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Search results for query: *

  • Users: dannG
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  1. dannG

    database field in illustrator

    Hi! I'm new with Adobe Illustrator CS. I want to know if it is posible to link a database (access, oracle or other) to a template? I want to print some badges and I want to create this badges in Adobe Illustrator and some automatition is more then welcome! thanks! dann
  2. dannG

    retrive rows affected number

    Hi I think I solved the problem. Maybe someone need it... CREATE PROCEDURE CB_UserLogin ( VUser varchar(50), VPass varchar(50), OUT VID_Util int ) begin SELECT fID_Util FROM tblUtiliz WHERE fUtilizator = @User AND fParola = @Pass; IF...
  3. dannG

    retrive rows affected number

    Hello! I'm new in MYSQL. I'm trying to migrate some MS Sql Stored Procedures in MySql. Here is the MSSQL stored procedure. CREATE PROCEDURE CB_UserLogin ( @User nvarchar(50), @Pass nvarchar(50), @ID_Util int OUTPUT ) AS SELECT @ID_Util = fID_Util FROM...
  4. dannG

    Checking of a database connection is open

    Hy try this: myconnection.state dan
  5. dannG

    treeview datagrid drag&drop

    Thanks SHelton, Sorry for the delay. I was out in a place with no electric power. Was nice. Thanks for answer. Your code works fine but still I have a problem. The code works fine only I click before in datagrid. The first column receve the data but I can place the data only the active cell is...
  6. dannG

    question about capturing data from grid

    Hy, I'm new in vb.net but maybe this will work for you. Put in the sub for save button this line: Me.BindingContext(mydataset,mytable).EndCurrentEdit() dan
  7. dannG

    treeview datagrid drag&drop

    Hy, I have worked somthing, but still it doesnt want to work. The data are trasfered to datagrid but I cannot put it into a cell. I dont' know why. This is my code: 'tw=treeview 'dg=datagrid Private Sub dg_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object,_ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs)_...
  8. dannG

    treeview datagrid drag&drop

    Hy, I want to drag the data stored in a treenode tag(it is text)to a datagrid cell. Do you have any ideas? Some good tutorials? Pls help thanks
  9. dannG

    boolean field problem

    Hy, Few days ago I posted a Q about dataform wizard. I worked around on this problem. Still I dont' know where is the problem,but.. I simplified the problem: 2 tables related. One table,master table has a column that is declared bit type in Sql Server 2000(boolean). It doesnt' matter if it has...
  10. dannG

    dataform wizard question

    Hy, I tried to use the dataform wizard to create a simple form that Updating , deleting some records for me. With update and delete works fine but with the adding is not the same story. The navigation label show me that there is another record created but I'm still in the same record and I...
  11. dannG

    loop sqldatacommand

    Thanks huel, thanks 740520 (I hope is write!) I'll try huel method. I have a lot of data adapters to a form and they recive the same parameter. That's way I need some kind of loop. There is any container for this dataadapters? Or can I access the form component. Maybe this is the general ideea...
  12. dannG

    loop sqldatacommand

    Hy, I have more than one data adapters in my form. Each data adapter has 4 data commands(insert, delete...). How can I loop all the data comands in my form for setting some parameters? thanks
  13. dannG

    Datagrid - Edit a Single Column - Don't Allow New Rows

    Hy, Maybe this method is trivial for you but I think it will work. Check if the user added a new record and discard this record. You can still accept the other changes made by the user. You can check the rowstate property for: added or modified. Call AcceptChanges or RejectChanges as you wish...
  14. dannG

    custom button click event problem

    Hy I tried to develop a simple button control. It inherits "Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button". When I try to bind some tasks to its click event, nothing happening. I don't know where is the problem. pls help thanks some additional things: Option Strict On Imports System Imports...
  15. dannG

    how can I declare an Access report in vb.net

    Thanks. It's good enough! Thanks again!
  16. dannG

    how can I declare an Access report in vb.net

    Hy I need to declare an access report in vb.net application. Can anyone help me? dan
  17. dannG

    captured movie problem

    thanks! Thats' it! dann
  18. dannG

    captured movie problem

    I captured a movie via IEEE1394(I have a Sony videocamera miniDV). Its an AVI, no compresion, with the default configuration for DV-PAL. The problem is that all the moving objects have the saw-edges. The slow-move objects are ok. The walking peoples have the same problem. Help appreciated! I'm...
  19. dannG

    User defined query

    Thanks. I was very close to this! Thanks again!
  20. dannG

    User defined query

    Hy! I need to know how to list in a ListBox the name of the tables and the columns that are present into a dataset. After that I want to use this to make a user defined query. Can anyone help me?! Dann

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