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Search results for query: *

  1. newcow

    SQL injections on my cf pages -- What To Do?

    what I ended up doing was the following: 1. use <cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "cf_sql_integer" value="#variable#"> This allows only 0-9 in the value. This stops injections. 2. use <cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "cf_sql_varchar" value="#variable#"> This allows only a-zA-Z0-9. This stops injections. 3...
  2. newcow

    SQL injections on my cf pages -- What To Do?

    Hi iamstillatwork I am useing cfqueryparam on all my SQL statements around my variables. I am guessing this is the same as putting single quotes around them i.e. '#url.or1#' . Will this protect me completely from SQL injection? Also I am having a bit of a problem with the below ORDER BY...
  3. newcow

    SQL injection How to stop it for CF code with an Access db

    Hi zemp, Can you repost the link please, it seems to be bad. newcow www.solutionswithservice.com
  4. newcow

    Not supporting ns4.x, ms4.x How to post mesagge to those Broswers?

    Hi, The following 2 lines fixed the problem. NS4.x & IE4.x are not both blind to my CSS. <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "stylecss.css";</style> <style type="text/css" media="print">@import "stylecssprn.css";</style> Go and take a look at www.carsinlondon.com in NS4.x or IE4.x and...
  5. newcow

    SQL injection How to stop it for CF code with an Access db

    Hi, I have read on the internet about SQL Interjections and I have gone about as far as I can in checking my coldfusion web application. I have 3 public files, that the public can access with out being logged it. I am wondering if there is any way to do sql interjections on the following...
  6. newcow

    Not supporting ns4.x, ms4.x How to post mesagge to those Broswers?

    Hi manarth ; The whole idea in my post is to hide my CSS from IE4.01 so it will only display content. Also to have IE5.01, 5.5, 6.0SP1 see stylecss.css and stylecssprn.css . I can use the following and that does the frist part for me - hides my stylecss.css sheet from IE4.01. <style...
  7. newcow

    SQL injections on my cf pages -- What To Do?

    Hi webmigit; Well the code I posted has nothing to do with the sql interjection at all. I was just noteing that I only have 3 files that the public can access, if they access other files and don't have Session.Auth set to YES then it will cflocation them to the login.cfm file. I think listed...
  8. newcow

    Not supporting ns4.x, ms4.x How to post mesagge to those Broswers?

    Hi manarth; I am not sure but you may of missed what I am trying to do. In my first post I stated "I am wanting to hide the CSS from IE4.01 so it will do the same thing."(do the same thing that ns4.x doesn't -- doesn't see the css and displays my pages with NO format from CSS). I have now...
  9. newcow

    Not supporting ns4.x, ms4.x How to post mesagge to those Broswers?

    Hi Vragabond ; Thanks for the link. I have seen those. I guess my problem is I have to different style sheets. One for print and one for screen. I need some way for everything above ns4.x and ie4.x to be able to get those 2 style sheets. Right now I have a test page...
  10. newcow

    html 4.01 or xhtml 1.0 which doctype should I use.

    Hi vongrunt & Vragabond vongrunt: Converting my site was quite easy. The site is like around 20 pages and I was already html 4.01 stict and I was like I noted following alot of the xhtml 1.0 specs anyway. You say that XHTML 1.0 stict can slow things down abit. How so? Vragabond: I...
  11. newcow

    html 4.01 or xhtml 1.0 which doctype should I use.

    Hi Vragabond; Yes I went ahead and changed the doctype and validated. No problems with the site at all. My questions were as follows: 1) Also I would like to know about the the following line. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">. Should I put this line in? What does it...
  12. newcow

    Not supporting ns4.x, ms4.x How to post mesagge to those Broswers?

    Hi, My website is testing on IE5.01, 5.5, 6.0SP1; NS6.2.3, 7.1, Mozilla 1.6; Firefox 0.8; Opera7 & Safari 1.2 . I am not supporting NS4.x or IE4.01. I have all my presentation markup in css files and am not using tables except for tabular data. I have make a ID called oldbrowsermessage and I...
  13. newcow

    html 4.01 or xhtml 1.0 which doctype should I use.

    Hi, I have been wondering what to do with my site www.carsinlondon.com . Where I should leave it html 4.01 stict or change the doctype to xhtml 1.0 strict. I have converted my site and put all the symantics or presentation markup in a CSS file. I have gone from html 4.01 trans to stict. And...
  14. newcow

    SQL injections on my cf pages -- What To Do?

    Hi, I have read on the internet about SQL Interjections and I have gone about as far as I can in checking my cf web application. I have 3 public files, that the public can access with out being logged it. The other backend files all have the following at the beginning of the file. <CFIF...
  15. newcow

    How to auto resize pictures I upload for my website?

    xtendscott: Well www.viux.com is $4.95/mon with 1GB 10email and 250MB and one DSN. They have the dll installed on there server already. The dll needs to be installed by your hosting company but that shouldn't be a problem. newcow
  16. newcow

    Button Text Size

    varnix google make a large submit button and look at the 2nd choice. <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Demonstration only" STYLE="font-family:sans-serif; font-size:large; font-style:italic; background:#ff0 none; color:#000; width:10em"> moooooooooo
  17. newcow

    How to auto resize pictures I upload for my website?

    imstillatwork: Yes autoresize was very simple to setup and works just fine. newcow
  18. newcow

    ie5.x box model hack works but give no margins?

    Hi, I am having problems with my http://www.carsinlondon.com/inventory.cfm page on ie5.02/5.5. The site width is setup as follows: <div id="content"> width:650px <div id="graphicheader"> border:1px </div> <div id="container1"> bg:pink; padding:8px; border:1px <div id="container2"> width:640px...
  19. newcow

    How to auto resize pictures I upload for my website?

    Ecobb: Ok great that is what I wanted to hear. I will take a peek at it over the weekend and see how it goes. Thanks. newcow
  20. newcow

    4 cfquery's on one form - is there an better way to do this?

    Seems like I am the only one posting on this thread but anyway here I go again. I have 3 querys now, you can see them above, and they are working fine. The 3 query's fill in vehicles on the right side of this page http://www.carsinlondon.com/pcardetail.cfm under Other #Model#, Other #Make# and...

Part and Inventory Search
