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Search results for query: *

  1. johnCronin

    Sql Server 2005

    Thanks so much for your responses on this subject. The reason for wanting to install SQL 2005 is they are currently on Pervasive and upgrading to Sql. They would like to be on the most current version. In addition the reporting services and business intelligence will provide greater...
  2. johnCronin

    Sql Server 2005

    Currently running 7.6.300. Has anyone upgraded to SQL Server 2005. Are there problems as a result of this. Is Macola still shipping 2000?
  3. johnCronin

    Prevent Orders From Being Keyed Against Parent CusNo

    Does anyone know of an easy way to prevent ordered from being entered against a parent account. Our use of parent is to designate a headquarters for billing and open item consolidation. Orders should not be entered against this account.
  4. johnCronin

    Sales Invoice Crystal Question

    Also, when you use OELINHST you get that wonderful field sls_amt which takes care of all the price discounts and rounding and propper sign for credits.
  5. johnCronin

    Best Practice -- Future Orders

    Promotions are run to stimulate future sales. For example a discount is offered for orders of summer products during the winter. When the orders are taken a future ship date is set to sometime in the summer. The problem of course is that the qty is allocated causing backorders on these items for...
  6. johnCronin

    SQL transaction logs don't purge

    On the database properties select options and make sure recovery model is full and the "auto shrink" option is checked. I assume you are backing up the transaction log with the "BACKUP LOG" command.
  7. johnCronin

    How many times a char appears in a string?

    Dim s1 As String = "Aaa Ha" Dim r As RegularExpressions.Regex = _ New RegularExpressions.Regex("a", RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) Dim matches As Integer = r.Matches(s1).Count MessageBox.Show(matches) 'should display 4
  8. johnCronin

    Pervasive OLE/DB Driver

    Scott, Thanks for your response. It is scary to think that a company who is in business to provide data access can't produce a reliable state of the art method to access their data engine. John Cronin
  9. johnCronin

    Pervasive OLE/DB Driver

    Does anyone have experience with an OLE/DB driver for pervasive. The driver is available from Pervasive as part of the SDK download but not a stand alone download. When I spoke with Pervasive support they recommended not using the OLE/DB driver and to continue using the ODBC driver. The reason...
  10. johnCronin


    I am using 2003. If you have more questions we should take them off-line. john@cronincomputers.com
  11. johnCronin


    When I take that code out I get: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Web.HttpException' occurred in system.web.dll Additional information: Could not access 'CDO.Message' object.
  12. johnCronin


    Dim mMail As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage
  13. johnCronin

    Cant Delete Row from Database

    Are you just trying to delete some rows from the DB. Then you don't need a dataset to do that. Datasets are used for working with disconnected data. The delete command, and update commands associated with the dataAdapter are used to synch the changes of the data in the dataSet back to the DB.
  14. johnCronin


    I had a similar problem when I attempted to send mail using an SMTP server that required autorization. You could give to following code a shot and see if it helps. With mMail .From = tbFrom.Text .To = tbTo.Text .Subject = tbSubject.Text...
  15. johnCronin

    search for special string in different filetypes

    could try: r = New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(searchWord,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
  16. johnCronin

    Value of the value member

    when the combobox is databound you can use the SelectedValue property. Assuming you have Option Explit On and the value as in your example is a string. MessageBox.Show(CType(ComboBox1.SelectedValue, String))
  17. johnCronin

    SQL server and Terminal Server

    I would switch to the oledb driver for the Crystal reports
  18. johnCronin

    Simple Order Entry

    I am pretty sure it is the thread Kevin Scheeler is pointing to with the URL Thread639-757895
  19. johnCronin

    ADO.NET return a single value

    Dim conn As New SqlConnection Dim command As New SqlCommand conn.ConnectionString = "integrated security=SSPI;data " & _ "source=JOHNNB1;initial catalog=Northwind" command.CommandText = "Select CompanyName from Customers " & _...
  20. johnCronin

    Access only what I created

    you should use the process Class. Has alot of flex. in this example I want to know when the process is closed by the user. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim proc As Process = New Process...

Part and Inventory Search
