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Search results for query: *

  1. chuckster1

    select SELECT FROM stored procedure

    thanks. its a long story but i was trying to create a generic depency check of access adps and related sql servers from a vbscript but it didn't support multiple recordsets. i ended up querying the schema instead. thanks again.
  2. chuckster1

    select SELECT FROM stored procedure

    Hi There, I'm executing a stored procedure sp_depends 'param' and it sometimes returns 1 sometimes 2 result sets. Is there a way to specify which result set it returns? Chuckster.
  3. chuckster1

    Local Host Impersonation Works, Remote Don't???!!!!

    I have struggled with impersonation for weeks with no sollution. I believe the problem to be that IIS\.NET impersonation will not work across a Network connection. The easist solution that I found is to edit the machine.config file. (This is clearly a big security risk)...
  4. chuckster1

    Access an HTML object by name

    Looks messy and there is probably a much better way but hey it works. Function AddOptionToSelectList(strSelectListName,strOptionValue, strOptionText) Dim objectIndex On Error Resume Next For i = 0 To Document.all.Length - 1 If Lcase(Document.All.Item(i).name) =...
  5. chuckster1

    Access an HTML object by name

    I want to pass a HTML object name to a function to perform the following task. It won't work because I don't know how to set the reference to the object. Javascript has the getElement command. Does vbscript has something similar? Function...
  6. chuckster1

    ASP.NET and WMI

    Hi There, I'm trying to create a web interface for some of my WMI scripts. If I pass the name of the computer that hosts the web page to the sub the wmi script works. If I pass the name of another computer I get the error shown below. I suspect that it is a permissions thing but I have tried...
  7. chuckster1

    Multidimensional Array

    Thanks for clearing that up M8. Regards Chuckster1
  8. chuckster1

    Multidimensional Array

    I thought I 'got' multidimenstional arrays until I tried to use it. I want to: myArray(0) to be "c:\test" myArray(0,0) = "file1.xxx" myArray(0,1) = "file2.xxx" myArray(0,2) = "file3.xxx" myArray(1) to be "c:\test2" myArray(1,0) =...
  9. chuckster1

    Hitting a newline or tab character

    Try looking for chr(9) TAB or chr(13) Return in the string. eg If Mid(str, i, 1) = chr(9) Then... Hope that helps
  10. chuckster1

    SQL Server don't want to date me.

    How is this: I'm an Aussie and we like our dates dd/mm/yyyy. My SQL server likes dates in dd/mm/yyyy Vbscript displays dates in dd/mm/yyyy If I pass a date where the dd is < 13 then I don't get any errors and SQL records it as an Australian date (which is why the script worked inititally. If...
  11. chuckster1

    SQL Server don't want to date me.

    Hardcoding does work. I hope you have found some inspiration on your ceiling. Thanks Tarwn. Chuckster.
  12. chuckster1

    SQL Server don't want to date me.

    I'm sure my simple SQL statements worked before but now I'm getting a type convertion error. The ERROR: &quot;The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value&quot; Code: 80040e07 I tried Cdate(now()) And myDate = now() Isdate(myDate)...
  13. chuckster1

    Windows Script Host-to-Batch File Cross-Reference

    When I have a good old batch file that does the job I use it often in conjuction with Vbscript. Set myShell = wscript.createObject(&quot;wscript.shell&quot;) myShell.run &quot;c:\BatchFile.bat&quot; or oProcess = myShell.Run(&quot;xcopy blah blah&quot;, 1, True) and the script monitors the...
  14. chuckster1

    break up a string

    Yes use mwolf00's method.
  15. chuckster1

    break up a string

    Another way would be. myArray = array(&quot;v&quot;, &quot;a&quot;, &quot;i&quot;) or Create a long string via a loop (this avoids redim etc) myString = &quot;s, p, l, i, t, m, e&quot; myArray = split(myString, &quot;,&quot;) myArray will now have 7 elements. Hope that helps. Chuckster1
  16. chuckster1

    VBscript &amp; Active Directory

    oUser.Put &quot;homeDriectory&quot;, &quot;\\phslib\&quot; & oUser.samaccountname This should work for you. Chucksters
  17. chuckster1

    Cookies, Temp, Recent, Delete Routine

    With batch file you could have a line: del /c /q &quot;C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\%USERNAME%\COOKIES\*.* del /c /q &quot;C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\%USERNAME%\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMP\*.* etc... the %username% will be replace by the os with the current user. Test it as you will see it doesn't...
  18. chuckster1

    Events in InternetExplorer Object

    Hey there, Um, No sorry you are right the Cancel doesn't work. I've tried a few different methods. Can you get the OnQuit sub to run?
  19. chuckster1

    Events in InternetExplorer Object

    What are you trying to do with these subs? I copied your code and got rid of the Do While Loop and the program closed fine. BeforeNavigate2 also worked fine. _NewWindow2 did not though. Where did you look up these functions I'd be interested and looking at them. Cheers
  20. chuckster1

    Comma's and List Boxes

    I'm adding information into a list box but some fields have commas in them. The list box then decides to break the line at the comma and puts it on the next line. Can I stop it from doing this. e.g. listbox.additem &quot;chucky\, chuckster&quot; becomes 2 entries in a listbox chucky...

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