First of all, i cant use the p&d because the help file of my application is chm not hlp and p&d includes only hlp files for help.
Bob: How do we know that a file exists on the machine is or not registered? Is there any affect when installing a program? For example vb6. When i install vb6 on my...
HughLerwill :
The files you mentioned, exist on my computer, without having installed vb6.
JoeAtWork :
If someone on his computer hasnot vb6 and want to install my programm must he needs all these OCXs and DLLs used by references?
Does anyone know how to change the destination of DLLs and...
Well, i tried this. When i have installed the vb6 on my computer Start -> Run regsvr32 path\component_filename.ext works successfully. But when i have not installed the vb6 on my pc i am getting the message "The loading dll was unsuccessful, Its impossible to locate the specified unit." because...
My problem is that i want my program to run in every computer i install it and not deal with machines.
Although if i install it on another machine i still have the same problem i refered above.
I have created a vb6 application and the exe runs properly if i have installed the vb6 on my computer. I created a set up file with inno setup 5 and still runs fine on my computer.
My problem is that if i unistall vb6, when i run the application exe file, when i try to display a data...
Thank both of you.
Bob I am not familiar with subclasses in windows api.
Zemp this doesnot solve my problem.
I declared these in my module .bas and i called the quithelp in the mdiform query unload and now it works fine.
Const HH_CLOSE_ALL = &H12
Public Sub QuitHelp()
hwndHelp =...
Thank you much Bob, that doesnot solve my problem. I tried in the query unload event mdimainform.UnloadAllForms the advantage of this statement is that the vb6 doesn't ends unormally but when the application has been closed by the user the chm html help file is still opened. Is there a way to...
Hello everyone,
I have created a small application in vb6 includes a chm html help file. My application has one mdiform and the other forms are mdi childs. It works fine but there is a problem. When i run the program the form i see is the mdiform it is the main form for my program if open from...
That's great Bob, i am just worry for myself because i am new to vb6 and i don't have the experience creating subclasses and context popup menus. I hope, i can do that earlier. I have a generally question to do about subclasses, for example how do we know that &HC6 is EM_CANUNDO, or &H800& is...
Thank you both of you.
Dilettante can you give me the sites of free downloadable icons please? Where can i find icon editor or a general-purpose graphics tool? Do you know? Does anybody knows?
Hello everybody.
I have created an application in vb6 and i want to change the icon of executable file because i don't like it and because i am going to create a setup file. So, after setting up the program in a computer the icon of program would be the default executable file's vb6 icon. Does...
So, if i have well understood, the "problem" i mentioned above, is not exactly problem. The call api windowproc calls anytime occurs an event either this is a messagebox appears, either the user clicks on the form or any object, whatever. A last question, i studied a little for api and i read...
The what i did is the code of hypetia that mentioned in thread222-1070885: Disable Paste function. If I run the program it seems that is working. But if run step over F8, if i have a statement for example msgbox "hello" running this function,
Private Function WindowProc(ByVal hWnd As Long...
Bob what do you mean saying that the Change event fires?
You are right that Ctrl-V doesn't allowed with select case event i realized it when i ran it. Well, your opinion is just to suppress the paste as in Hypetia's code thread222-1070885: Disable Paste function? Finally, i think that's the best...
Error7, do you mean just to show a message box that the right click is disabled as additional code, without disable textbox as told vbSun? If yes, really, it is not a bad idea.
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