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Search results for query: *

  1. tvidigal

    Delphi Translations to C++

    Hi All! I don't know if this thread is the most suitable for this post, if not I apologise in advance! I'm translating some stuff from delphi and I have this peace of code type FiltProc = function(V: Single): Single of object; and later inside a class I have this declaration: Fil: FiltProc...
  2. tvidigal

    Delphi Translations

    Hi All! I don't know if this thread is the most suitable for this post, if not I apologise in advance! I'm translating some stuff from delphi and I have this peace of code type FiltProc = function(V: Single): Single of object; and later inside a class I have this declaration: Fil: FiltProc...
  3. tvidigal

    exporting DLLs

    Hello all, my goal is to create a DLL to be used in Delphi! i know how to declare functions, functions inside classes and so on, but i don't know how to pass a Complete class to the outside in order to gain the same functionality! So in delphi it could be used like for instance i used in VC...
  4. tvidigal

    about CP32MT.LIB

    Hello everyone, i have this project on BC++ v6 and the only errors i got are all related to CP32MT.LIB! here is one example! [Linker Error] Unresolved external '__BeforeDestruction' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\BORLAND\CBUILDER6\LIB\CP32MT.LIB|xx more strange is when i compile the same...
  5. tvidigal

    another c++ conversion

    Hello again Towerbase, i come once again over a similar issue! i really hope you can also answer me this! in c++ i have: x, y, z are integer frq, sr are float and i have y = x; x = frq>(sr/2-100.0); z = (x^y); being these values integers i don't understand what it means could you please...
  6. tvidigal

    about VCL

    hey all, working on a vcl i found the need to have images inside! i give a example of having several led images to make a TLEDGauge VCL! what do i need! never did that so dunno really what to do! thanks in advance, Regards
  7. tvidigal

    another c++ conversion

    Andrew man, thanks a lot really!! you've been very helpfull!! regarding the 1st post same thing goes to phase >> 24 ---> 24 shl phase right ;) thank you !!! best whishes Tiago
  8. tvidigal

    another c++ conversion

    thanks!!! so much to be understood about!!! lol could you be gently and tell how can i translate this: float frac = (phase & 0x00FFFFFF) * k1Div24lowerBits; (phase & 0x00FFFFFF) is the bugger ;-) i know i might be odd with so many questions about differences from C++, cause its my first...
  9. tvidigal

    Creating Objs dinamicaly

    Geez guys thank you!! BillDoorNz you'r great dude!! regards
  10. tvidigal

    Creating Objs dinamicaly

    Hi, i have var myP: array[0..kMaxPanels-1] of TPanel; then procedure DrawPanelsFromTracks_Click(Sender : TObject); var i : integer; begin for i:=0 to kMaxPanels-1 do begin myP[i]:=TPanel.Create(self); {works just fine} myP[i].Tag:=i; {crashes or other thing} end; end...
  11. tvidigal

    another c++ conversion

    hi all, because of some translations i came to this: k24float = 1.f/(float)(1<<24); what is the translation meaning of (1<<24)?
  12. tvidigal

    File Merger

    any more thoughts BillDoorNz? :) all the best Tiago
  13. tvidigal

    File Merger

    Hey BillDoorNz you'r a sweet! ;-) thanks man! you'r example its great, altough this will not be used for Albums/Artist, but for fast seeking of audio samples. For instance i may want to load as quickly as i can 3 sounds to memory that could be all 3 in very diferent locations of the file...
  14. tvidigal

    File Merger

    óoooo :-( no answers!!! i can send the wave class if someone think that can help me with this thingy! once again thank you very much! Regards
  15. tvidigal

    inherited class

    Hi, thanks for the reply! i did understand what's needed altough some syntax like this one: MyClass :: MyClass() : MyParentClass() { MyParentClass::setCoefficients( 1, 2, 3, 4 ); this->setCoefficients( 1, 2, 3, 4 ); } still make my mind blow!! :-) thanks!
  16. tvidigal

    File Merger

    Hi everyone, i would like to do a file merger to merge several audio files into one! I sorted a Class wich Reads a complete audio file into a buffer, and a SaveAsStereo SaveAsMono functions! but i also would need to add information for each Audio file, for example the last volume/pan settings...
  17. tvidigal

    inherited class

    :-) hello again, today i'm a breeze for topics 8-) I often see c++, class declarations like this: MyClass : DoSomething :: MyParentClass {...} then to use functions from the myParentClass we just have to do MyParentClass->MyParentClassFunction do we have in delphi the same structure or...
  18. tvidigal

    C++ related translations

    Hi again, could anyone help me with some C++ translations! in c++ i have: float *mydouble and in delphi i try to use: type float : Single PFloat : PSingle PPFloat : ^PFloat what i'm not sure about is if: float *mydouble (c++) is the same that var myfloat : PPFloat or and array of Float...
  19. tvidigal


    Hello, what is the saffest way to convert Single->Double->Extended or PSingle->PDouble->PExtended and Extended->Double->Single or PExtended->PDouble->PSingle no particular order thus could be Single->Extended! thanks in advance Best Regards

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