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Search results for query: *

  1. orangejuice

    dynamic text boxes and global variables

    Wow! That actually worked - Thanks so much!!! A little follow up question... I'd like to put some kind of statement in the "online.swf" file, saying that if the varialbes are loaded, play frame 2, otherwise play frame 3. How should I do this?? Code below: lv = new LoadVars()...
  2. orangejuice

    dynamic text boxes and global variables

    Ok. My fla is at: http://www.applanix.com/Variables.zip Basically the main.swf is supposed to load the variables from the text file in the first frame (this file will actually be at an online address). Then, the main.swf loads the online.swf into a blank movie clip. The online.swf should...
  3. orangejuice

    dynamic text boxes and global variables

    Yes my problem is pretty much the same. None of the answers above seem to work! My variables load in my main movie (main.swf), but don't seem to be available to a secondary movie (online.swf) embedded into a movie cip in the main. I have tried loading to the _root and different levels -...
  4. orangejuice

    dynamic text boxes and global variables

    Ok tried that - it didn't seem to work. The variables will still load in my main movie, but not in the .swf that I've loaded into a movie clip. Any other suggestions? Do I need a specific instance name on the dynamic text fields? Or will LoadVars() be better for this??
  5. orangejuice

    dynamic text boxes and global variables

    Alright I am rather confused with this one. I have a main flash movie which loads a set of variables from a website Code in first fram of movie: loadVariables("http://mysite.com/variables.txt", "_root", "GET"); This works fine for my main movie - I can set up two...
  6. orangejuice

    dynamically get text from website & display in standalone app

    Thanks - just figured that out myself!! Thanks for all your help!
  7. orangejuice

    dynamically get text from website & display in standalone app

    Yup it showed up fine. Mine seems to be working alright as well - only problem is that I wanted to have some html links inside the text, but they just seem to show up as the entire <a href... listing. Any suggestions?
  8. orangejuice

    dynamically get text from website &amp; display in standalone app

    That looks like it might work. Do I need to define the lv variable somwhere in my text file?? Or can I just set up the text file as: news1=Blah blah blah&news2=Dum de dum Thanks!
  9. orangejuice

    dynamically get text from website &amp; display in standalone app

    Ok - maybe this has been answered somwhere already, but here's my problem: I have a standalone CD project created completely in Flash and would like to display my current news items from my website in the Flash interface. Rather than just having a link to the correct webpage in my site, I want...
  10. orangejuice

    Powerpoint files not opening correctly in Netscape

    Thanks! I hadn't considered exporting as an HTML page... That works perfectly! Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. orangejuice

    Powerpoint files not opening correctly in Netscape

    Hi, I have a Flash interface (have asked in the Flash forum but nobody knows) which has numerous links to powerpoint show files. When Internet explorer is the default browser, these files open into the HTML window I have specified through javascript (proper size, no scrollbars, etc). When...
  12. orangejuice

    Open PowerPoint show in popup window - get &quot;alert&quot; message - save or o

    The problem isn't opening the file - in internet explorer, you can open the file by clicking that option on the warning box. (This doesnt work in Netscape, but thats another issue). I just want to get rid of the warning box. Its basically tellin people that the file could be a virus, which its...
  13. orangejuice

    Open PowerPoint show in popup window - get &quot;alert&quot; message - save or o

    I have a flash movie with several links to PowerPoint show files. The entire thing is a CDROM project. My links are set up as components, so that I can specify the size of the HTML window that will open, as well as scrollbars and all the rest of it. However, when the user has internet...
  14. orangejuice

    possible to put an &quot;if&quot; statement on submit form button?

    You are brilliant! That is exactly what I wanted... THANKS SO MUCH YOU HAVE SAVED MY BUTT ON THIS ONE!! I am not a programmer - and this is exactly what I was looking for!!!
  15. orangejuice

    possible to put an &quot;if&quot; statement on submit form button?

    That is awesome! Thanks so much... One question though, in the email I get, the subject line is &quot;1 Subscriptions&quot;, &quot;2 Subscriptions&quot;, or &quot;3 Subscriptions&quot;, depending on whether I check one, two, or all three of the boxes. Any way I can have it say &quot;myCheck1...
  16. orangejuice

    possible to put an &quot;if&quot; statement on submit form button?

    I have created a simple form for site visitors to subscribe to a couple of different newsletters. The form is being submitted to my email address - I find this simpler than a cgi script or something. I have 3 checkboxes in the form for three different newsletters. When the email is sent, I...
  17. orangejuice

    saving variable to text file in standalone app

    I've checked out the program but am not quite sure how this can be implemented... Have you used this to save variables to separate files? Any tips?
  18. orangejuice

    saving variable to text file in standalone app

    Is backend scripting, such as ASP or something usable on a CD rom application?? I've read a document on Flash and ASP integration, and understand the concept of sending variables back and forth, but don't think this will work on a cd - sounds like you need a web host. Any suggestions?? I'm...
  19. orangejuice

    saving variable to text file in standalone app

    I am using flash MX and am trying to do the following: I have a dynamic input text field, and below it a &quot;submit&quot; button. When the user inputs some text and clicks &quot;submit&quot; I want this text to be sent to and saved in an external .txt file. This is all it has to do. I know it...

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