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Search results for query: *

  1. mgonzalez

    How getting the name names of tables...

    Hi I hope that something could help me.I want through SQL get the name of name of all tables in my database.I am working with access 97.Is this possible??? because I remember that for Oracle is it. Best ragards
  2. mgonzalez

    A worm , virus or what????

    Hello I hope that someone could help me.I hope a litlle problem.Sometimes when a navigating in Internet a set a adress in the bar adress this is modify and show something like this http:///?%20www.yahoo.com If I write again works perfectly.I did a check whith some antivirus but...
  3. mgonzalez

    PWS and PHP

    Hello I hope that something colud help me. I am a complete bigining and I have pws and php installed but I can´t do work them. I installed both, I tested whith this instruction <? phpinfo(); ?> in a file prueba.php and only sent me the message &quot;Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be...
  4. mgonzalez

    Installing Remote Access Server

    Hello I hope that someone colud help me.I am trying to installing de Remote Access Server service but when the system is copyng the necesary files from NT Disc happen an error that say that ther is not the rascfg.dll.I copy this dll from another server that have the service installed but...
  5. mgonzalez

    Coneccting with SQL Server

    Hello I hope that someone could help me.I am trying to do an aplication wiht visual basic, but I first wanted install the client of SQl Server(version 6.5) in my computer I tried to do connection but give the error &quot;Unable to connect to SQL Server is unavaiable or does not exist. Error...
  6. mgonzalez

    Flash with Netscape...

    Hello I hope that someone can help me.I did an animation in Flash that works in IE very well but in Netscape the words that have a link show the letters revolt.Something like this Must show this---->Welcome But show this----->elWmeco Someone know...
  7. mgonzalez

    Strange behavior whith Netscape

    Hello I Hope that somenone could help me.I did some pages whith dreamweaver that include applets and flash.In IE work well but when I open it whith Netscape happen some strange this for example. 1.- The application of flash have some fixed words but appear wrong Must say...
  8. mgonzalez

    IIS Aplication...with http

    Hello I hope taht someone can help me.I have a program that use an array of type Byte for a process, but now I going to receive this chain of bytes from a page(an JSP).My question es how I can receive this value and use it in my process.I have founded that I can use a DLL to get this chain...
  9. mgonzalez

    How make a floating drop-down menu...??

    Hello I hope that someone could help me.I am new using flash and I need make several floating menus.Someone could tell me how or where I can find information about?? Thanks a lot
  10. mgonzalez

    Problems whth Image Map

    Well I have tried that before but didn't worked,contiue show the path file:/// next to the absolute path (c:///C:\myWebs\mypage.htm).realy I tried all but doesn't work yet.Do you have any idea why? Thanks
  11. mgonzalez

    Problems whth Image Map

    Hello I hope that someone could help me...I am doing a image map, I set the URL like this href=&quot;main.html&quot; but when a execute it doesn't work and tell me that can't find the page file:///C:/pages/main.html (main is the folder where I have all aplication. Someone know what is teh...
  12. mgonzalez

    XML and Visual Basic

    Hello I hope that someone could help me..someone know how I can use the control DOM for read XML documents..or where I can find some information about this?? Thanks
  13. mgonzalez

    Help..I am searching a specials functions

    Hello Hello I hope that someone coul help me...I am working whith a database in Access, and I need some functions.One is that I can use to show a field depending of the content of the field..for example if I have a field named cost I want that if the cost is major than 500 show the word...
  14. mgonzalez

    Help with a count..

    Hello I hope that someone coul help me... I am trying to do a simple count of registers from a access database like this sql = &quot; select count(1) as con_reg from tab_mx &quot; set rstmx = bd_tmx.execute(sql) I did the query in the database and worked but when I try to do in the code...
  15. mgonzalez

    problems with &quot;filesystem.filecopy&quot;....

    Hello I hope that someone coul help me... I am trying to use the instruccion filesystem.filecopy like this: Dim var1,origin,destiny as string origin = &quot;C:\files\123.jpg&quot; destiny = &quot;C:\files\newfolder&quot; Var1 = filesystem.filecopy(origin,destiny) But when a start the...
  16. mgonzalez

    Help whith Unkown API GetIni...

    Hello I am new working whith API's and I have the to review a aplication that is using them.I have read some documents and couldn't find nothing about a API that is declared: Declare Function GetIni Lib &quot;Kernel32&quot; Alias &quot;GetPrivateProfileStringA&quot; (ByVallpApplicationName...
  17. mgonzalez

    Help with Operator like

    Hello I am doing a query to databse access 2000 whith the operator like this is sentence query = &quot; SELECT f1,f2,f3 FROM DTI where name like ' * &quot; & pname & &quot; * ' &quot; I have readen other articles related whith this problem.Until I now this is the correct way to do the...
  18. mgonzalez

    asp and interdev.....

    Hello I before have used Interdev whith IIS to make ASP pages but now I want do them whithout use a web server only in a test I am using ultra edit to make it whithout a web server but when browse it don't go to page that a write(<form...the server asked me if I want download a...
  19. mgonzalez

    A proyect without Interdev???

    Hello Someone know if is posible add a proyect to IIS a proyect without use interdev?? Sorry if is a fool question but really a don´t know a lot about IIS Thanks
  20. mgonzalez

    Visual Basic accesing data of Turbo Pascal

    Hello I going to start a small proyect in Visual Basic, I going to create a small database en acces for new information, but there is another system that contain information that I need but this sistem was created whith Turbo Pascal..many time ago.So I would like if someone could tell me how...

Part and Inventory Search
