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Search results for query: *

  1. andrewbadera

    Flash/JavaScript communication problem ... scope?

    JavaScript SetVariable and GetVariable seem to work fine, but ActionScript within the Flash object doesn't seem to be seeing the variables update ... http://cf.democratandchronicle.com/widget/frontpage2.html object code: <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"...
  2. andrewbadera

    Schema for bulk loader

    Can anyone help me generate a schema for the following XML? <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;iso-8859-1&quot; ?> <story> <storyfilename> <![CDATA[0125BUO_gang22.xml]]> </storyfilename> <storyorder>0</storyorder> <section> <![CDATA[1]]> </section>...
  3. andrewbadera

    secure user signups and logins, JavaScript/ASP

    that was my thought too actually -- if I'm under SSL, is clientside even necessary. But then again, it's not much effort to implement, so why not? As far as salting, I'm not certain -- does the undocumented SQL Server PWDENCRYPT function utilize a salt? I'm guessing, in typical Microsoft style...
  4. andrewbadera

    secure user signups and logins, JavaScript/ASP

    see my thought was MD5 hash clientside using JavaScript, and then use SQL Server's PWDENCRYPT method to SHA hash before storing in the DB.
  5. andrewbadera

    secure user signups and logins, JavaScript/ASP

    I'm curious more about the best process ... should I hash on the clientside and AGAIN in the DB, and compare the SHA-hashed MD5 password hash passed from the client to the database entry? or just hash MD5 clientside and store that hash in the DB?
  6. andrewbadera

    secure user signups and logins, JavaScript/ASP

    not worried about JavaScript being disabled nor various browser versions, users will be forced to conform with ideal browser configuration.
  7. andrewbadera

    secure user signups and logins, JavaScript/ASP

    hello- looking to implement a secure-as-reasonable user signup and login process. I intend to carry out all user information and password interactions under SSL; I'm debating implementing MD5 hash clientside and passing the result of hashing the password to the DB and store the MD5 hash vs...
  8. andrewbadera

    Gregorian calendar add/roll issue

    I have a 5-day Gantt-style timeline chart I'm working on with next/previous week buttons. On next/previous 7 days are added or subtracted from the current DAY_OF_YEAR value. It seems to scroll previous with no problems ... but at the end of September, it rolls back to the beginning of September...
  9. andrewbadera


    sorry missing calendar code: Calendar calMonday = null; calMonday = cal.getInstance(); Calendar calFriday = null; calFriday = cal.getInstance(); java.util.Date sDate; java.util.Date eDate; calMonday.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY); sDate = calMonday.getTime()...
  10. andrewbadera


    I have a project scheduler I'm building, and I seem to be able to move back and forth between weeks just fine with: if (actionCmd == &quot;nextWeek&quot;) { cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, (cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) + 1)); } if (actionCmd == &quot;prevWeek&quot;) {...
  11. andrewbadera

    &quot;floating&quot; label?

    I have a Gantt-style &quot;chart&quot; that I've build using JPanels as a representation of days of the week, and I'm using the 2D API to draw rectangles representing project timelines across the day-panels. I need to label these rectangles with job numbers ... is this possible to do with any...
  12. andrewbadera

    date-range sql statement

    I had totally forgotten the BETWEEN, thanks :)
  13. andrewbadera

    date-range sql statement

    Under SQL Serever 2000, I'm trying to pull projects out of the database to display on a 5-day Gantt-style project timeline chart. Therefore, I need all projects that occur on any of the 5 days on the chart (range[dateStart-dateEndProj] contains range[1st day-5th day]). is there a way to pull...
  14. andrewbadera

    ocx licensing issue

    I forgot to mention, I did reinstall, from a VB 6.0 Enterprise disc set, MSDN subscription SP5, and the problems persist. I reinstalled, then reinstalled the runtime, then re-ran VB6C.exe and it still pukes.
  15. andrewbadera

    ocx licensing issue

    Hi All- I have a project where I find myself picking up where another individual, no longer with the company, left off. The project, from what I understand, was originally 16-bit VB 4.0. It was migrated to 32-bit 4.0, then to 6.0 With my original install of VB 6.0 Enterprise, I tried to run...
  16. andrewbadera

    odd DISTINCT requirements

    Terry- As always, to the rescue :) I may have avoided requirements to change the backend by displaying more information on the front-end. If the client is unhappy with my solution, I'll get back to you on this with sample data. Thanks.
  17. andrewbadera

    odd DISTINCT requirements

    I have a client with a less than fully normalized data model. they have products with product codes, class, category, manufacturer and notes fields. Originally, I was told the product code was unique; I later discovered that they have products sharing product codes but existing as separate...
  18. andrewbadera

    Swing help please

    I'm fairly new to Java, having written a few HTTP web-bots and some console JDBC stuff, and have only been using Swing for the last week or so. I'm putting together an labor and resources scheduling application, and chose to use a third party calendar Swing component. the first one I used had...
  19. andrewbadera

    help with JOIN please

    oh, ok, so nothing different than what I ended up doing, which was removing the unecessary user and irrelevant product references from the entire query ...
  20. andrewbadera

    help with JOIN please

    sorry, how do you mean, group by clause, when pulling back dtReceived and dtShipped, which, yes, are unique by order ID ...

Part and Inventory Search
