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Search results for query: *

  • Users: twist
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  1. twist

    Form Submit

    oppps. forgot something, silly me. <script> var submitted = false function checkSubmit() { if(!submitted) { submitted = true return true } return false } </script>
  2. twist

    Form Submit

    <script> var submitted = false function checkSubmit() { if(!submitted) { return true } return false } </script> and then in your form tag put onSubmit=&quot;return checkSubmit()&quot; and that should stop poeple from mashing your form button
  3. twist

    Need Help w/Eval()

    try function checkAdmin(layerID) { layerID = document.all[layerID + &quot;Layer&quot;].style alert(layerID.display); }
  4. twist

    Schrinking &lt;DIV&gt; in NS

    lemme find that fix for your problem... its a well know problem with ns http://www.moock.org/webdesign/javascript/fixnetscapecss/index.html there you go.
  5. twist

    Schrinking &lt;DIV&gt; in NS

    netscape 4.7 supports nested divs just fine. they are part of the document obj of the parent div... <div id=&quot;div1&quot;><div id=&quot;div2&quot;></div></div> so to access div2 its : document.div1.document.div2
  6. twist

    maxscroll property

    hi there, my problem is if i change the value of a text box then read its maxscroll property i get the maxscroll from what was in the box before hand, not the new value. anyone know how to get around this? thanks. twist
  7. twist

    Windows and Frames and URLs

    you can't access the other page because its in a different domain then yours. its a security thing.
  8. twist

    Help! Netscape 6.1 displaying NaN in querystring!

    i'd guess it just handles for loops differently. no idea why it would go through then check instead of check first.
  9. twist

    Help! Netscape 6.1 displaying NaN in querystring!

    <script Language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- function calculateScore(){ var score = 0 for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++){ var n = document.form1[&quot;q&quot;+i].selectedIndex; score += n; } document.form1.total.value = score; document.location.href = 'score.html?' + score; } //--> </script> it was...
  10. twist

    Adding an event to a tag

    to set events use the following (these are for mouseMove)... for ie: document.onmousemove = someFunction; for ns < 6: document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove = someFunction; for ns6: document.addEventListener(&quot;mousemove&quot;, someFunction, true); this...
  11. twist

    auto install flash

    check out this article http://moock.org/webdesign/flash/detection/moockfpi/
  12. twist

    ns6.1 - right click; select whole document, copy/paste in clipboard

    i'll look into a way too select/copy the whole page in ns6, i gotta read up on ns6 anyways. hopefully if no ones answered your post by sat. i'll have something :) good luck.
  13. twist

    ns6.1 - right click; select whole document, copy/paste in clipboard

    this gets rid of the ability to right click in msie and netscape < 6. i can't figure out how too cancel it in ns6 (well i did but you have to hide the window for 50ms. hehe) <script> <!-- function click(e) { if(document.all) { if (event.button==2) { alert(&quot;no right click...
  14. twist

    Text boxes and Javascripts and the &lt; br &gt; tag

    cold fusion should handle them all though since they are in a variable when you'll be using them.
  15. twist

    &lt;DIV&gt; lets &lt;Select&gt; show thru.

    check out this thread thread216-175515
  16. twist

    ns6.1 - right click; select whole document, copy/paste in clipboard

    you can do that pretty easily in msie 4+, i'm not sure about netscape though. if your interested in a msie version its easy to do with... http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/browser/mshtml/reference/ifaces/controlrange/execcommand.asp
  17. twist

    Text boxes and Javascripts and the &lt; br &gt; tag

    function checkKey(obj) { if(event.keyCode == 13) { document.execCommand(&quot;Paste&quot;,false,&quot;<br>&quot;) obj.focus(); } } then add onkeyUp=&quot;checkKey(this)&quot; to any text boxes you want to check in. it will add the acctual code for a br (only works in msie) i'm not sure...
  18. twist

    not really a js question

    thank you very much.
  19. twist

    Once again my boss wants some wierd feature on Acrobat

    so the pdf just passes your form field values like a normal html form? thats better than nothing.
  20. twist

    How can I stop JS to open a new window??

    try this one. it writes it in the same window. <html> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> var item = new Array(); // &quot;Page Name&quot;,&quot;path&quot;,&quot;Page Title&quot;,&quot;Many,Key,Words&quot;,&quot;Descriptive Comments&quot; c=0; item[c]=new...

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