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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. Webflex

    Bloody _vti's...

    Thanks all, needed it in 2 places for each item in folder.SubFolders If Instr(1,item,"_vti")>0 Then Else ListFolderContents(item.Path) End If next 'Display a list of files. for each item in folder.Files If Instr(1,item,"_vti")>0...
  2. Webflex

    Bloody _vti's...

    Thanks, tried that in a few places with variable results but not the desired one, any chance you could comment it in the code? TIA
  3. Webflex

    Bloody _vti's...

    I picked up this useful code from brainjar to parse a set of folders and display hyperlinks to the contents. It does this really well but also includes the bloody _vti folders that FrontPage leaves lying around in the results. I know I need to add someting like If InStr(1, objItem, "_vti"...
  4. Webflex


    Yes it seems to, the AD users who were reporting problems can now access and the existing NT ones too, many thanks.
  5. Webflex


    Thanks, only place so went for the brute force option, it seems to have done the trick.
  6. Webflex


    Yeah tried snitz, nothing there, I'm thinking we'll just have to take the pain until we finish the migration.
  7. Webflex


    I'm running a copy of Snitz forum. in a mixed mode (and migrating) NT/AD domain. The forums utilise auto logon which works for NT users with this NT Set strNTUserInfo = GetObject("WinNT://"+strNTUser) strNTUserFullName=strNTUserInfo.FullName and for AD users with this AD Set strNTUserInfo...
  8. Webflex

    That old apostrophe problem

    Hmm, thanks, that threw an error like this (search string is hind) Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' Object required: '[string: "hind"]' /adsresults_results.asp, line 36
  9. Webflex

    That old apostrophe problem

    I know I need to add in some code (lname = replace(lname, "'", "''")) to handle apostrophe's in input fields but for the life of me cannot work out where to do it in this Macromedia generated code. Help.... TIA <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <% Response.Expires = 60...
  10. Webflex

    Mail FormField Order

    Thanks, I'll give it a try
  11. Webflex

    Mail FormField Order

    Hi I am mailing a form using the JMail component, when the form is sent the form fields are in apparently random order. At first I thought it was because I was using a table for layout however after removing the table the results are still the same.......? I have appended the form, the...
  12. Webflex

    Remove Space / Build Name

    perfect, thanks, works a treat
  13. Webflex

    Remove Space / Build Name

    Hi I'm trying to build an output starting with AUTH_USER that consists of First Initial and Surname without any space, for example 'Alexander Smith' becomes 'ASmith' not 'A Smith' As implemented below I get 'A Smith' and have problems with the length of the surname...
  14. Webflex

    First Initial Last Name

    Thnks, unfortunately a bad choice of mail naming convention means the address is not entirely predictable, in about 95% of cases it is.
  15. Webflex

    Sendmail / JMail Capture return EMail Address

    Quick reply, it's msg.From in the iteration I have, however it works, many thanks.
  16. Webflex

    First Initial Last Name

    Hi I currently use the code below (very helpfully supplied through this forum) to populate a users full name into a form field, I now want to take the first initial and surname to make part of an e-mail address (which will work in a large percentage of cases). How can I truncate...
  17. Webflex

    Sendmail / JMail Capture return EMail Address

    Hi I have an html form that includes a field for EMail address. This form passes to sendmail.asp (action=&quot;sendmail.asp&quot;) which uses the JMail component to actually send the message. I want the EMail field in the html form to be used as the 'msg.From' value in the sendmail process...
  18. Webflex

    Display PDF from database link

    Thanks, is there an easy way to make the link fire on page load?
  19. Webflex

    Display PDF from database link

    Hi The code line below is used to display an image referenced in a database field, I would like to open a pdf document instead that is referenced by a database field called dwglink. response.Write &quot;<img Src=&quot; & &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; & dwglink & &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; &...
  20. Webflex

    Web Proxy in PIX DMZ

    Try ISASERVER.ORG lot of help and useful info there.

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