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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Tivoli0
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  1. Tivoli0

    Excel Macro to go to first cell in last row?

    Hi all, I've created a macro via VBA that does the "Ctrl-End" keystrokes, i.e takes me to the Last Cell in a worksheet: Sub MacroLastCell() ' Perform the Ctrl-End x = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Select End Sub My question: How can I have it...
  2. Tivoli0

    Converting Totals Minutes & Seconds to HH:MM:SS

    Hi GingerR, Your point is well taken! For the sake of this thread here is the description of the 2 text boxes: Name: Text43 (should be txtSumSumOfLengthMin) Control Source: =Sum([SumOfLengthMin]) Name: Text45 (should be txtSumSumOfLengthSec) Control Source: =Sum([SumOfLengthSec]) Appreciate...
  3. Tivoli0

    Converting Totals Minutes & Seconds to HH:MM:SS

    Thanks for your help but still couldn't figure it out! So, after spending 3 hrs breaking each component I found(!) the solution and now posting it for anyone who may experience the same: The 2 fields, Sum([LengthMin]) and Sum([LengthSec]) are in the Report Footer as Text43 and Text45...
  4. Tivoli0

    need code for VBA in access for a refresh button

    Try this: Private Sub city_AfterUpdate() Me!city.Requery End Sub Private Sub city_Change() Me.Refresh End Sub Tivoli0
  5. Tivoli0

    Calculating Sum of Calculated Values

    Change the text field to numerical field. HTH
  6. Tivoli0

    Converting Totals Minutes & Seconds to HH:MM:SS

    Hi all, I have 2 fields in a report that total the length of all songs in a database as in the following format: =Sum([LengthMin]): =Sum([LengthSec]) A sample result output is 350:7500 which means: The total length of all songs is 350 minutes and 7500 seconds. I wanted the output to show a...
  7. Tivoli0

    Where is the thread about "Page Break" of today?

    Rick, I did not try it with anything but IE5.5 Worked great though. -Tivoli0
  8. Tivoli0

    Where is the thread about "Page Break" of today?

    oh, well, thanks RISTMO for *your reply. Since I believe you were on that thread, so let me just repeat what I stated in my reply: I was able to print out 50 pages on IE5.5 with the following setup: <head> <Style type=&quot;text/css&quot;> H2 {page-break-before:always} </Style> </head>...
  9. Tivoli0

    Where is the thread about &quot;Page Break&quot; of today?

    I've replied today to an article regarding of how to use a page break in this forum. Howcome I don't see it? -Tivoli0
  10. Tivoli0

    Files in Current directory

    What if I want to get the listing of files in BOTH directories, c:\mydir1\ and c:\mydir1\mydir2? Do I have to run the line set f=fs.GetFolder()twice, ie set f=fs.GetFolder(&quot;c:\mydir1&quot;) and then set f=fs.GetFolder(&quot;c:\mydir1\mydir2&quot;) ?
  11. Tivoli0

    Web Page dsn less hook up to Access database

    instead of: set cnn = server.createobject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;) cnn.open &quot;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\test\testDB.mdb&quot; Do this: Set cnn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;) sConnection = &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;&quot; & _...
  12. Tivoli0

    Opening a Word Document from ASP

    Just my 2 cents... If you set the Word.doc document's properties to &quot;Read Only&quot; you shouldn't be afraid of modifying it by other users. That at least what I was doing and it worked just fine. -Tivoli0
  13. Tivoli0

    Need to load a document upon exiting another one...

    Hi bombboy , Thanks much for the tip! It works perfect. -Tivoli0
  14. Tivoli0

    Need to load a document upon exiting another one...

    Hi all, I have this code which loads &quot;resume.htm&quot;. When I &quot;x&quot; out the window I want to load &quot;homepage.htm&quot; that brings me back to the main page. I think I should be using the &quot;onUnload&quot; event but I don't know how to write the code and where to put it...
  15. Tivoli0

    Why SQL Return only one record with &quot;Like&quot;?

    Thanks for the prompt reply! You were right, I had to loop thru the recordset... boy, shows you how banged up I am...! Thanx again! -Tivoli0
  16. Tivoli0

    Why SQL Return only one record with &quot;Like&quot;?

    Hi all friends, Why do I get only one record return with these &quot;Like&quot; clause? I know I have more than one record of that one author or body. In fact, the query pulls only the most recent one. <% if request.form(&quot;keywordBody&quot;) <> &quot;&quot; then SQL =...
  17. Tivoli0

    How to &lt;a href&gt; a variable ?

    Hi all, I have a very simple code that for the life of me doesn't let me do a simple a href: -------------- snip ----------------- <%Do while not RS.EOF%> <tr BGCOLOR=&quot;#CCFFCC&quot;> <td ALIGN=&quot;left&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;><%= RS(&quot;title&quot;)%></td> <td...
  18. Tivoli0

    How to remove .ldb w/o rebooting server.

    Try refresh, F5, sometimes it works for me. -Tivoli0
  19. Tivoli0

    How to scroll line of text from right to left and not left to right?

    Hi dwarfthrower, You got a star for saving me hours of headache!!! Thanks!!! -Tivoli0
  20. Tivoli0

    How to scroll line of text from right to left and not left to right?

    Hi dwarfthrower, Thanks for your reply! Here is the code: <h2 id=&quot;txtScroll&quot; style=&quot;position:relative;left:-400;font-style:italic&quot;><font face=&quot;Arial&quot;>Welcome to my site!</font></h2> <script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> if...

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