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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. SmallCraig

    Hide form on lost focus

    alehawk (if that is your real name ... ;-) ) I wanted to do something similar a while ago, and have found that, like you, I can't do it. At first blush, this makes no sense, but a little thought reveals why the observed behaviour is logical. When a control on the form loses the focus...
  2. SmallCraig

    Personal macros in Excel

    Hi there SBendBuckeye, Yes, you are correct - the code does go into the application. It's a bit fiddly to control another application from within VB, but it can be done! And thanks for the star! Regards, SmallCraig[upsidedown] ---------------------------------------- "Come see where...
  3. SmallCraig

    Personal macros in Excel

    The method I use to get around this is to place the macro code in an external file; load the file contents as a macro at run-time; then execute the macro. This code comes from a VB program that has been doing this for 2 years (so I know it works): Set oExcel = New Excel.Application...
  4. SmallCraig

    Using an excel macro, how to reformat print area without saving?

    Ryan, Since you clearly know the number of rows in each sheet, add some code to set the print area for each page: With PageSetup .Printarea = "$A$1:$H$" & cstr(intLastRow) ' etc. End With There are a lot of other page setup properties. If you record a macro that does any...
  5. SmallCraig

    Invoking macros

    Itron, Is it the Outlook trigger or the running of the Access macro that's your problem? If it's the Outlook trigger, I did it once, but found it so unreliable that I ditched it in favour of processing my mail via a manual button-click. It was a while ago, so I can't remember the details, but...
  6. SmallCraig

    ItemSend event - getting the senders account

    Andrew, I haven't used Outlook 2003, but I do know that there are a number of properties/objects not exposed by the Oultook object model. For example, I've needed to find the actual e-mail address (as opposed to the display name) of the sender, which is NOT availaible in the Outlook object...
  7. SmallCraig

    A real challenge!

    Chris, I don't know if "renaming" an e-mail is possible (does it have a name?), but you certainly can move it to a particular folder based on that name. That's what this bit of code does: Set oProcessed = _...
  8. SmallCraig

    A real challenge!

    Chris, In fact what you want to do is not that complicated. It's long, and you need to keep track of where you are, but VBA is very friendly when it comes to its own objects. I've developed a similar system for automating the processing of incoming mail. You can do it so that Outlook...
  9. SmallCraig

    Incrementing letters (just a quick q)

    Neil, To "increment" letters, you need to use the ASCII values of the letters, and increment those, converting them back to letters to use them. The ASCII value of "A" is 65, "a" is 97, etc. So, to get the "number" associated with a letter, use the...
  10. SmallCraig

    Variable 'fieldinfo' array in Excel opentext

    Skip, Thanks for your reply. I tried what I thought you meant, but met with no success. So, a couple of questions: When you say a "range", do you mean a "named range", rather than a range as in Dim aryRange As Range Also, I was attempting an "OpenText" rather...
  11. SmallCraig

    Variable 'fieldinfo' array in Excel opentext

    This is a question I've considered for some time, but the need hasn't been so pressing until now. In Excel, the "opentext" method accepts an array of "fieldinfo", which tells the open method how to treat each column of data imported. I have the potential need to make that...
  12. SmallCraig

    ComboBox styles

    Denster, Surely if you set the style to "Dropdown list" or "Dropdown Combo", your requirement can be satisfied? Either of these can be "loaded" progammatically. Sure the user can still "enter" something into the text part of a dropdown combo, but if you...
  13. SmallCraig

    Invalid Arguement Message when searching Memo Field

    codejockey, "Memo" fields seem to be quite strange beasts - ever tried to open your table, select the memo field and then try to sort the table on it? Access greys out the sort buttons - it can't be done! I've never tried to do a find on such a field, but I'm guessing yur problem...
  14. SmallCraig

    Date format converts when I open CSV with VBA

    Greetings to you all, Just thought I'd weigh in (and my weight is not inconsiderable!), not with a solution, but with a further occurrence of the same problem! I have experienced exactly the same problem as you, dj, and have also been perplexed that, when I open the same CSV file via the Excel...
  15. SmallCraig

    use a variable by reference, address ? like "&" in foxpro

    CajunCenturion, Thanks for the extra knowledge. But I can't quite imagine a situation where I'd actually want to do that. Can you give an example of a time when that would be required? Always interested in exploiting someone else's experience! SmallCraig[upsidedown]
  16. SmallCraig

    How to open up an Outlook 'new mail' page?

    009, Ah, Grasshopper, you have come to the right place ... First things first. You will need to reference the Outlook object model appropriate to the version of office/Outlook you are using. In the References list, it will be called "Microsoft Outlook x.x Object Model". On my...
  17. SmallCraig

    use a variable by reference, address ? like "&" in foxpro

    thomascd, All you need to do is leave the quotes out of your second assignment statement, and then reference the variable directly in your "msgbox" line: m1="my value" m2=m1 msgbox m2 'WILL display "my value" and not "m1" There is no such thing as...
  18. SmallCraig

    Acces Application updating linked ODBC database

    A colleague has developed a solution for one of our users which involves the following: 1. An existing MS Access application; 2. A linked table within the Access database, using ODBC; 3. The link is to an HPe3000 IMAGE database, using Minisoft's ODBC driver. To add another level of complexity...
  19. SmallCraig

    VBS vs VBScript "Shell" issue

    sfvb, Thanks for the speedy reply - someone's on the ball! No, it's not a typo, and here's the history. I'm running under a Citrix server environment (Terminal Services stuff, if you're not familiar), and the "programs" drive is the "M:" drive. However, I tried running...
  20. SmallCraig

    VBS vs VBScript "Shell" issue

    I have a VBA program (macro running in Outlook) which happily (i.e., successfully) executes the following code: Shell ("M:\Program Files\HPCOMMS\HPCOMMS hp;setyymm") However, when I attempt to run similar code from VBScript: set Shell =...

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