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Search results for query: *

  1. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    chmod folder in php?

    lol www.aim.com
  2. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    chmod folder in php?

    i think my free host is the problem. im going to get another host. www.tangent.com 10 bucks a month. ill keep you guys updated if the script still works. Karver my AIM SCREENNAME IS OwningMonkey
  3. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    chmod folder in php?

    $dir = "users/$sn"; mkdir($dir,0777); $fp = fopen("users/$sn/pass.php", "w"); fwrite($fp,"$mypass = $pass"); fclose($fp); Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 2016 is not allowed to access...
  4. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    chmod folder in php?

    if i do that i get this error.. Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 2016 is not allowed to access / owned by uid 0 in /home/mkzmonkeylagger/public_html/profileservice/new1.php on line 13 Warning: fopen("/users/monkey/pass.php", "w") - No such...
  5. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    chmod folder in php?

    im creating a profile service and im working on the register page.. i already have a folder called users made and i have it chmod 777 so i can make another folder in it which does work. but when i go to write inside the folder i just created with php it wont create it. i get this error...
  6. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    safe mode?

    hey im creating a php aim profile service just for fun (still learning php) well i keep getting this error when i try to create a account.. Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 2016 is not allowed to access / owned by uid 0 in...
  7. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    search a .txt file

    hey im kind of new to php. i was wondering how u can search a txt file to see if a word is in it like if the txt file looked like this.. monkey donkey bird cat dog and the person typed monkey then it will return with yes monkey is in the list. thanks
  8. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    hot key

    hey is it possible for when someone push CTRL+L it will paist the text inside edit1 anywhere for example.. in a email or word or aim.
  9. mkzw0ot4m0nk


    hey i wanna know how i can get text from a different window.. i used a api spy program and got the info.. Window Handle: 263106 Window Class Name: TStaticText Window Style: 1409286401 Window ID Number: 0 Parent Window Handle: 590418 Parent Window Text: MonitorForm Parent Window Class NAme...
  10. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    check txt file for a word

    hey, how can i check a txt file for a word?
  11. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    check to see if its the first time

    under wut kind of procedure? i cant find a place for it.
  12. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    check to see if its the first time

    if FileExists('Settings.ini') then how do i make a lable be visible if it does exist?
  13. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    check to see if its the first time

    i forgot how to check to see if it already exists, thats wut i was asking.. sry
  14. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    check to see if its the first time

    hey, how can i have my program check to see if its the users first time using the program and have it display a label if it is?
  15. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    config form

    nevermind i got it working.
  16. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    config form

    why dosnt.. if edit1.text <> lastsong then begin if Form2.Visible < 0 then begin ini := TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'settings.ini'); lastsong := edit1.text; Idftp1.Host := ini.ReadString('Settings', 'FTP', ''); Idftp1.User :=...
  17. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    config form

    so couldnt i do something like if configForm.Visible IdFTP1.Disconnect;
  18. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    config form

    a if command if the configure window is open it wont try to connect!!
  19. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    config form

    i thought there would be a 'if' command.
  20. mkzw0ot4m0nk

    config form

    cuz my program was designed to connect on startup without them clicking connect.. how can i have it NOT connect when the Configure window is open?

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