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Search results for query: *

  1. dallasweb

    custom tags not processing

    Sounds like the tmeplates were opened, saved which will hose up an encrypted cf template OR You missed something in the install process. Refer to this link for install instructions: http://www.gilgamesh-solutions.com/dynamicpdfmanual.cfm#4 Good luck
  2. dallasweb

    Using CF and XML

    Here is the result of the above code: something.cfc?WSDL <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://test.cfm" xmlns:impl="http://test.cfm" xmlns:intf="http://test.cfm" xmlns:apachesoap="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"...
  3. dallasweb

    Using CF and XML

    bombboy... Here is a sample of how to write a component (CFC) Save as something.cfc and then call it from a browser as something.cfc?WSDL....a you'll see you soap doc. There is some good documentation avail on the web ...just search for coldfusion cfc <cffunction access="remote"...
  4. dallasweb

    cfmailparam attach file problem

    Could it be a case issue? If you're on unix case matters...so if the file is text2.txt, it will not find Text2.txt....on Windows it doesn't matter as for case
  5. dallasweb

    Using CF and XML

    If you're using MX, then the axis soap engine is on your server. (diff ver based on service pack) You can write your code in cfc's and call it in a browser with "?WSDL" as your query string and it will return the cfc as a web service wrapped in soap. CF does it all for you....you shouldn't have...
  6. dallasweb

    how to store multiple values in a single session variable

    First you must set your cfapplication tag on application.cfm prefered. ex: <cfapplication name="myapp" clientmanagement="Yes" sessionmanagement="Yes" setclientcookies="Yes"> Then; List or string: <cfset session.thisUser_id = get_user_types.user_id> <!--- sets the value in session scope --->...
  7. dallasweb

    how to store multiple values in a single session variable

    a list, structure or array will work. Look in documentation for more info on each
  8. dallasweb

    Certification question

    Certified Macromedia ColdFusion MX Developer Study Guide by Ben Forta $23.79@amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0321180585/qid=1089312254/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-1034907-6779938?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
  9. dallasweb

    How to populate dropdown 2 based on the value in dropdown1.

    You can use twoselectsrelated.cfm by including if in you web root and reference it using cfmodule....like this: <!--- first create your attributes collection ---> <cfset attrCollection1 = StructNew()> <cfset attrCollection1.Name1="location"> <cfset attrCollection1.Name2="room">...
  10. dallasweb

    Date compare from XML

    Hello, Is the an obvious way to do this....cuz I'm banging my head on the wall here. I have a XML doc that has a date-time value. I want to compare that date against now. If XML date is in the future, proceed to next frame kinda thing. What format does a date-time have to be in order to...
  11. dallasweb

    calling a library movieclip within function

    I solved it, hopefully will help someone else. slides_xml = new XML(); slides_xml.onLoad = startSlideShow; slides_xml.load(&quot;logo_scroller.xml&quot;); slides_xml.ignoreWhite = true; // // Show the first slide and intialize variables function startSlideShow(success) { if (success == true)...
  12. dallasweb

    calling a library movieclip within function

    Hello all, I have a basic image/link rotater. It loads from a XML file and images from a directory. What I'm trying to do is add a alpha tween to images as they are loaded. Here is my action script: slides_xml = new XML(); slides_xml.onLoad = startSlideShow...
  13. dallasweb

    loop over all nodes

    Is there a simple way to loop over all xml nodes and display their name and values with XSL? Kinda like a XML dump to html.
  14. dallasweb

    Format xml grouping by date??????

    Hello all, Here is my xml doc and desired output. I'm pretty new to using xslt and this has really stumped me. So any help is appreciated. XML: <VitalSignsComponent> <patient_info> <vitals> <type>bp</type> <date>04/14/2003</date> <time>13:15:00</time> <sys_value>157</sys_value>...
  15. dallasweb

    CFFILE on linux

    I'm using linux and for my image upload path I use: <CFFILE ACTION=&quot;UPLOAD&quot; FILEFIELD=&quot;imageupload&quot; DESTINATION=&quot;/wwwroot/folder/images&quot; NAMECONFLICT=&quot;MAKEUNIQUE&quot; ACCEPT=&quot;image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/pjpeg&quot;> No drive letter...
  16. dallasweb

    New to CF. Trouble w/ parameters.

    Post the code from that .cfm page.
  17. dallasweb

    Re-using variables with 'Next' buttons.

    Priya, I've done this before and used a hidden form field. Try using debugging to see if the form field is being passed with a value... Post your code so I see whats going on here.
  18. dallasweb

    CF server on one box, wwwroot on another?

    I have a win2000/IIS-5/CFServer(Server) box and another wins2000/CFstudio(Dev) box. What I'd like to do is run cfserver on &quot;Server&quot; and keep my cfm files(wwwroot) on &quot;Dev&quot;. This will work for HTML pages but I haven't been able to get CF to process a cfm page located on...
  19. dallasweb

    url to track customers

    Are you using a form to pass the hidden field?
  20. dallasweb


    <TR bgcolor=&quot;#iif(GetResults.currentrow MOD 2, DE('black'), DE('white'))#&quot;> <TD bgcolor=&quot;##FFCC99&quot;>#CustomerName#</TD> <TD bgcolor=&quot;##FFCC99&quot;>#State#</TD> </TR> Rock on!

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