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  • Users: cimd
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  1. cimd

    RDO and 429 Error

    Thanks a lot to GhostWolf. I checked the article, tested it, and same problem. Think I'm gonna do it with ADO as Bluejay07 suggests... Thanks a lot anyway!
  2. cimd

    RDO and 429 Error

    Hi: I'm trying to connect to a mysql database with rdo. I have the reference installed, regitered the msrdo20 dll and installed the mysql odbc connector, but the result is still the same: ActiveX can't create object. The error appears here: Dim db As rdoConnection Set db = New...
  3. cimd

    Clipboard and excel

    UA!!! amazing!! Thanks again!!
  4. cimd

    Clipboard and excel

    Thanks vladk. It works perfectly. Do you know how can I add more than 1 to a cell?
  5. cimd

    Clipboard and excel

    This is the code: 'Loads the picture Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\sign\AdGeneral.bmp") 'Copy to clipboard Clipboard.SetData Picture1.Picture 'Paste to excel Hoja.Cells(6, 13) = Clipboard.GetData(vbCFBitmap)
  6. cimd

    Clipboard and excel

    Hi! I'm trying to copy an image from a picturebox to a cell in Excel. I use the clipboard to copy it to memory (no problems there), but, when I try to paste it, it says Error in '_Default' method in 'Range' object (-2147418113 error code). And that error code is related to ImageList control...
  7. cimd

    Strage Problem

    Thanks for your help. I (finally) solved it. It was an easyer(?) problem: the switch itself had a problem. As soon as I changed it, it worked. It looks like it can not resend the signal for a "long" distance. Thanks a lot!!
  8. cimd

    Strage Problem

    Hi! I'm experiencing some problems with my network: I Have a swith connected to the backbone. There I have 2 PC's (OK) and another switch. All lights are ok. In the 2nd switch I have anoteher switch. Light is OK in both. In the trird one I have 6 PC's. All lights are on, and everithing seems...
  9. cimd

    help with collisions!!!

    Hi!! I'm having some "extrange" problems with my network. I have a pc connected to a hub and this one to a switch and I can't connect to the network with it (the collision light is on). But, if I put the pc directly connected to the switch, it works properly and if I put the same...
  10. cimd

    I have a listview with some columns

    I have a listview with some columns with Alignment.in the _ColumnClick event I sort Asc or desc. but the problem appears when i try to put an icon in the columheader: (ColumnHeader.Icon = 2 ) the Alignment pass to be lvwColumnLeft , se me desconfigura su alineación, although the value of the...
  11. cimd

    Min function

    ''Debug.Print Min(13, 12, 11, 3, 44) Private Function Min(ParamArray Values()) Dim i As Long Min = Values(0) For i = 0 To UBound(Values) If Values(i) < Min Then Min = Values(i) Next End Function
  12. cimd

    Using WriteFile API

    hi, i want to change only some chars of a file using WriteFile function how can I do that? actually i write all the bytes of the file: RetVal = WriteFile(hDrive, Buffer(1), UBound(Buffer), lWritten, 0) thanks for all.
  13. cimd

    determine how much time has open a file

    i need to know how much time has been open a file (open by other programs) thanks
  14. cimd

    Generate a stand-alone EXE file from your application.

    you have to create an exe (&quot;default.exe&quot;. when you want to create a new exe with your program open the default.exe file for input and copy all in a new file, then push a control code (example Print #newExe,&quot;<CONTROLCODE->&quot;) and insert all the data that the new exe will need...
  15. cimd

    Get the hWnd

    I want te hWnd of a Menu that i have created at runtime
  16. cimd

    Get the hWnd

    how i can get the hWnd of a window (or its rect) with its hDC? Thanks.-
  17. cimd

    Invisible Errors while running programs

    what´s happens in the ide?, appears any error msg?
  18. cimd

    creating a timer

    add this API declaration to yor form... Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib &quot;kernel32&quot; Alias &quot;Sleep&quot; (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) and just call it :Sleep 60000
  19. cimd


    I´m trying to create an ActiveX Server component, that have to run in a server machine. I can´t reference it in any client machine. Can somebody helps with DCOM!??

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