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Search results for query: *

  • Users: sezme
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  1. sezme

    Netscape 7.1 alert()

    Why wont my alert() work in netscape 7.1 <html><head><title></title> <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> <!-- alert() //--> </script> <body onLoad=&quot;javascript:alert()&quot;> <a href=&quot;#&quot; onClick=&quot;alert();return false;&quot;>test</a> </body> </html> Newbie to netscape -...
  2. sezme

    Script Needed !

    detect the f5 button using an onkeypress script and return false - however, dont expect people to return to your site - there is no need to change ie functionality, and browsers wont be impressed.
  3. sezme

    Pasting db data to excel w/out the &quot;j&quot;avascript icon being copied!

    Your still posting the same thing - and it still dont make sense. Another way of sending the data would be like this <SCRIPT type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> parent.myotherframe.location=&quot;otherframe.asp?<%=Request.Form%>&data1=<%=data1%>&data2=<%=data2%>&quot...
  4. sezme

    Disable/Enable form elements

    function enableField() { if(document.form1.select.disabled == true){ alert() document.form1.select.disabled=false; }else{ document.form1.select.disabled=true; }}
  5. sezme

    not pasting &quot;j&quot;avascript onto excel

    function dataSend(){ parent.myotherframe.location=&quot;otherframe.asp?<%=Request.Form%>&data1=<%=data1%>&data2=<%=data2%>&quot; parent.mysecondframe.location=&quot;otherframe.asp?<%=Request.Form%>&data1=<%=data1%>&data2=<%=data2%>&quot; } I agree with the first reply - your not...
  6. sezme

    www. newbie problem

    If i try to go to my web site using www.mysite.com everything ok however if i use mysite.com everything not ok - (msn dns error) I realise that I should be shot for not using the correct protocols - however my customers dont - i know some sites work like this - why doesn't mine ? can...
  7. sezme

    ASP - File Upload - newbie

    I've been looking at that this morning - but the code is not all there - I cant find the details for the upload() sub routine etc
  8. sezme

    if ... then statement

    try this <%If Len(dtLastPostDate)>0 Then%>
  9. sezme

    Can't Query a dinosaur Database with ASP

    It seems to me that the only way you can end up with a non corrupt database would be to go through it and change the corrupt data / correct it - then you can change the file types. Why not filter the recordset to show file that are not numeric - this will leave you with the fields you need to...
  10. sezme

    ASP - File Upload - newbie

    Morning all, I need to create a page where browsers can upload files (pdf) that I will then store in a database. The only problem is, I've never done it before - I've been searching the internet, and cant find any source code. Can anyone give me any pointers - I'm usually pretty good with...
  11. sezme

    asp - sql - newbie question

    i have created a recordset called rs now i would like to use a value returned from this recordset to create another recordset sql = &quot;Select * from table where lID = &quot;& rs(&quot;lID&quot;) my question is this. is this the right way to do this ? will i come across problems later on...
  12. sezme

    javascript version of vbscript's left()

    thanks - as always mwolf00 a great help you've got a star - cos sometimes it dont quite seem worth it - but they all add up
  13. sezme

    javascript version of vbscript's left()

    any ideas
  14. sezme

    javascript - xpath - xml

    I have an xml document that i have loaded into ie var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject(&quot;msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0&quot;); xmlDoc.async = false;xmlDoc.resolveExternals = false;xmlDoc.validateOnParse = false; xmlDoc.load(&quot;area.xml&quot;); I then run a xpath query on it att = Area value = 20 var...
  15. sezme

    fun with sql and request.querystring ;o)

    thanks a lot again i'm going to chance my cheeky arm here i'm new to asp / sql etc and i'm having trouble understanding insert. if i insert a new record into a database, how do i get the value for the primary key ? do i have to search through the existing table to find the highest number ? is...
  16. sezme

    fun with sql and request.querystring ;o)

    thanks for your help i am trying this if isNumeric(request.querystring(&quot;x&quot;)) then etc but i dont understand why the statement expresses true when there is no id querystring ? any ideas ?
  17. sezme

    fun with sql and request.querystring ;o)

    I am having trouble accessing data Dim Ex = Request.Querystring(&quot;x&quot;) sql = &quot;Select * from Exp Where ExKey = '&quot; & Ex & &quot;'&quot; this works fine unless there is no 'x' querystring - then the sql statement will return data where ExKey = 0 - why should this do this ...
  18. sezme

    insert - update recordset question - newbie

    which method is best Insert Into Table (Field) Values ('String') or set rs = db.openRecordSet(&quot;select * from Table where 0 <> 0&quot;) rs.addnew rs!Field = 'String' rs.update Newbie question
  19. sezme

    newbie sql question

    that works - thanks

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