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Search results for query: *

  1. StayAtHomeMom

    In Select statement?

    It worked!! Thank you for clearing the cobwebs!! And thank you PHV for the link about Joins. I will bookmark it for future reference. You guys are THE BEST!!
  2. StayAtHomeMom

    In Select statement?

    Here is my SQL, even though I know it's wrong: SELECT [SalesDetail].TerrNo AS [Terr No] FROM [SalesDetail] INNER JOIN MexicanZips ON [SalesDetail].CustZIP = MexicanZips.BorderZip WHERE ((([SalesDetail].CustZIP) In (SELECT [BorderZip] FROM [MexicanZips] As Tmp ))) GROUP BY [SalesDetail].TerrNo;
  3. StayAtHomeMom

    In Select statement?

    I’m confusing myself! All I’m trying to do is a Select Query from a large table with a matching field in another table. My large table is SalesDetail, and my other table is MexicanZips. There are too many Mexican Zips for me to place in the criteria row of my Select Query, so I put them in a...
  4. StayAtHomeMom

    Invalid Results using subtotals in Excel

    GlennUK, You are an ANGEL!!!! Thank you for your help!!
  5. StayAtHomeMom

    Invalid Results using subtotals in Excel

    Multiple TerrNos within Regions. However, one of my Regions only currently has one TerrNo. And it seems to be the culprit that's throwing off any any subtotals after that one-Terr Region.
  6. StayAtHomeMom

    Invalid Results using subtotals in Excel

    Hello, Is anyone aware of a patch to fix subtotal errors in Excel 2002? I have a spreadsheet with columns (left to right): Region, TerrNo, RepName, Distributor, Customer, Jan-Dec totals. The first 5 columns are text, and are sorted in ascending order, starting with Region. The last columns...
  7. StayAtHomeMom

    Selecting Specific Rows from a Select Query

    I have a Select Query from a table that chooses a part number, a customer name, and a sum of the Dollar Amount. It is in order of part number, and then descending dollar amount for each of the customers of that part number. See SQL below: SELECT [POS Detail].PtNo, [POS Detail].CustName...
  8. StayAtHomeMom

    Absolute Cell Values in VB Code

    I am using VB code behind a button on a form in Access to create an Excel file (from a query) and format it. Part of the formatting is to place formulas in a column, using cell contents from another column. For instance, starting with cell N2, the formula should read “=L2/$L$15”; cell N3 would...
  9. StayAtHomeMom

    Comparing Columns In 2 different Excel Spreadsheets

    Hello, I don't work much in Excel. I program in Access most of the time, but this task requires me to stay in Excel. I have 2 files. I must compare the cell column of one spreadsheet(it's a PartNumber) to the cell column of a Master List of Part Numbers. If it's not found in the Master List, I...
  10. StayAtHomeMom

    Display listbox contents based on selection in another list box

    THANK YOU ZmrAbdulla! I had tried searching for clues before I wrote my question, but I was using "list box" instead of "combo box". Thanks for the tip. After many dumb syntax errors on my part, I got my form/code to work correctly. Thank you again!!
  11. StayAtHomeMom

    Display listbox contents based on selection in another list box

    Hello all, I have a form in my DB with several list boxes (where the sources are each simple Select queries from a table). The user clicks on selections within each list box, then clicks a command button that runs VB code to create a report based on their selections. I want to add a new list...
  12. StayAtHomeMom

    Union Queries with WHERE clauses??

    STOP THE PRESSES!! I found the reason it didn't work. I had an error in my Join Properties. I'm sooo embarrassed... Thank you anyway lespaul and golom for answering my call for help.
  13. StayAtHomeMom

    Union Queries with WHERE clauses??

    I'm sorry Golom, I don't know what you mean when you say try UNION ALL. Does that mean the statement would read UNION ALL SELECT...?
  14. StayAtHomeMom

    Union Queries with WHERE clauses??

    Hello all, Can Union queries have WHERE clauses? I tried to insert one, and the "union" part doesn't work. The one query I use grabs data for the current year, and one query grabs data totals for the last year, and I merge, or union, them together. It works great until I tried adding a...
  15. StayAtHomeMom

    Using VB in Microsoft Money

    Hello, I don't even know if this is the right forum to ask this in, but here goes: Does anyone out there use Microsoft Money? I am a volunteer treasurer for my daughter's swim team (non-profit). I need to know if there's a way to "batch" a job to print a set of customized reports. Otherwise, I...
  16. StayAtHomeMom

    Creating another Form from a Form

    PHV, That was it!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
  17. StayAtHomeMom

    Creating another Form from a Form

    I'm having a heck of a time with the syntax if I use OpenArgs (I've never used them before). Is OpenArgs what I would use to set the RowSourceType and RowSource for the listbox in the Form I'm opening? I'm getting VERY confused!
  18. StayAtHomeMom

    Creating another Form from a Form

    Thanks for the naming convention tips, snyperx3. I couldn't agree with you more. I "inherited" this code from an ex-employee, and I'm suffering the consequences! I'm still having a hard time with the details! My code "works" (it opens the form without errors), but the list is empty. It's not...
  19. StayAtHomeMom

    Creating another Form from a Form

    Now for the dumb questions: How do I ensure my gstrWhere is global? I don't think it is, because it's built in the Private subroutine Click on the button in the form where the users are selecting their criteria. Is it as simple as changing my "Private" to "Public"?
  20. StayAtHomeMom

    Creating another Form from a Form

    I have a database with a form used by my customers where they can select certain criteria in several list boxes. When they’re done choosing their criteria, they push a button that runs code to create a report with a list of items from a table that meets their criteria ( I used DoCmd.OpenReport…)...

Part and Inventory Search
