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Search results for query: *

  1. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    The variable. But I may try preservedata on my test page as I am now trying to learn about preservedata and preselectListValue.
  2. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    Thank you very much. It worked great. John
  3. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    oh okay. The <cfif> is the condition that checks to see if it needs to dynamically add rows to the form. so I have my little query for my cfselect <CFQUERY NAME="JobTypes" DATASOURCE="intranet" DBTYPE="ODBC"> SELECT * FROM JobTypes ORDER BY JobType </CFQUERY> the I check for...
  4. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    In the jobtypes query, I am just displaying the name column in a drop down. That is all.
  5. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    I have playing trying to figure out how to do this and have come up with the following...although it still does not work, but am I on the right track?? so I tried this <cfif isdefined ("jobtypes.tasktype#idx#")> <cfselect name="tasktype#idx#" query="jobtypes"...
  6. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    I have one more question with this cfloop. Can I make the following <cfinput type="text" name="tasktype#idx#" value="#evaluate("form.tasktype#idx#")#" size="5" maxlength="5"> reference a cfselect like this <cfselect name="tasktype" query="jobtypes" value="jobtypevalue"...
  7. johnhig

    Excel slow to open with Chart

    Ok. Will try that and let you know. Thank You. John
  8. johnhig

    Excel slow to open with Chart

    It is 2003
  9. johnhig

    Excel slow to open with Chart

    Well I think it is the way it is set up because looking at it again the file size is 35 mb. That can take a minute or two I suppose. It does not have a lot of formulas. The sheet that has the data on it has about 53 records. I am going through it now to see how it got to a 35mb size file...
  10. johnhig

    Excel slow to open with Chart

    Hi, I not sure how to troubleshoot this because I think it is just how Charts work in general, but maybe someone has a suggetion. Bascially one of my users has 3 or 4 spreadsheets that have 3 sheets to them. Each one of the spreadsheets has a sheet with a chart on them. The files are saved...
  11. johnhig

    check if total is correct if not then font is red

    Well it worked. <cfset gettotal = evaluate("form.tripstart" & idx) + evaluate("form.tripend" & idx)> seemed to do the trick.
  12. johnhig

    check if total is correct if not then font is red

    ok so I am getting closer...I changed the evaluate to this <cfset gettotal = evaluate("form.tripstart" & idx) + ("form.tripend" & idx)> and message now reads that it can not conver form.tripend1 to a number.... so it is reading form.tripstart1, so it must be a syntax somewhere. I keep...
  13. johnhig

    check if total is correct if not then font is red

    ok....so I took a look at what you suggested on my query that loops. I am trying changed the following so it populates the total for the user. <cfset gettotal = evaluate("form.triptotal" & idx)> to <cfset gettotal = evaluate("form.tripstart" + "form.tripend" & idx)> Now I get the message...
  14. johnhig

    check if total is correct if not then font is red

    I love to just populate it, but I just learned how to do a cfloop to insert the values into my table and I don't know how to add a <cfset total = "#numberformat(tripstart + tripend)#"> to my loop Here is my loop/insert <cfloop from="1" to="#form.numba#" index="idx"> <cfset getproject =...
  15. johnhig

    check if total is correct if not then font is red

    Hi All, I just want to check to see if the number that was entered in the total column is correct. If it is not then I want the variable to have a red colored font. That way it flags the user that it is wrong and needs to be updated. The wrote the following but the font says black and I know...
  16. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    I actually got it to work. Just needed to tweek my form variables. Thanks Though John
  17. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    ok..I am stuck again. I know that this is simple but I can figure it out. I have added some rows that output a projectid and a taskid. <tr> <td colspan="2">RO:</td> <td colspan="2"><cfoutput...
  18. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    The only piece that is not really working is the tripdate field is inserting as a 1/1/1900 even though I have a date entered. John
  19. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    It does. I also found a tutorial on Easycfm.com that walked me through the same suggestion that you offered. Thank you again. I think I got it. See below: <tr> <td class="five">Date</td> <td class="five">Customer</td> <td class="five">Destination</td> <td...
  20. johnhig

    I want to use cfloop but....

    Hi Everyone, I have a form that has fields to it. I want the user to be able to enter up to 15 entries. I used a loop to have the additional rows display... here is the form code. <tr> <td width="48">&nbsp;</td> <td...

Part and Inventory Search
