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Search results for query: *

  1. RealQuiet

    WCF Messaging Hub Serialization/Deserialization

    Thanks again, Chip. We're under a tight deadline right now, so we're going with the manual serialization method for the initial rollout. Once we get through the go-live, we will revisit and hopefully get it working with the method described. I will keep this flagged so I remember to come back...
  2. RealQuiet

    WCF Messaging Hub Serialization/Deserialization

    Thanks Chip, I will give this a shot. I guess I figured that since it wouldn't work with object that it wouldn't work with some other base type. I'll try it and post back what I find out.
  3. RealQuiet

    WCF Messaging Hub Serialization/Deserialization

    We have a WCF messaging hub. A publisher sends a message object to a method on the service, and the service distributes the message to subscribed recipients. The message object includes a MessageData property of type object. We have defined an class to which the publisher and subscribers...
  4. RealQuiet

    Multi tab forms application

    Omega, I thought having all of the panels on the same page in the designer was somewhat hard to deal with, so I placed several IFRAME objects on the form (all on top of each other) that act as my panels. The src of the IFRAME is actually a separate aspx page, so I can easily go to that page and...
  5. RealQuiet

    copy memory

    I found this in an article at http://www.devarticles.com/art/1/249/4 This will convert a string to a byte array. I'm not sure what your structure is, but maybe this will help get you on your way. ' Declare a UTF8Encoding object so we may use the GetByte ' method to transform...
  6. RealQuiet

    Validator prevents user from cancelling out of screen

    I have some required field validators as well as Range Validators on a page. The validation doesn't fire on the buttons that have the CausesValidation = False. The postback happens, and everything works fine.
  7. RealQuiet

    Validator prevents user from cancelling out of screen

    Set the CausesValidation property to False on the Cancel button.
  8. RealQuiet

    Is there a way to change a readonly file to not readonly?

    I don't believe your test for read only will return correct results since the FileAttributes property is a summation of all attributes. I think your condition will always return true. Anyhow, this should do the trick Dim objFileinfo As System.IO.FileInfo Dim strFilePath As...
  9. RealQuiet

    Scrape HTML

    Try the System.Net Namespace This should get you started: Private Sub GetWebPage Dim objResponse As Net.WebResponse Dim objRequest As Net.WebRequest Dim objStreamReader As System.IO.StreamReader Dim strResult As String objRequest =...
  10. RealQuiet

    Role Based Security - DB Authentication

    I think I have it worked out. Basically, you have create the GenericPrincipal Object and assign it to the context.user in the Application_AuthenticateRequest of the global.asax. This pulls the role information out of a cookie and assigns it for the current web request only. I had it in my...
  11. RealQuiet

    Role Based Security - DB Authentication

    I am trying to limit access to certain areas of my site based on roles. I am not using Windows Authentication (not practical in this situation), and I'm running into some problems. I authenticate the login info against a database, retrieving associated roles for that user, and then creating a...
  12. RealQuiet

    FTP from VB.Net

    You can also use the System.Net namespace. This guy has done a fairly elaborate ftp client with VB.Net, so you may get some ideas here. http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=4655
  13. RealQuiet

    App.config Problem

    Craig, Actually your statement isn't completely accurate. While it is true that the config file is associate with the calling exe, the data can be accessed directly from a called dll. I have several instances where I have used...
  14. RealQuiet

    App.config Problem

    The App.config information can be accessed from the DLL, but they access the information associated with the calling executable. The best the to do would be to set these variables via properties or function parameters. This allows the same dll to be called from different applications that may...
  15. RealQuiet

    App.config Problem

    The config file will be associated with the executable that will call the dll.
  16. RealQuiet

    How do import data from a csv file?

    Here's the function. A sample call would be: strLine = objSplit.SplitLine(strTemp, ",", """") where strTemp is the current line string, comma is the delimiter, a double quote is the text qualifier, and strLine is a string array. Hope this helps Public Function...
  17. RealQuiet

    Downloading page from Internet site

    Here's a good example: http://www.devsearch.com/dotnet/Article/6971/0/page/6
  18. RealQuiet

    How do import data from a csv file?

    Deb, I came across this problem in a project a few weeks ago. I didn't really find much that fit my needs, so I wrote a function to do this. It takes a string, text qualifier, and delimiter as arguments and returns a string array. There's a little bit of logic in it, but it basically reads...
  19. RealQuiet

    Windows Service Permissions?

    Look at the service properties (in Windows not in VS), and try checking the Interact with Desktop box on the Log On tab.
  20. RealQuiet

    Can i add a kodak image scan control to vb.net?

    Try Right clicking in your toolbox, and choose "customize toolbox". Then you can add COM or .Net components there.

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