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Search results for query: *

  1. Texanite

    [b]Excel Macro Help[/b]

    Skip, you're getting way over my head. Would you be amenable to my sending you the file and taking a look at it to see if you can figure out what's wrong with the macro? Thanks, Texanite
  2. Texanite

    [b]Excel Macro Help[/b]

    Keyboard shortcut is still associated with the macro.
  3. Texanite

    [b]Excel Macro Help[/b]

    I went to Macro, Edit and pasted your macro then saved it. Don't know whether this has anything to do with it or not but this spreadsheet was imported from Oracle. All text is in column A. But that shouldn't make any difference should it? When I recorded the macro, column A was the only...
  4. Texanite

    [b]Excel Macro Help[/b]

    I copied it over my macro and it just sits there and bleeps at me everytime I hit he shortcut... Nothing happens.
  5. Texanite

    [b]Excel Macro Help[/b]

    I have tried and tried to set up a macro to find and delete the next 8 lines within the spreadsheet. Nothing seems to work! Below is the Macro. Can anybody fix this or tell me what I am doing wrong? The Macro quits after the first search. It acts like it is operating as an absolute but I...
  6. Texanite

    <b>Condtional Formatting Formula</b>

    I have a text column "B" and in several cells the word "Rebill" appears. I would like to have a formula that works in conditional formatting that would allow me to highlight in yellow all cells with the word "Rebill" in the cell. The word does not appear in the same place in the string all the...
  7. Texanite

    [b]Excel Total/Subtotal Sort Problem[/b]

    I have a 10,000 row payroll spreadsheet that I need to work with the totals and subtotals without the detail. Part of the problem is that when I collapse the subtotals they show up in the amount column (K) but I need the information that is in column I in order to do my sorting. How do I get...
  8. Texanite

    [b]Embedding an Image in an Excel Header/Footer[/b]

    Is it possible to embed an image in an Excel header and/or footer? I tried copying it and that didn't work. Anybody have a suggestion? I'm trying to get a logo into the header. Thanks, Texanite
  9. Texanite

    Text/Value Problem

    I have a column of numbers and some are text and some are values. Have tried everything to turn the text numbers into values (tried cut & past values and tried =value) and nothing seems to work. Am trying to sort on that column and until I can resolve this problem, it won't sort correctly...
  10. Texanite

    Deleting Part of a Cell in Excel/b]

    I have 4,00 rows and in one column each cell has a number, a space and the word Total after the numbers, i.e, 123456 Total. I need to get rid of the space and word total. Surely there has to be a simple way to do that. Thanks, Texanite
  11. Texanite

    Excel Formula Help

    I keep getting an error message that "File Not Found". These are all in the same file, just different tabs. Thanks, Texanite
  12. Texanite

    Excel Formula Help

    Ken, I think maybe I have not explained this too well. The following are the columns and what I want to do with it. FY Column I 4260 24 4 350 80 CC Column A 02 04 06 02 03 CC Column C 4 24 80 350 4260 The FY Column I has 550 Rows (some rows are blank) The CC Columm C I am trying to match...
  13. Texanite

    Excel Formula Help

    Thanks, Ken but that didn't work either. I played with the ranges but it still wouldn't work. Texantie
  14. Texanite

    Excel Formula Help

    Dyan, the formula you gave me does not match the numbers. What is in sheet 1 A1 does not equal what is in sheet 2 A1. I must find it in list on sheet 2. Thanks, Texanite
  15. Texanite

    Excel Formula Help

    Thanks for the help. But although it's true I can copy the first two digit numbers, that doesn't address the last 4 digits I need as a end result (see example in original post). True, I can copy the two digit number How do you achieve that? Thanks, Texanite
  16. Texanite

    Excel Formula Help

    I have a spread sheet with two tabs one called FY and another called CC. In the CC spreadsheet column A has a series of two digit numbers from 01 through 04 (with the leading zero) and column C has a series of numbers with no leading zeros; the numbers can be up to 4 digits. In tab FY column H...
  17. Texanite

    Excel VLOOKUP Help

    OK, that was the problem for the most part, the Rollup sheet was not sorted. I was also trying to compare a character with a value so fixed that and sorted the Rollup sheet and it works on all 20,000 rows EXCEPT the first row! Why won't it work ont he first row? Texanite
  18. Texanite

    Excel VLOOKUP Help

    That is indeed what I'm doing. However, tried your formula and am getting a #N/A result. There should be a match for everything within the Rollupsort table. Thanks, Texanite
  19. Texanite

    Excel VLOOKUP Help

    Need vlookup help on the following problem. I have a spreadsheet with a tab called "Rollupsort" that has a column A & B through row 415. I have another spreadsheet with a name tab of "Account Analysis". I am trying to find a match in column A in "Rollupsort" with...
  20. Texanite

    Excel Date Formula

    Duhhhhhhh..... Thanks, Texanite

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