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Search results for query: *

  1. Vraylle

    Saving a bitmap

    In a pinch, you could create another, invisible picturebox. Resize to the desired size, PaintPicture into it, then SavePicture from that.
  2. Vraylle

    Databases, Access vs Visual Basic 6

    Report creation is very similar in both environments. Again, if you're doing a lot of "tricks" with the data, you'll have an easier time in Access.
  3. Vraylle

    Changing Printer Properties in VB code

    The VB printer object is flaky, at best. I recently had to go through some pain because of the way it interacts with NT. Try this article: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q173/9/81.ASP?LN=EN-US&SD=gn&FR=0&qry=printer%20orientation%20NT&rnk=1&src=DHCS_MSPSS_gn_SRCH&SPR=VBB It...
  4. Vraylle

    control to perform ftp

    Try this link: http://codeguru.earthweb.com/vb/articles/1852.shtml
  5. Vraylle

    Wierd ADODB.Recordset problem

    Neat trick (the BOF and EOF bit), by the way. I have no idea for a solution now...but will watch this thread with interest.
  6. Vraylle

    Databases, Access vs Visual Basic 6

    Funny this should come up, since I'm currently developing this sort of thing with both VB6 and Access 97. My take is this: For rapid development of applications with complex data manipulation, Access is much better. For a solid and robust application that is less prone to odd errors, VB is the...
  7. Vraylle

    Wierd ADODB.Recordset problem

    Maybe I'm just dense (and I work with this sort of thing daily!), but how can BOF *AND* EOF be true at the same time?
  8. Vraylle

    ComboBox syntax to find an item in the list

    Try setting the ListIndex property of the combo box.
  9. Vraylle

    help with error handler

    If you're getting a "subscript out of range" error with this, there's only a few things that it's likely to be: 1. The rsSelected array has a lower bound greater than 1. If this is the case, try "For i = LBound(rsSelected) To UBound(rsSelected)" 2. The rsSelected array was...
  10. Vraylle

    What are the Advantages of VB vs C++

    Felt the need to reply to VisitorNow's comment: I've been programming in DirectX with VB for a while now. It performs quite nicely. On my 233 I can refresh a screen of tiled images at 80+ fps with no flicker or stutter. No API required.
  11. Vraylle

    ComboBox syntax to find an item in the list

    First of all, if you try to loop from 0 to ListCount, you'll go one step too far. Try this: for a = 0 to combo1.ListCount - 1 Second, the property you're looking for is List. IE: If Right(Combo1.List(a),8) = "00890034" Then 'Do whatever... Really though, if you're dealing with...

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