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Search results for query: *

  1. mikhailwaxman

    SPOOL OUT dosn't work in SQLPLUS

    Yes! MY Problem is ONLY PRINTINTING. Acording to SQLPLUS manual SPOOL OUT closes SPOOL FILE AND send it to DEFAULT PRINTER.FIrst part(CLOSE FILE) works properly,second one - dos'nt. I'm interesting to print directly from SQLPLUS. Of course I can open spooled file with TEXT EDITOR and print this...
  2. mikhailwaxman

    SPOOL OUT dosn't work in SQLPLUS

    I'm trying to use SPOOL filename -- SPOOL OUT in SQLPLUS but it dos'nt work. OS- WINDOWS 2000 Pro and Oracle 8i. I decide reason maybe i didn't set up printer to print from DOS application. So I check windows2000 and find solution for setting printer for DOS Application (net use...
  3. mikhailwaxman

    Urgent! Class does not support Automation error

    I had the same problem before. In my case I create App lication using MDAC 2.5, but PDW create a package with MDAC 2.0 So I simple move to lover version and create the package again.
  4. mikhailwaxman

    Defining connectionstring in adodc when the aplication starts up.

    Use UDl instead of keeping path in registry. In ADODC set ConnectionString="File Name=YourUDL.udl".So You point ADODC only to UDL
  5. mikhailwaxman

    Quick & Easy Access/VB question

    In ADO Property Sheet go to Conection Tab UserName:Admin, Password: (blank). Click Tab "ALL" and Edit "Jet OLEDB:DATABASE PASSWORD". Put your password here. That's all.
  6. mikhailwaxman

    Crystal Report Viewer

    Previous month I finished with project CRviewer ( Crystal Report Viewer). It use Common Dialog Control for File opening, Crystal Report Print Engine -CRPE.dll, MDI form and Class Module for keeping in Registry List of most recent files. If You are interesting let me know.
  7. mikhailwaxman

    Any one helpppp......INSTALLING VB APPLICATION.

    In Setup.lst simply delete the line wich request registration of MSFTAWS.PDW. I Had the same Problem. I don't know why Package and Deployment Wizard (PDW)create this line, so i simple delete this line in Setup.lst
  8. mikhailwaxman

    HELP!!!! Anyone can help me optimize my code????

    txtBox is Name Property of TextBox. So You Place on the Form 5 TextBoxes With the same Name Property but different Index. The same about OptButton.You set Tag Property for each textbox as below txtBox(0).Tag = "SpeedCPU" ' 0 is Index Property...
  9. mikhailwaxman

    HELP!!!! Anyone can help me optimize my code????

    Yes, You can if variable is User Defined Data Type like Type TaggedVariable Value as varType Tag as String end Type Dim TagAttay() as TaggedVariable etc,etc
  10. mikhailwaxman

    HELP!!!! Anyone can help me optimize my code????

    Use array of TextBox Controls and use Property Tag for texboxes txtBox(0).Tag="SpeedCPU" txtBox(1).Tag="OtherCPU" txtBox(2).Tag="ModelCPU" txtBox(3).Tag="SNCPU" txtBox(4).Tag="BrandCPU" ..... ..... etc,etc So Property Tag is FieldName in Your...
  11. mikhailwaxman

    Continuing a loop in VB without Goto statement

    Do While i < 10 If i = 5 Then print i i = i + 1 loop
  12. mikhailwaxman

    How can i create a commandbutton on a program like notepad...

    I think You're asking about toolbar. Search Help for &quot;Greating ToolBar&quot;
  13. mikhailwaxman

    Sorting Array

    Sorry, change the order For i=0 to NumOfElm-1 strMin=String(128,&quot;z&quot;) For J=0 to NumOfElm-1 .... .... Next .... Next
  14. mikhailwaxman

    Sorting Array

    Const NumOfElm=7 Dim OriginalArray(NumOfElm-1) as String Dim SortedArray(NumOfElm-1) As String Dim NewArray(NumOfElm-1) as Integer Dim IsMin(NumOfElm-1) As Boolean Dim strMin as String For i=0 to Ubound(OriginalArray) IsMin(i)=False Next strMin=String(128,&quot;z&quot;) For i=0 to NumOfElm-1...
  15. mikhailwaxman

    Decimal Place of a Field

    Use Format Function
  16. mikhailwaxman

    too few parameters error. need help please

    &quot;WHERE [presentations].[month] >=&quot; & [presMonth]
  17. mikhailwaxman

    combo box

    Do While Not adostaff.EOF CmbStaff.AddItem (adostaff(&quot;fname&quot;) & &quot; &quot; & adostaff(&quot;sname&quot;)) CmbStaff.ItemData(CmbStaff.NewIndex)=adostaff(&quot;staffID&quot;) adostaff.MoveNext Loop Later You can find any Item in CmbStaff, using ItemData For i=0 to...
  18. mikhailwaxman

    DateTimePicker Control and Null Values

    sql=&quot;INSERT INTO ser (&quot; If NOT Isnull(DTPicker1.Value) Then _ sql=sql & &quot;bus_design_rcvd_date,&quot; If Not Isnull(DTPicker2.Value) Then _ sql=sql & &quot;assigned_date,&quot; sql=sql &quot;& priority) VALUES (&quot; If NOT Isnull(DTPicker1.Value) Then _ sql=sql &...
  19. mikhailwaxman

    Array &amp; recordset

    'IT WILL WORK ONLY WITH MICROSOFT JET ENGINE For i=1 To 8 For j=1 To 30 Index=(i-1)*30+j rst.Find &quot;[SNumber]= '&quot; _ & mArray(Index, 2) & &quot;'&quot;, , adSearchForward if NOT rst.Nomatch then _ rst.Fields(5) = i Next Next
  20. mikhailwaxman

    Inserting Array Values into dbase

    [b] Here is an other way: Sub optCategory_Click (Index as Integer) Adodc1.Recordset.Field(&quot;Topics&quot;)= _ optCategory(Index).Tag End Sub

Part and Inventory Search
