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Search results for query: *

  1. RayGibbins

    File Corruption with Word Documents

    I got this to work with $Revision:: $ instead of $Revision: $ as in the SourceSafe documentation. This is due to a Word doc being a binary file, and SourceSafe changing the size of the file. Using a double colon, and as many spaces as you require for the max size you would expect, should...
  2. RayGibbins

    Month list between 2 dates!

    Just a slight mod to dragon's code... <CFSET date1 = &quot;01 Jan 2000&quot;> <CFSET date2 = &quot;01 Jan 2001&quot;> <Cfoutput> <Cfset numMonths = DateDiff(&quot;m&quot;, date1, date2)> <cfloop index=&quot;a&quot; from = &quot;1&quot; to =&quot;#numMonths#&quot;>...
  3. RayGibbins

    DataGrid. Assign a different ToolTipText for each row

    Here is the code I used in the MSFlexGrid control Private Sub grdParts_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Dim lngCount As Long Dim lngRow As Long For lngCount = 1 To grdParts.Rows If grdParts.RowIsVisible(lngCount) = True Then...
  4. RayGibbins

    Retrieving data via date

    AS krisbrixon's reply, but replace the single quotes as follows where EventDate >= ###currentdate## 12:00:00 AM# and EventDate <= ###currentdate## 11:59:59 PM#
  5. RayGibbins

    Huge table with every record duped. How to delete dupes?

    You could do it in Query Analyser using a temporary table -- First select only unique records SELECT DISTINCT * INTO #TempTable FROM YourTableName -- Empty your original table TRUNCATE TABLE YourTableName -- Repopulate it INSERT INTO YourTableName SELECT * FROM #TempTable --Delete the temp...
  6. RayGibbins

    Currency Round off

    Not the best bit of code, but I believe it works .... Dim strValue As String Dim strDecimal As String Dim intValue As String strValue = CLng(Text1.Text * 1000) intValue = Fix(Text1.Text) Select Case CInt(Right(strValue, 3)) Case 0...
  7. RayGibbins

    Currency Round off

    Heres a bit of VB code Note: there is no error checking Dim strValue As String strValue = CInt(Text1.Text * 100) Select Case Left(strValue, 1) Case 1, 2, 3, 4 Mid(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1, 1) = &quot;5&quot; Case 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...
  8. RayGibbins

    Currency Round off

    In SQL : select CEILING(50.260 * 10) / 10.0 as per
  9. RayGibbins

    table headers show after every row!

    <table> <tr><th>Date</th> <th>Age</th> </tr> <CFOUTPUT query=&quot;QRY_NUMBER&quot;> <cfif #QRY_NUMBER.recordcount# is not '0'> <tr><td>#Date#</td> <td>#Age#</td> </tr> </cfif> </table>
  10. RayGibbins

    Cant populate and disable text boxes according to DD value selected!!

    The best way is to create some dynamic VBScript. You will have to edit the field names but should at least get you started.... <CFQUERY datasource=&quot;XXXXXXXXX&quot; NAME=&quot;CarTypeDD&quot;> SELECT Car_id, Car_Description, Car_Make, Car_Model, Car_Year FROM Pubs.dbo.Car_Info...
  11. RayGibbins

    Combo box with 2 columns

    Use the ItemData Property to hold the YardID Loop through the Objects Combo1.AddItem Object.Yard Combo1.ItemData(Combo1.NewIndex) = Object.YardID Private Sub Combo1_OnClick() Msgbox Combo1.ItemData(Combo1.ListIndex) End Sub

Part and Inventory Search
