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Search results for query: *

  1. FRrogoy

    Object not found ''. error message

    In the past month I've had two instances of this problem on different DBs at different companies. One was doing a transferspreadsheet (to excel) and the other was getting the same error anytime anything do to with the printers happened (print preview, or defining a new report, for example). This...
  2. FRrogoy

    Access: Must use an updateable query error

    Posting this info to hopefully save someone the hours I spent resolving the problem! The latest SP that brought us the "unsafe expressions" errors also disabled Access' ability to update a linked Excel workbook via query. I had 2 excel sheets linked as tables, one the master and the 2nd...
  3. FRrogoy

    Serial out of sync with seq

    Oh, it's just a simple insert: $qry = "INSERT INTO tbl1(code, user, duty, seq,role, email) VALUES('$mycode',$uid,'$duty',$seq,'$_role','$_email')"; $db->query($qry); The primary key column (proc_id) isn't mentioned in the query. It works fine for months. Yesterday...
  4. FRrogoy

    select query help

    If you're using a language that allows you to handle the error you could just do the insert. If you get a duplicat key error you could handle it in whatever way is appropriate for tha application. We usually do a select first (with the new key) and then check the number of fields returned. If...
  5. FRrogoy

    Serial out of sync with seq

    Sorry, I meant getting out of sync in the other direction! Causing the "ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index tablename_pkey." Thanks for the tip on the sort being faster than the search. In this case though, I was just manually resetting the seq so code that does inserts would...
  6. FRrogoy

    Serial out of sync with seq

    I know how to fix the seq when it is out of sync with a table: SELECT setval('tablename_seq',(SELECT max(tbl_id_col) FROM tablename)); My question: anyone know how they get out of sync in the first place? The only code we have that inserts doesn't reference the id column, so PGsql should get...
  7. FRrogoy

    Insert into table from CSV file...

    I found (and fixed) a PHP class that handles all the functions you would ever need with CSV files. Used it a few times. Don't know if you were still looking... Frank
  8. FRrogoy

    might might be causing my select query to duplicate

    Sometimes a Select DISTINCT ... will solve that. Sometimes you need to make sure you are matching on the key and its equivalent when you have more than one table (or join one to itself). Did you view the SQL to see if anything looks funny? Frank
  9. FRrogoy

    pass and use openargs the ADO way?

    Hey, that works fine! Simple - I like that. Guess I should stay away from MS Help when I want a simple solution! Frank
  10. FRrogoy

    pass and use openargs the ADO way?

    Here's the event for the receiving form. (Other code is required to handle new (filtered) records.) Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then Dim InID As Integer Dim SQLwhere As String Dim RS As DAO.Recordset Set RS =...
  11. FRrogoy

    pass and use openargs the ADO way?

    Please excuse my symantics. If everything is still DAO, why do I have to go check the 3.x library to use it? I'm not being a smart___, just confused. I've been suffering through MS changes from Access 2 on up! Frank
  12. FRrogoy

    Number generator

    I've done this by keeping the current highest number in a table (by itself). When I have to insert a new record, I read the table, increment the number, use it for the new record and save it back to the table. Or you could use a count query to determine the current number of records. Of course...
  13. FRrogoy

    pass and use openargs the ADO way?

    Is there a way to pass the key to a form (and use it to set the records available in the opened form) in ADO style? All the solutions I've seen (Including the help in Access) require the old DAO references and libraries. Frank
  14. FRrogoy

    Chained Selectors Class

    Here is an enhanced implementation of the Zend chained selectors class. Selection from the first list populates the 2nd list. Selection from the 2nd list returns the value. The example also has a button which can be used if you don't want the immediate return from the 2nd selection. Some of the...
  15. FRrogoy

    Javascript problem in Firefox

    That got it! Thanks! I guess IE assumed the ID was the same as the name. I've spent many hours revamping my CSS and HTML to get it to work in Firefox. So far, all were problems I created and IE masked! And often where I fudged to compensate for what IE did to try and fix my mistakes...
  16. FRrogoy

    Javascript problem in Firefox

    This works ok in IE, but in Firefox the buttons don't work and I see an error in the javascript console. On the Mozilla forum, I was told I have obsolete javascript. I have select buttons next to a search results table. I replace the iframe on the right when a button is pressed. HTML (PHP)from...
  17. FRrogoy

    Mailmerge - remove extra spaces?

    Thought I was stumped after 3 hours of trying to get this to work! Did a few minutes more research after I posted this thread and found an excellent article on how to do it. It's at: http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/MailMerge/MMergeIfFields.htm Frank
  18. FRrogoy

    Mailmerge - remove extra spaces?

    I'm doing a mailmerge using address info from an Access table. The problem I'm having is the extra spaces between fields when one of the fields has no data, for example <<Middle_Name>>. It looks really bad on the 2nd line where the first field <<State_Prefix>> doesn't occur most of the time. So...
  19. FRrogoy

    SendKeys Alternative

    I used SendKeys in the past to send variable criteria and an {ENTER} to the buffer, and a subsequent query would pick up the selection when it ran. I typically allow the user to select the criteria from a pull-down list (combo box). Often a query is used to select a subset of a table for a...
  20. FRrogoy

    Can a field be conditionally Displayed in a query ?

    I think I did something like that by joining the same table twice in the query. The 2nd copy of the table was used to retrieve the field based on the condition in the other field. Another way I have done that sort of thing is to write one query and use it (as a table) in a 2nd query. It...

Part and Inventory Search
