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Search results for query: *

  1. PeterOcean

    XPath wildcards for element name.

    Just what I needed. Thank you.
  2. PeterOcean

    XPath wildcards for element name.

    To keep things simple, I have an XML like this: <root> <childA/> <childB/> <somethingelse/> </root> and i would like to use XPath (if possible) to give me all the child element of <root> that start with "child". So something like \root\child* Is this possible and how? Many Thanks
  3. PeterOcean

    string to 20 char byte array

    I have a string value such as the following 881872241251009144651431267159882071681471608600 that I have to convert to a 20 character byte array and I am completely lost.
  4. PeterOcean

    [b]App.Path with c#[/b]

    I am looking for the equivilant of the vb.6 App.Path. I have an ASP.NET project that references a dll. I want that dll to read information from an XML file that is on the same file path as the dll. I have tried AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; and...
  5. PeterOcean

    xs:date schema

    I have to define a date in a schema that has the format YYYYMMDD. the element in question can also accept an empty value as well. I have tried the following but that doesn't work, does anyone have any ideas. Thanks <xs:simpleType name=&quot;date&quot;> <xs:restriction...
  6. PeterOcean

    Online Courses MCAD?

    VBXL, Thanks for the response and congratulations in getting your MCP. We are looking something more c# and the web site looks like it's more VB, but i'll look into it closer. I have also heard that www.eno.com are good. Peter
  7. PeterOcean

    Online Courses MCAD?

    Hi, I have been asked by the company I work for to look into online training course for the MCAD certification, with the emphasis on C#. I am currently hunting around on the web, but I would be good to hear from anyone that has either some recommendations or criticisms to give. Many thanks Peter
  8. PeterOcean

    ISNULL works and then it don't

    Thanks for the reply Paul. All of a sudden it all seems to work and I haven't made a single change, I 'll have to watch that a bit closer and I will certainly try out your suggestion Thanks
  9. PeterOcean

    ISNULL works and then it don't

    I have a head scratcher of a problem. I am creating an XML doc with the results of a db query. An element is created with the name of the field and the text value of the element is set to the value of the field. The problem happens when I check to see whether the value is null. My code is as...
  10. PeterOcean

    mdmui Help

    Could someone please send me a working copy of mdmui.dll so that I can get .net installed. Many Thanks Peter
  11. PeterOcean


    It's a VB app that is doing the output.
  12. PeterOcean


    I have also posted this in the VB forum. I am querying a FP table through VB and I get an empty recordset, when there is actually the data there. If I repeat this query a number of times it suddenly works and I get the information that I need. Someone has mentioned that I should Flush the...
  13. PeterOcean

    Flush fox pro tables

    I have a problem where I am querying a fox pro table and I get back an empty recordset, when in fact the information is actually in the tables (I tried the same query in FP and I got the information back). If I re query the table through VB a number of times eventually it will work. Obviously...
  14. PeterOcean

    XML Question

    I am pretty sure that there isn't. The only way I can think of doing soemthing like that is to loop through the elements and add them that way, however, it depends on how your xml file is set up.
  15. PeterOcean

    my.ini configuration?

    Thanks for the reply, problem solved. As is often the case, it is not the database that was the problem, it was the fool that was using it (me). Your right I haven't done a thing with my.ini and it works fine.
  16. PeterOcean

    my.ini configuration?

    I keep hearing about my.ini file, but have no idea what I need to do. I am using Win 2000 and was hoping that someone could help me out. Many thanks Peter
  17. PeterOcean

    How do I create a popup without the maximize,minimize and close?

    Try closebutton.hide = TRUE
  18. PeterOcean

    Nortel Networks ntex35 Modem

    I have just been given the Nortel Network ntex35 modem, but I am missing all the cables etc. This is a pretty basic question, but I would like to know what it is that I need to get so that I can hook it up to my PC and where I can get the driver (if I need one). Thanks Peter
  19. PeterOcean

    Querying Fox Pro table in VB

    I have got this working. My original SQL statement worked fine. the reason that it din't work was due to a slight oversight on my part. I don't want to go into details as it's a bit embarasing. Thanks for everyones help.
  20. PeterOcean

    Querying Fox Pro table in VB

    DateTime is the field name. I tried also tried vb5prgrmr suggestion and it doesn't work. The frustrating thing about this is that it was working fine Friday.

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