNumber, department, mail,info...
  6. PawelTru

    Problems displaying Crystal Reports 10 in a .Net Windows Application

    I am getting the following error when trying to run the reports on a machine. It runs correctly when I run it on my dev machine but fails on a production machine. The application is a stand alone application. I distributed the application using the setup project in VS2003...
  7. PawelTru

    Problems with login using username and password

    I am having problems with login into the SQL Server using the osql -S XXXX -U xxxx or osql -S XXXX -U domain\xxxx I get "Login failed for user xxxx" I can login with osql -S XXXX -E The server is set under the Authentication to SQL Server and Windows. I need to use user name because...
  8. PawelTru

    Calling a function when the name is storred in a variable

    Hi I have a form that has a grid that can change depending on the user properties and available modules. The fields in the grid are populated from a database. What I want to achieve is when you click on the grid the on click event will check what function has to be called and calls it. How...
  9. PawelTru

    Calling subreport from vb

    I have a problem with a report which has 2 subreports. When I try to run it from vb6 I get &quot;Server has not yet been opened&quot; error message. The data is retrieved using SQL stored 3 stored procedures. one for the main report and 1 for each of the sub reports. the code that I am using...
  10. PawelTru

    Temporary tables inside stored procedure

    Hello I have few stored procedures that need to use a temporary table. In MS-SQL that is easy by just doing SELECT A, B INTO #tempTable1 FROM ABC Then I have to use the temp table to get the correct data. How do I do a similar statement in DB2. Thanks for any help
  11. PawelTru

    Cross-Database join

    When I try to set it as follow ACCPAC.busdat.apven ACCPAC -> location busdat -> schema apven -> table it returns me a error ADMINISTRATOR.test: 13: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0204N &quot;ACCPAC.BUSDAT.APVEN&quot; is an undefined name. LINE NUMBER=13. SQLSTATE=42704
  12. PawelTru

    Cross-Database join

    I am running version 8.1 on Windows 2000
  13. PawelTru

    Cross-Database join

    I am trying to access date in second database using stored procedure that is called from the first database. Both databses are located on the same server. In MS-SQL it was simmple you just do: Select * from DB2.DBO.TABLENAME How do you do similar select statement in DB2. Thank You
  14. PawelTru

    Hello I need to create few stor

    Hello I need to create few stored procedures that will be able to access another database on the same server and combine the information selected with data that resides in the db from which the sp was called. I am running DB2 V 8.1 on Windows OS. That is easily done in MS SQL but I don't know...
  15. PawelTru

    Error while building a stored procedure

    When I issue the statment I get the following: The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003 I opened a connection by typing connect to...
  16. PawelTru

    Error while building a stored procedure

    Hello I am trying to create a test stored procedure. I know the syntax of the sp is correct but when I try to build I get the following log and it says that the sp build failed. BUSDAT.ADMINISTRATOR.PROCEDURE1 - Build started. Create stored procedure returns -7032. -- LOG FILE P4373962.log...
  17. PawelTru

    Porblems with MSDE on domain controler

    I have one more question. What are the required settings for the user account to be able to access the SQL DB in a domain environment. The SQL Server is installed on Primary Domain Controler. Also I don't want to give the user admin privilages since it will open potential security hole. Thanks
  18. PawelTru

    Porblems with MSDE on domain controler

    I have a problem with a MSDE installation. The MSDE was installed on the Domain controler computer correctly. I am able to log in from command prompt by typing the following statements: osql -S SERVER -E or osql -S SERVER -U sa SERVER is the name of the Machine I also created database. If...
  19. PawelTru

    Retrieve data from second database using stored procedure

    I am using the Windows Version for DB2 version 8.
  20. PawelTru

    Retrieve data from second database using stored procedure

    Hi I am new to DB2 I am creating few sotred procedures in one of my databases. Some of them need to retrieve data from another database that is located on the same system. I am not sure how to do so. Thanks for any help Pawel

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