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Search results for query: *

  1. StephenLeach

    Clearing combo box in XL

    you'll need to following code in the click event for your command button ComboBox1.Clear ComboBox1.AddItem ""
  2. StephenLeach

    Clearing combo box in XL

    In the click event for your command button you need the code 'clear combobox1 ComboBox1.Clear 'add blank item ComboBox1.AddItem "" hope this helps Stephen
  3. StephenLeach

    Anyone aware of a "true" title case function

    There is a VB function called StrConv which will convert your string to proper case. Try StrConv("hello world", vbProperCase) This however will not do abbreviations like NE of EST, however you could add these custom requirments to your own function. e.g. Function...
  4. StephenLeach

    LIKE operator

    Just relised the answer myself... a LIKE b is looking for pattern b inside string a where as b LIKE a is looking for pattern a inside string b Sorry for opsting a question and then answering it five minutes later... Stephen
  5. StephenLeach

    LIKE operator

    In a SELECT statement I have a condition along the lines of columnName LIKE '%'. I have noticed that this gives different results to '%' LIKE columnName. Why is this? I would have thought that the LIKE operator would behave as the = operator, as in a=b is equivalent to saying b=a. Does anyone...
  6. StephenLeach

    Killing Running Process

    The following will terminate the process in which Excel.exe is running strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM...
  7. StephenLeach

    IF statements and CREATE TABLE statements

    Jay, Thanks I'll give it a go --------------------------- pgtek, I need to to refer to the tempory table later so I need it to have the same name regardless of where the data comes from. I didn't make that clear. Thanks anyway Stephen
  8. StephenLeach

    IF statements and CREATE TABLE statements

    I have an IF statement whereby a tempory table is created by a SELECT INTO command. If the IF statement evaluates to true then the data for the temporary table comes from one source and if the IF statement is FALSE then the data comes from a second source. The name of the temporary table is the...

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