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Search results for query: *

  1. dwalker

    How to alter displayed URL

    Thanks to both of you for your thoughts. Xemus, I'm aware of how to change the status bar, but am looking for a way to change the address bar. I've already read the article you mentioned and understand the ethical considerations regarding cloaking etc. Aaronjme, I've also been down the...
  2. dwalker

    Why does FP alter my script?

    Okay, so we're back to the topic at last.... Thank you all for your opinions about the relative merits of various editors, but frankly, if I was interested in your opinions I'd read your blogs. Only audiopro and naconi seem interested in finding an answer to my question, the rest of you should...
  3. dwalker

    How to alter displayed URL

    Hi there I'd like to know if it's possible to alter the URL displayed in the address bar. For example, if my domain is www.thisismysite.com can I have it displayed in the address bar as www.ThisIsMySite.com. Any ideas? Regards Damien
  4. dwalker

    Why does FP alter my script?

    Thanks, noellees1 but as I mention above, FrontPage alters the code when I make changes directly in the HTML editor - i.e. without using a wizard. Any ideas?
  5. dwalker

    Why does FP alter my script?

    Howdy I've made a database query result using FP's Database Results Wizard and would like to change the SQL FP automatically inserts. The wizard has created: fp_sQry="SELECT * FROM tblUserNames" and I'd like to change this to: fp_sQry="SELECT * FROM tblUserNames WHERE user_id = " &...
  6. dwalker

    Need code to send POST reuest to retrieve URL

    Hi all Not exactly an Access VBA question but as everything I do is in Access and you guys are all so helpful... I need some assistance writing code to retrieve the HTML from a URL that requires a POST method. I can easily retrieve data from URLs that use the GET method using code like this...
  7. dwalker

    Need code to send POST request to retrieve URL

    I need some assistance writing code to retrieve the HTML from a URL that requires a POST method. I can easily retrieve data from URLs that use the GET method using code like this: Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal...
  8. dwalker

    Linking Access with Lotus Notes - please help!

    hughesai, To save a copy in your sent folder add this: objDocument.SaveMessageOnSend = True Also, here's a function I use, it's much simpler than oharab's and works like a charm, just be sure to add a reference to Lotus Domino Objects domobj.tlb. oharab's code checks to see if Notes is...
  9. dwalker

    Possible To View All Users Who Have A Database Open?

    Run this code to get the machine names of each user accessing the database. It displays the data in the Immediate Window so be sure to have that window displayed. Also, the code includes a reference to "C:\test.mdb", replace this path with the path to your target database. I like the...
  10. dwalker

    make and edit text log file

    Here are a couple of Subs that do just what you need. The first routine (create_log_file) creates a text file called errorlog.log in the c:\ directory - change the name and path to suit yourself. The second routine (write_errors) opens the log file, adds a new line of text and then closes the...
  11. dwalker

    Send Multiple Emails

    Hi again Jennifer, before we reinvent the wheel have a look at this FAQ faq702-2921 it covers just about everything to do with email via Outlook. If you have any trouble interpreting what you find and need some code written specifically to your requirements then post again and I'll happily have...
  12. dwalker

    Send Multiple Emails

    Hi all I'm at work today but will put together an answer to all your questions (I hope!) after work tonight - I can help with both Outlook and Notes. Regards Damien
  13. dwalker

    Web query

    Excel has a lovely Web Query function that allows you to import tables from pages on the web into a spreadsheet. Is anybody aware of how to get Access to do this? Regards Damien PS - I know you can import HTML pages, but this only works if they're stored on a hard drive.
  14. dwalker

    Send Multiple Emails

    Jenifer They way to code this depends on the mail program you're using. Submit a post stating whether you're using Outlook or Lotus Notes etc. The example from GDGarth is fine for attaching a report but if you'd like to attach a Word document or any other file type there are much better...
  15. dwalker

    Exporting data to Excel via GetRows array

    There's a single line of code that replaces ALL of the code you're using: DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport , _ acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9 ,"qryTotalAccounts" , "C:\results.xls" This creates a spreadsheet called "Results.xls" and places all the data from your...
  16. dwalker

    Crosstab Query?

    .... one other thing. You can probably get the results you originally posted using a Union query. I'm not too familiar with these though, perhaps someone else could post the SQL from a Union query that might do the job. Regards Damien
  17. dwalker

    Crosstab Query?

    Synce There's no single query that can give you a total along the bottom row. You might consider a sequence of queries that does something like this... A crosstab query that produces the results you've shown above, but without the total (because it can't). A MakeTable query based on your...
  18. dwalker

    Need to delete data from MSysAccessObjects

    The table I created is only 30 records in length, so is therefore tiny. The only other tables in the database are the System tables. Each of these is 30 records or less, except MSysAccessObjects which has over 25,000 records.
  19. dwalker

    Need to delete data from MSysAccessObjects

    I have a very simple database consisting of a table with 1 field - [image_path] - which stores the DOS path of a list of JPEG images. There is also a form which contains 30 image controls. On loading the form I have code which sets the linked image path in each control to the paths listed in the...
  20. dwalker

    Why has my form grown to over 100MB?

    Hi all Newposter is right, I'm not sure everyone has read my original post fully, but thanks for your thoughts. The problem surely lies in the MSysAccessObjects system table as this quickly grew to 25,000 records and I'm guessing it's "caching" the image data. Any more ideas about...

Part and Inventory Search
