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Search results for query: *

  1. ForeverCode

    Program's path

    Perfect, thank you.
  2. ForeverCode

    Program's path

    How would I get my program's current path its running from?
  3. ForeverCode

    Setting Dialog Min size

    Actually WM_GETMINMAXINFO: void CInstantMessage::OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO FAR* lpMMI) { CDialog::OnGetMinMaxInfo(lpMMI); RECT winrect; GetDesktopWindow()->GetClientRect(&winrect); lpMMI->ptReserved = CPoint(0,0); lpMMI->ptMaxSize = CPoint(winrect.right,winrect.bottom)...
  4. ForeverCode

    Setting Dialog Min size

    Thanx, I'm using that, but I thought there was some API that would automatically stop the user from sizing the app when it hits a certain size.
  5. ForeverCode

    Setting Dialog Min size

    How would I set a CDialog's minimum size so the users cannot resize smaller than the min?
  6. ForeverCode

    systray callback

    Never mind, I got it(stupid me). Just add the virtual funtion WindowProc(); LRESULT Dlg::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) The callback goes there...
  7. ForeverCode

    systray callback

    I'm having issues getting the callback to work for my systray icon. I'm using PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) to get all the messages in the main dialog. This is what I'm using to make the icon go: NOTIFYICONDATA XAIMIcon; HINSTANCE hInst; hInst = (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_HINSTANCE)...
  8. ForeverCode

    Create Dlg

    Perfect, thank you.
  9. ForeverCode

    Create Dlg

    I'm trying to create a dlg window from my main dlg out of a resource. I want it to be its own window and not part of the main dlg so it will minimize to the taskbar and such. Righ now I'm using Create() to create modeless dlgs but they are always on top of the main dlg and they wont minimize to...
  10. ForeverCode

    PlaySound ()....No Sound

    I really dont know, I got it to work a long time ago but wasnt satisfied(it lags the program a bit every time the sound is played) so I switched to using DirectX sound. Try this tho: PlaySound("C:\\FullPath\\HelloWin.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC); See if that works. -Micah
  11. ForeverCode

    Open GL

    I use OpenGL with VC++ as well. Here are two sites I have found very usefull: http://nehe.gamedev.net/ http://www.gametutorials.com/Tutorials/opengl/OpenGL_Pg1.htm I'm Pretty sure they dont use MFC. -Micah
  12. ForeverCode

    TLV Tag

    Cool, thanx. I'll check out that website. I think I was able to get what I was looking for by using htons(). The data I'm generating looks like the stuff I got by packet sniffing GAIM and other Clients. Although I dont understand why yet. -Micah
  13. ForeverCode

    TLV Tag

    Does anyone know how I would make a TLV tag? It's suppose to be 2 byes long and its used in AOL's TOC protocol among other things. I cant seem to find any usefull information on how to make it. Im having probs. with the initial signon: Client To Host: 4 byte FLAP version (1) 2 byte TLV Tag (1)...
  14. ForeverCode

    Raw Sockets

    Cool, thanx for the info. I'll have to keep that in mind. At the moment I'm just reading the raw packets but soon I'll be creating them as well. -Micah
  15. ForeverCode

    Raw Sockets

    Oh...I got it. Use htons()
  16. ForeverCode

    Raw Sockets

    I'm using raw sockets and when I pull the originating and destination port out of the packet(TCP/IP layer) I'm not getting the right port. I can't find if they are integers or what. All I can find is that they are 16 bits long. http://www.protocols.com/pbook/tcpip.htm#TCP Can anyone help me...
  17. ForeverCode


    umm...a line was taken out of that... Does anyone have that file? If so could you send it to me? sw_freak@hotmail.com -Micah
  18. ForeverCode


    I have a slight problem... I've been writting an app and everything is going well, but when I switched from Debug to Release I get this link error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "nafxcw.lib" I checked in my LIB folder and I don't have that file. -Micah
  19. ForeverCode


    Either one...I can Load a DLL now, but I haven't been able to use any functions of a DLL. I think if I can do that I will be able to search through the PHP.DLL source and find the functions that can be used. But if anyone already knows how to use a PHP.DLL and could point me in the right...
  20. ForeverCode


    I'm having problems finding information on how I would load a php.dll most likely php4apache.dll and be able to use it in my app. Does anyone know how to do this? I've been searching through the Apache source but it's really hard to find what I'm looking for. Any tips would be great. -Micah

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