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  1. Goat23

    Having trouble with my background command in CSS

    Thanks, your post solved the problem. Mucho Gracious Greg
  2. Goat23

    Having trouble with my background command in CSS

    I'm having a problem with my CSS. I've just recently started fooling around with CSS, and I have most everything set up the way I want it. However, my CSS comand for the background color is not working. Here's the code I'm using <STYLE TYPE-"type/css"> <!-- BODY {background-color: #66ff66}...
  3. Goat23

    Table question

    I'm sorry everyone, I'm a retard. I just now figured it out! The reason the 1st box wouldn't get any skinnier is because of the banner at the very bottom of the cell. I moved the banner out of the cell to the bottom of the page. Now everything works great. It's always something simple :)>
  4. Goat23

    Table question

    Anyone else have any ideas on how to fix this problem? The table problem that is!
  5. Goat23

    Table question

    I don't have a validater, or know what one is. This is all html that I typed in Notepad. Where can I get one? I copied the html you gave me and paste it on the site, but I'm still getting the mysterious blank spot. Any more ideas?
  6. Goat23

    Table question

    I put that in and it didn't make a differance. The <tr> denotes that you want a new table row. In this case I want all my tables on one row. Thanks though.
  7. Goat23

    Table question

    yeah, here's the link http://www.goatville.com/plantworld/pinus/palustris/main.html The actual website is http://www.goatville.com/plantworld.html And you get there by clicking on P, then Pinus, then palustris. It's in a frame, which is why I need all the space I can get.
  8. Goat23

    Table question

    I have a webpage with 3 verticle tables. The 1st with text, the 2nd with pics, and the 3rd with advertisements. However, you can't see the far right cell without scrolling to the left (and I don't think advertisers will be to happy with that). I've made the pictures smaller, which works, but...
  9. Goat23

    How can I load two frames from one link.

    Thanks for the script, it worked excellently!
  10. Goat23

    How can I load two frames from one link.

    I'm building a website that has three frames. A top frame, a left frame and a right frame. How do I have a link in the left frame and change both the left and right frame at once. Here's my code, Ignore the nothing.html, it goes nowhere. <FRAMESET ROWS="15%,85%"FRAMEBORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0"...
  11. Goat23

    Loading more than one page with frames

    I'm building a website that has three frames. A top frame, a left frame and a right frame. How do I have a link in the left frame and change both the left and right frame at once. Here's my code, Ignore the nothing.html, it goes nowhere. <FRAMESET ROWS="15%,85%"FRAMEBORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0"...
  12. Goat23

    Trying to make my own web database

    I've been making static web pages for about seven years now. However, I wish to expand my knowledge to interactive web sites with mysql databases and php programming. With my very limited ability in both these fields I was hopeing someone could help me out with my endevors. Some of the things...
  13. Goat23

    Making Pause Fast Forward etc.. with a Flash Movie in Director.

    Here's what I've done. I've made a 30 second Flash movie and imported it into Director. I've also made seperate Pause, Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, and Play buttons with Flash and imported them in Director. How do I give the buttons actions for the previouse list? Thanks, Greg Fahy
  14. Goat23

    Urgent Question about sounds.

    I've made a web site in Director MX for school and I'm on the finally stages. All I have to do till I'm finished is add some sound. What I want to do is play a loop throughout the entire site. However, when ever it hits a pause statement(to stop from page to page) the sound also stops. How do...
  15. Goat23

    How do I inbed Flash in HTML?

    That really didn't help. I pasted that in my HTML and replaced the nameofmovie with the name of my movie, but it didn't do anything.
  16. Goat23

    How do I inbed Flash in HTML?

    How do I put a flash movie in a HTML document. I still use notepad and am getting into Flash. I know how to put a link to get to my Flash site, but I don't know how to have the Flash playing off to the side of my already existing HTML page. Thanks
  17. Goat23

    How do I enbed Flash?

    How do I put a flash movie in a HTML document. I still use notepad and am getting into Flash. I know how to put a link to get to my Flash site, but I don't know how to have the Flash playing off to the side of my already existing HTML page. Thanks
  18. Goat23

    How much money should I pay?

    I'm starting up an online e-commerence web site. I've designed the site with flash and photoshop. The whole site is almost ready to hit the viewing public. However, I have very little expertise in the field of internet programming. I need to know how much it'll cost me to pay someone to set...
  19. Goat23

    Help with making an uploadable form

    To be quite honest I don't know much about PHP. I take a class in it next semester, but I need an uploadable form now. I run a web site that promotes local bands, to get on to the web site they have to fill out a form. This form is then sent to my e-mail and means the band may not get added...
  20. Goat23

    introduction prices

    I have no idea what to charge, that's why i'm at the web site. However, those are some darn trendy bowling shoes!

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