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Search results for query: *

  1. GFrantsen

    VB and Access Printing Question

    I have a couple of questions. These might better belong in the Access forum, I don't know. 1st, If I am using Access reports thru VB, is there an easy way to print-preview them? 2nd, How do I force the report in Access to print landscape vs. protrait? Thanks. Greg.
  2. GFrantsen

    I can't pass dates to Oracle

    Hmmm...seems to me we had to put # around our dates to get them to work i.e. #11/18/2002# or something like that. It's been a while. later. greg.
  3. GFrantsen

    how do you exclude a random number after it has been use it a loop?

    Here's a simple way to do it. It involves creating an array (bucket) with all the possible values in it, "shaking" it, and then "drawing" them out one at a time. Option Explicit Dim intBucket() As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim intCounter As Integer...
  4. GFrantsen

    ATT: VB gurus. Msflexgrid and entering data

    Try this (or something like it) - Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) With MSFlexGrid1 Select Case KeyAscii Case 8 On Error Resume Next .Text = Left$(.Text, Len(.Text) - 1) Case Else .Text = .Text & Chr$(KeyAscii) End...
  5. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    I'm not sure how this helps. I need to be able to take a hex value in a variable, and turn it into a long. Not signed. I get a value back from the API call that is supposed to be a long with the volume in it. If I do a HEX on it, I get "FFFFFFFF" which is the MAX volume of the left...
  6. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    But I need to be able to turn the "FFFF" into a non-hex value. I have a string with "FFFF" in it. NOW, I need to make it 65535. I can't do something like dim strString as string dim lngJohn as long strString = "FFFF" lngJohn = &HstrString& There has GOT to be an...
  7. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    I was just following your example. I also tried it with a long instead of a variant. Same result.
  8. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    Dim lngJohn As Long Dim varGreg As Variant varGreg = CLng(&HFFFF) lngJohn = &HFFFF& Print varGreg, lngJohn returns - -1 65535
  9. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    OK, so now I have a string containing "FFFF". How do I make that into 65535?
  10. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    That was the first thing I tried. But on my machine john = CLng(&HFFFF) returns -1. Greg.
  11. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    Thanks everyone. I don't need to go any bigger than &HFFFF since this is the max volume of one sound channel. The actual sound API function returns something like "FFFFFFFF" where the first 4 are one channel, and the second 4 are the other channel. I just needed a way to get, store...
  12. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    Thanks. I'll check that out. I can't believe there's not an easier way to do this. All I want to do is get a Hex value between 0 and FFFF and turn it into a normal (NON-HEX) number. Thanks. Greg.
  13. GFrantsen

    Fun with HEX.and &H

    I am having a problem with the HEX() and &H functions. I need to turn &HFFFF into 65532, not -1. Can anyone tell me how to do this? If you do a HEX(65532) you get FFFF. If you do a HEX(-1) you get FFFF. I'm assuming because the default &H has something to do with being signed. How do I UNsign...
  14. GFrantsen

    Multimedia control

    OK, I check it out. I don't get it. I wanted to convert the hex values to numbers, increment/decrement them, convert them back and then adjust the volume. I seem to get wierd results. Here's some stuff I copied from the Debug window. ?&HFFFF -1 ?hex(-1) FFFF ?hex(65535) FFFF How can hex(-1)...
  15. GFrantsen

    Multimedia control

    Thanks. Those APIs work great. I can set and monitor the volume on the wave device. Now my only problem is trying to do the actual fade. Volumes are expressed in Hex (FFFFFFFF being max, 00000000 being min). The first 4 are for one channel, the second for the other. I want to do a fade effect...
  16. GFrantsen

    Multimedia control

    Thanks. That worked great. Now, I have a new request from the user (don't you just LOVER scope creep!?). They want to be able to control the volume automatically. Have the songs "fade out" or "fade in". Any ideas? Thanks. Greg.
  17. GFrantsen

    Multimedia control

    Starting a new thread. Butchered the last one. How do I skip ahead using the multimedia control? I need to just ahead 10 seconds (or some other amount) in a selection. Thanks. Greg.
  18. GFrantsen

    MCI Control

    MMC I meant MMC Does anyone know how to skip ahead with an MMC control - for example move ahead 10 seconds in the current selection? Not sure WHY I called it an MCI control. What a dork. later. greg.
  19. GFrantsen

    Change an Access Query Using VB

    CCLINT is correct. I had a simular problem to this and the only way I could get around it was to delete the query first then recreate it. As long as you use the same name, you are ok when you run the report. Where I ran into additional problems was that I was creating an application for...
  20. GFrantsen

    Treating text files as database

    I need to know how to do this. I want to be able to use SQL to update a text file, for example changing every occurance of "Chuck" to "Charles". Is this possible? How do you do it? I know SQL VERY well, but I've never done the text file thing. I need to know specifics...

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