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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  • Users: iLy54
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  1. iLy54

    WANTED - a setTimeOut script please!

    U could redirect the user to another page if there is no activity for x amount of time. here is a snippet of code I'd use for such a thing : var timer; function startOver() { location.href = 'startPage.html'; } function resetTimer() { timer = setTimeout("startOver()", 600000)...
  2. iLy54

    cell background!?!?

    thanx that helpd. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  3. iLy54

    cell background!?!?

    i have this script the forms a calender of the entire year. <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> <!-- // fill the month table with column headings function day_title(day_name){ document.write(&quot;<TD ALIGN=center WIDTH=35>&quot;+day_name+&quot;</TD>&quot;) } // fills the month table...
  4. iLy54

    html display..

    ok my xml document looks sumthing like this: <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?> <All_Letters> <letter>the content of the letter more content of the letter still more content </letter> <letter>the content of the letter more content...
  5. iLy54

    html display..

    how would i display an element that has an attribute, in html. like how would i display: <letter no=&quot;1&quot;>rsvp</letter> would i still be using the span tag with DATASRC='#xmldso' & DATAFLD=&quot;content&quot;. how would i use it if the element had an attribute. thanx, -Mon3y is...
  6. iLy54

    code issues!!

    when i try what you suggested it gives me an error saying &quot;id&quot; is not and object. this error comes from the script. if the form is submitted for server side processing then why would window.open() work and not window.location.replace? all i want to do is password protect a certain part...
  7. iLy54

    code issues!!

    iv tried everything and still hav the same problem. i made a mistake by puting the & in my post. my script doesnt hav it. i even pasted your code above and it stil gives the same problem. here's how i use it: <form> <p>User ID:<input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;id&quot;></p>...
  8. iLy54

    code issues!!

    whats wrong with this code? <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> function checklogin(x) { if ((x.id.value != &quot;peaches&quot;)||(x.pass.value !=&quot;cream&quot;)) { alert(&quot;Invalid Login&quot;); return false; } else...
  9. iLy54

    difference between dates?

    i dont get how i could use it in the code above? like the count down in the input field that mwolf00 supplyd.it continues to count down. could i say: if (secs<10) &quot;0&quot; + secs: secs i hop im makin any sort of sense hear. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  10. iLy54

    difference between dates?

    thanx, both your scripts were extremely helpful to me. but if i could ask 1 mor thing? when it displays single digits like 9 secs how could i change it two show to digits like 09 secs? -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  11. iLy54

    text link-underline apper onMouseOver

    this should do the trick: a.text:link {color: #ff0000; text-decoration: none} a.text:visited {color: #0000ff; text-decoration: none} a.text:hover {text-decoration: underline} add this to your css. hope i helped! -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  12. iLy54

    difference between dates?

    thanx harmmeijer. but i was thinkin something more along the lines of a digital clock like thing that counts backwards between 2dates. sory if i was vague with my question. could i be helped with this? thanx again. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  13. iLy54

    difference between dates?

    hi all, im need to display the difference between 2 dates. but i want it 2 show as a count down with number of days, hours, minutes and seconds. can anyone help me out on this one? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx so much. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  14. iLy54

    increase increment

    Cheyney, your script works like a dream. exactly what i needed, but there is sumthing that i would like to happen. at the moment everytime i close the browser and then the number refreshes back to 0. i dont want that to happen. what i want is that whateva the number is at, say 17 it should set...
  15. iLy54

    increase increment

    it would reach a maximum of 5 digits. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  16. iLy54

    increase increment

    i got this script wrkin fine.so hw would i use gifs as the numbers, if i have 0.gif to 9.gif. so the script will still do the same function but use gifs instead. like when u press add and the value is 9,it will use both 1.gif and 0.gif to make 10. if this is posible can anyone direct me please...
  17. iLy54

    increase increment

    thanx guys. you were both very helpful. u both deserve stars. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
  18. iLy54

    increase increment

    Hi people. i've reached a dead end with this one. i want for this to happen: every time a link is pressed a number in a text area should increase by 1.sumthing like this: 5 Add add would be the link. so everytime u click on add the number in the textarea here being 5...
  19. iLy54

    what is wrong with this?

    this is part of my code: // cookie functions function getCookieExpireDate(noDays){ var today = new Date() var expr = new Date(today.getTime()+31*24*60*60*1000) return expr.toGMTString() } function makeCookie(name, data, noDays){ var cookieStr = name + &quot;=&quot;+ data if...
  20. iLy54

    Cookie Dissapear!

    hi peolpe. im having difficulty with my exp date of a cookie that i'v set. This is the function i use: function getCookieExpireDate(noDays){ var today = new Date() var expr = new Date(today.getTime()+1000*60*60*24*365) return expr.toGMTString() } i'v set it to expire after a year but...

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