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Search results for query: *

  1. vbrunner


    Check the connection userid and make sure it has authorization to access the table.
  2. vbrunner

    Word obj changes:97 vs 2002?

    Yes, you will probably have to update the MSWORD.OLB to MSWORD9.OLB
  3. vbrunner

    Command Button Image

    I usually modify the image I want to use to be a 16X16 or 32X32 bitmap using MS photo editor. If you don't want to do that, try using a picture box instead of a command button; it usually doesn't make a difference unles you;re working with an array of buttons.
  4. vbrunner

    return X number of rows from a query regardless of Where match

    Thanks, I decided to go with a temp table (populate with X# of records then update from select) Phil
  5. vbrunner

    return X number of rows from a query regardless of Where match

    Hi I would like to return X number of rows from a query and sequentially number one of the fields regardless of matching the Where clause. ie: I would like this to return 10 records (with the field Nbr numbered sequentially) even if no data matches &quot;Price <= 10&quot;: Select Nbr, Type...
  6. vbrunner

    how do I return a fixed number of rows in a query -reagrdless of nulls

    Hi I would like top return X number of rows from a query and sequentially number one of the fields regardless of matching the Where clause. ie: I would like this to return 10 records (with the field Nbr numbered sequentially) even if no data matches &quot;Price <= 10&quot;: Select Nbr, Type...
  7. vbrunner

    How Do You Use an External Classes Properties/Methods?

    Classess, like any other object, have scope according where and how they are declared. You could create instances of these classes in whatever startup you use and keep them for the entire session but I would create them only as they are required. That way, they will be created/dropped within...
  8. vbrunner

    updating and index or primary key

    If you are using an auto-number (long int) field,(I assume this as that is the Access default), then you can't update that field without disconnecting and re-indexing that table. Rather than change things at this point, simply use .absoluteposition of your ADO recordset instead of the ID field...
  9. vbrunner

    Can't find API call to get file 'Version Other Information'

    I am able to get most of the file information I require; however, I can't seem to find documentation of how to retrieve file 'Version Other Information'. (see Version tab of file properties - Other version information is listed in lower half of window)
  10. vbrunner

    unable to reference user login in stored proc

    I have a stored proc that accesses another SQL database thus: &quot; + @sDatabase + &quot;.dbo.tablenamehere. This works fine for most cases but when I try to use this with a join from an empty table, SQL requires that I provide the database name. I need to work around this because the stored...
  11. vbrunner

    Listbox with Vscrollbar and Hscrollbar at the same time ????

    Or use an MSFlexgrid or MSHierarchcalFlexgrid control
  12. vbrunner

    Database linking, but data not displaying in combo box

    I don't know how you're working with this but I'll assume you used the VB Data Form Wizard. If this is the case then you are only going to see the current record for any of the controls on the form. The simplest way to populate your combobozx would be to add an ADO data control to the form with...
  13. vbrunner

    SQL2000 returns null where SQL7 returns empty string

    I have been advised not to set CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL to FALSE: This is the workaround from Microsoft Technet - setting the CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is NOT recommended. PRB: SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL May Cause Stored Procedures to Recompile (Q294942) The information in this article applies...
  14. vbrunner

    SQL 7 Slow Performance

    I'd also check the cursor types being used in your queries. I was surprised to find that in some cases ForwardOnly cursors (typical overall use for reports) can be far slower than Static curors. Step through it on the client system and see where the bottlenecks are, then check the cursor types.
  15. vbrunner

    SQL2000 returns null where SQL7 returns empty string

    I am testing a SQL7 to SQL2000 migration and have come across something that I can't find the source of. I have a view in SQL7 that returns an empty string if a field in the source table is Null. The same view in SQL2000 returns Null in the same circumstance.
  16. vbrunner

    ADO Recordset.Append

    I'm going to play with CCLINT's code - I haven't used ADOX before. I have dealt with this type of scnario by creating an ADO recordset on the fly and copied the data from the adoDataControl Recordset into it (although I shy away from ADO data controls - I find them restrictive), careful not to...

Part and Inventory Search
