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  1. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    i found this http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/aspnet/WEB_c9c.aspx#q45q which states that the session object is not available in the Application_OnAuthenticateRequest handler inside global.asax. I wonder if it is the same for the application_onerror event? Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on...
  2. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    I am back I am still trying to fix this issue HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(HttpContext.Current.Session) shows nothing and HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(HttpContext.Current.Session.Count & "<BR>") gives the Object reference not set to an instance of an object. error. Don't...
  3. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    sorry mate i have to go now and I will not be back infront of a computer for a week (yeah!) thanks for all your help.... when I get back i will keep trying to figure it out.... Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  4. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    tried putting HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(HttpContext.Current.Session.Count) in the page_load of an aspx file and it displays fine Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  5. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    ok I have put all the code in a code behind file, which works until I add the HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(HttpContext.Current.Session.Count) and I get the same error again... Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  6. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object. do you mean creating a code behind file for the global.asax file? Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  7. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    no error - but also nothing is displayed. Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  8. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    thanks for sticking with me here... HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("ASD") works fine Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  9. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    I get the same error Object reference not set to an instance of an object Excuse my ignorance - but I don't know how to mark it for debuggging. I have to use Dreamweaver and I have not worked out how to do that. I have a try, catch block - which shows me the error. I test be taking the line...
  10. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    yep any session variable... Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  11. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    it dies as soon as it hits Dim o As Object = HttpContext.Current.Session.Item("client_id") with the same error message Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  12. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    I am certain that the error occurs on that line and I know that the session variable exists as I am using it throughout the application. I have also tried Dim ClientID as string = HttpContext.Current.Session("client_id").ToString and I get the same error If try Dim ClientID as string =...
  13. vwhite

    Session variables in Application_onError

    Hello all, I have a procedure in Application_onError in the global.asax file that sends an email to the Administrator and then redirects to an error page. In the email it also sends some information that has been retreived from session variables. This used to work fine. Now it doesn't - the...
  14. vwhite

    Error Handling

    That tentatively seems to work although I am really unsure why the system has now decided to run the application_onerror event now that all it does is the Server.Transfer. Previously I had it sending an email then doing a Server.Transfer However - from what I read I thought that the order of...
  15. vwhite

    Error Handling

    I seem to be having an awful lot of trouble with error handling in ASP.NET when it should be pretty simple. I have an Application_OnError Sub in the Global.asax file that sends the error message to me then redirects to the generic error page. I also have the Custom Errors turned on in the...
  16. vwhite

    Custom Validator

    Is it something to do with doing server-side validation? all built in validators work ok. I need to do server side validation as it has to go back to the database to check values. Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  17. vwhite

    Custom Validator

    I have the real validation code doing all kinds of stuff which all works fine - but it would never show the error message So I just put in the test_Valid code and set args.IsValid = False as shown above. Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  18. vwhite

    Custom Validator

    Hello all, I have a Custom Validator in a datagrid to check the validity of a field in a edititemtemplate. However the error message refuses to display. (Even if I deliberately set IsValid to False as shown below) I have exactly the same type of custom validator in the footer of the datagrid...
  19. vwhite

    Find Control in EditCommand

    It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do. It would seem that you cannot do this within the EditCommand that it has to be down within the OnItemDataBound Command. Then check if e.Item.ItemType = ListItemtype.EditItem Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke
  20. vwhite

    Find Control in EditCommand

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Vicky.... "I used to have a handle on life...then it broke

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