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Search results for query: *

  1. williekay

    Sort Table by ALL COLORS

    I have a table in EXCEL 2010 that has conditional formating to color cells in 12 different columns with 16 different colors - is there a way to say :: SORT TABLE by ANY(or all) COLORED CELLS Willie
  2. williekay

    Previous Macro Builder inserted date in Macro - 2010 does not

    In older versions of Microsoft Office (Excel) when CREATE MACRO was used in the notes section of the Macro it would write the name the Macro was given and the date it was created on. In 2010 it only lists the name of the Macro. Is there a way to have the created on date appear when using CREATE...
  3. williekay

    Before Print Event or not?

    I have an excel document that takes a long time to print. The solution is to open the document in page break view, print the document, and return to normal view. I do this usually with a Macro and the Macro works but the Macro placed in the ThisWorkbook section does not??? Private Sub...
  4. williekay

    Before Print Event or not?

    I have an excel document that takes a long time to print. The solution is to open the document in page break view, print the document, and return to normal view. I do this usually with a Macro and the Macro works but this in the ThisWorkbook section does not??? Private Sub...
  5. williekay

    How do report the range of a selection (excel) to VBA code?

    If you select a range on an Excel Spreadsheet (A1:C3) how can you report that range to VBA code? Willie
  6. williekay

    Named range not reporting in another worksheet

    Thanks Skip - I don't know why but placing the formula in the same book with the named ranges and then pasting it into the other book made it work. Willie
  7. williekay

    Named range not reporting in another worksheet

    I have two Excel spreadsheets I've used for years. A worksheet in one has three named ranges that represent the ITEM you wish to reference, the FIELDS, and the TABLE the information is in. In another spreadsheet I have formulas that use these names to return information ---...
  8. williekay

    Long Pause in printing spread sheet

    Thanx Skip- all of that is true- we're networked, records are added daily so it get's larger each day, but I solved my own problem. I got on a MS site before I started this and found a write up on pauses while scrolling and one solution was to unset the page breaks. I played around and found...
  9. williekay

    Long Pause in printing spread sheet

    I have a spreadsheet I've used for years. It has a ton of VBA code behind button clicks. It references a lot of books both inside the document in other worksheets and in another spreadsheet. It has a form that prints with a page break. I have a button for saving the record and printing the...
  10. williekay

    Ask code if ActiveCell.Row is within a range

    How do you ask the following in VBA Is ActiveCell.Row between 5 and 10? Willie
  11. williekay

    Can you toggle between Datasheet and Form Views without reopening form

    Can you have a form open in Datasheet view, Doble Click a cell and have it open as Form View, without it reopening the form? Willie
  12. williekay

    Form will not go to last record

    Actually you've responded to a previous post of mine on this same form. I need the form to either open to the Last record in MoldHistory or a new record if a date is present on a mainform in the Rework field. After going round and round with this it seems not to be going to the Last Record, it's...
  13. williekay

    Form will not go to last record

    I have a table with 2 records in it one NUMBERED 371 and one numbered 408 (the last record). I put a go to the last record button on the form and I also have code in the On Open event --- DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast ---, it will only open to 371 ?????? Willie
  14. williekay

    Open either a New Form or Last Form in SUBFORM from MAINFORM

    I have a main form called MoldList and a sub form named MoldHistory. On the mainform is a field named Rework. If this field has a date, the mold is out of service. The subform is a form that lists the work to be done on the mold. If the Rework field of the subform is Null I need the subform to...
  15. williekay

    Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment ???

    In the following code I get an error message that reads Compile Error Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment, do you know why? It is set to a button click in a sub form to update a linked mainform record. DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE MoldList SET Rework =...
  16. williekay

    How do you continue a SQL DoCmd to the next line

    In the following code I get an error message that reads Compile Error Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment, do you know why? It is set to a button click in a sub form to update a linked mainform record. DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE MoldList SET Rework =...
  17. williekay

    How do you continue a SQL DoCmd to the next line

    How do you put breaks in an UPDATE SQL to continue it on the next line (it's to long for the window)? SQL$ = "UPDATE MoldList SET Rework = IIF(Me.Scrapped=-1,DATE(),"") ; Notes = IIF(Me.Scrapped=-1,Me.Reason,"") ; [LastRepair] = '" & Me.[LastRepair] & "' ; [DL] = '" & Me.[DL] & "' ;[DLn] = "...
  18. williekay

    Concept and layout NORMALIZATION?

    Because we want to choose Mo, Ni, Mn, one time and list in a row or column all the samples Mo, Ni, Mn Mo Ni Mn sample 1 1 10 .75 sample 2 1.1 10.5 .8 sample 3 1.25 11 .77 (this one you'll have a...
  19. williekay

    Concept and layout NORMALIZATION?

    I've gone round and round with the concept of Normalization. I've decided on a 125 field table. Most of the fields represent Periodic Table Elements - Mo Ni Mn Cr, etc. This is because we run samples, maybe 10 or more. A normalized database is Lot Element Percentage 3555 Mo...
  20. williekay

    Main form control changes RowSource for subform control

    Can you have a mainform with a combobox that lists field names from a table, change the RowSource for a textbox in a subform. Table 1 Table2 NameofFields Mo Ni Mn Mo Ni Mn Main combobox > Mo < Ni Mn ------------------- Sub Textbox >>...

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