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  1. HouDog

    Winsock Problem ?

    I'm wondering if anyone else has tried this and is experiencing the same problem or if it is simply my machine with possible a bad runtime/control or something... I moved the winsock1.close to a button. I then do a "make project1.exe". when I run project1.exe, it shows up both in my...
  2. HouDog

    Winsock Problem ?

    Hi, thanks for your replies. I also agree that I should not have to use CloseHandle(). I set the break point and it does stop in the Form Terminate Event and in fact, processing continues past my breakpoint. My IDE on the other hand freezes and goes into a Not Responding state. HD.
  3. HouDog

    Winsock Problem ?

    Hi All, I have created a sample vb6 project with 1 form with a Winsock control on it. Private Sub Form_Load() Winsock1.Protocol = sckUDPProtocol Winsock1.Bind 3000 End Sub Private Sub Form_Terminate() Winsock1.Close End Sub If I run it and open up the Task Manager, Project1.exe...
  4. HouDog

    VB6 Exe Build Number

    Ok thanks.
  5. HouDog

    VB6 Exe Build Number

    Hi all, I currently set my Major, Minor, and Revision values for my project. However, under Microsoft's file versioning model, there is a Build Number also. How and does VB6 allow me to modify this value ? For example, if my exe version is 1.2.2 and I check the Version Tab in the Properties...
  6. HouDog

    Winsock DataArrival Event

    OK cool. I'll take a look. Thanks for your help.
  7. HouDog

    Winsock DataArrival Event

    Hmm...looks like I won't be able to get away from DoEvents. Is there an equivalent to DoEvents that will allow me to process just non-UI events ? Just curious. Thanks for your answers.
  8. HouDog

    Winsock DataArrival Event

    Thank you for your response. However, the problem is that the DataArrival event does not fire during the loop. Once the iterations of the loop have completed, then I get all my ack at once. For example, if the loop iterates 3 times, i get 3 ack in a row once the loop has finished. For some...
  9. HouDog

    Winsock DataArrival Event

    Hi All, I am having a little problem with winsock and I hope someone can help me out. I am using UDP Protocol and want to simulate a SEND/Ack mechanism. I have a form with a button on it. When I click the button, I attempt to send my data. The receiving end returns an "Ack". Also, I have...
  10. HouDog

    Checking for Updates on the Web

    Cool, Thanks! I'm going to take a look at it right now. Thanks again.
  11. HouDog

    Checking for Updates on the Web

    Hi all, I have a little utility that runs at our customer sites. I am trying to add logic into the utility so that it updates itself via the internet. It needs to do the following with now user intervention 1) Check our website for newer versions 2) Download the latest version of itself in...
  12. HouDog

    IE Internet Security Zone error

    Ok...i solved my problem. bcastner, i tried what you suggested but it did not work. I also tried to uninstall it again...but to no avail. After some more surfing, i found this helpful article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=182569 I had to go directly into the registry...
  13. HouDog

    IE Internet Security Zone error

    Thanks for your reply. I will try this when I get home. I guess my question would be then...when i uninstalled SpyBot, why did my IE not return to normal function ?
  14. HouDog

    IE Internet Security Zone error

    Hi All...I hope that someone can help me on this one before I go bald (from pulling my hair out !!) I recently got infected with adwares and adware trojans. On the advice of a friend I downloaded SpyBot Search & Destroy v1.3. What a mistake that was...since then I have had nothing but...
  15. HouDog

    How to reset Identity field to 1

    Hi, would I execute that from a command line? or can I put that line in a stored proc ?
  16. HouDog

    How to reset Identity field to 1

    The Truncate Table worked like a charm. Thanks !
  17. HouDog

    How to reset Identity field to 1

    Hi all, I have a table that has an Identity Field as the primary key. Originally, it was created with the original seed value = 1 and increment = 1. After I delete all the records in the table, how do I reset it so that the next record inserted starts back at 1 instead of where it last left...
  18. HouDog

    SSL WebRequest

    Hi All, I have a little client utility that runs in the background and gathers sales data on a client machine and sends it to our web-site via the message body of a http request (webrequest) and setting the Method="POST". The problem is that the data is very sensitive (credit card#s, etc)...
  19. HouDog

    Connecting to SQL Server 2000 from DMZ

    Hi all, I am having problems connecting to sql server 2000 from our web server sitting in a DMZ and would appreciate any help. I have SQL Server 2000 running on Server 2003. I have a web server (IIS 6.0) runnon on Server 2003. I also have a ISA server. I am simply trying to create a...
  20. HouDog

    Retrieving Files sorted by Date order

    Thanks John, that worked great. Thanks again for your response.

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