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Search results for query: *

  1. Mossoft


    Why doesnt Sourcesafe appear on the list of remote Info|Access list in MX2004? As far as I can tell, the only requirement is to have Sourcesafe 6 installed, which it is. Even if it isnt on the list, can I still use SS by adding an extension?
  2. Mossoft

    Remote Timestamp

    You could try using the 'NET TIME' command in a dos window i.e. Shell to it, pipe the results to a text file then read the file. Call Shell("NET TIME \\WorkstationID > C:\RMT_TIME.TXT" ) Open "C:\RMT_TIME.TXT" for input as #1 etc... M :-)
  3. Mossoft

    Unwanted AutoCorrect

    Access 2000 uses the Office 2000 AutoCorrect facility. This enables ham-fisted users to carry on knowing that pre-defined errors will be corrected when they mis-type data in text boxes etc.. This facility can be turned off by setting the 'Allow AutoCorrect' property of the text boxes. The...
  4. Mossoft

    Disable Menubar.........

    All menu items have a unique ID. This code will give you the ID for a given menu option: e.g. FindMenuID "&Paste" will display the ID 22. Sub FindMenuItemID(strCaption As String) Dim cb As CommandBar Dim cbc As CommandBarControl For Each cb In...
  5. Mossoft

    Trying to run a stored procedure in SQL server7 on access??

    I have done a similar thing calling an Oracle SP from VB, but too much code to put here. It involved various calls to the ODBC.DLL library: SQLAllocStmt SQLPrepare Parameter binding using: SQLBindParameterString/Double/Long/Integer SQLExecute Get the output parameters (if any), then tidying...
  6. Mossoft

    How to query database based on a list values?

    I think what you need to do is: Create a recordset of the data in the database. For each record in a recordset, use VLOOKUP to try and find it in the first worksheet. If it isnt there, add it to the second worksheet. HTH M.
  7. Mossoft

    Dynamic recordset object producing error

    dbOpenDynamic only applies to a ODBCDirect workspace. You are using a Jet workspace. Use dbOpenDynaset instead. M *<:-)
  8. Mossoft

    Word Macro: Insert Leading Character

    Const Insert_Text = &quot;`&quot; With Selection .EndKey Unit:=wdStory Do .HomeKey Unit:=wdLine .TypeText Text:=Insert_Text .MoveUp Unit:=wdLine Loop Until .Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber) = 1...
  9. Mossoft

    OpenRecordset SQL statement not working

    The SQL cannot be applied because it contains a field name that does not exist in the table. So it is assumed that the unknown field is actually a parameter and will have been supplied. As Jebry says: Check the field names. M.
  10. Mossoft

    Deleting a TextBox from a header in MSWord

    Text boxes are Shapes. Dim shp As Shape With ActiveDocument For Each shp In .Shapes shp.Select Selection.Collapse wdCollapseStart Debug.Print shp.Name & &quot; is on Page &quot; & Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)...
  11. Mossoft

    OpenRecordset SQL statement not working

    Using dbOpenTable tells Access that your strSQL is the name of a table that it will try to open. It isn't!! Try using dbOpenDynaset or dbOpenSnapshot depending on whether you intend to amend the data or not. M.
  12. Mossoft

    Building up a form in word

    You could hold ALL the text in a Word table, a cell for each precident. Create a userform, in Word, that has a number of check boxes on it, each relating to a particular cell of the Word table. The user would check or uncheck the necessary boxes then push the 'go' button. A macro could delete...
  13. Mossoft

    Anybody know whats wrong with this line?

    Set Rst1 = CustDb.OpenRecordset(&quot;SELECT firstName , secondname , a1 , a2 , customerid From dbo_tblcustomer&quot; & &quot; ORDER BY firstname&quot;, ,dbSeeChanges) dbSeechanges is an &quot;Options&quot; value not a &quot;Type&quot; value so has to be third parameter. Also probably need...
  14. Mossoft

    Access 2000 Development Vs Access 2000 Runtime

    I have an issue where a query in Access 2000 Runtime runs differently to Access 2000 (development). In Access 2000, if a query has a parameter that has a function applied to it, the default order of events is: Access 2000 requests the parameter, then the function is applied to the parameter...
  15. Mossoft

    access 2000/97 VBA objects

    Set a reference to DAO 3.6 object library then use something like: Dim qry as DAO.QueryDef Set qry = Currentdb.QueryDefs(&quot;<query name>&quot;) With qry .SQL = &quot;SELECT blah blah&quot; <set other properties of query here> End With M.
  16. Mossoft

    Table in Word using Vba

    Try this: With <word document object> .Tables.Add Range:=.Parent.Selection.Range, _ NumRows:=<number of rows>, _ NumColumns:=<number of columns>, _ DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, _...
  17. Mossoft

    Check For Existance of Drive.

    ...or if you dont want to change drive: Declare Function WNetGetConnection Lib &quot;mpr.dll&quot; Alias &quot;WNetGetConnectionA&quot; _ (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, _ ByVal lpszRemoteName As String, _ cbRemoteName As Long) As...
  18. Mossoft

    Conditionaly placing page braks in Word VBA.

    Try something like: Sub ConditionalPageBreak(i_strText As String) Dim lngPage As Long 'find text With Selection With .Find .Forward = True .ClearFormatting .MatchWholeWord = True .MatchCase = False .Wrap =...
  19. Mossoft

    How do I create a read only text file using VBA

    FileSystem.SetAttr <full file name>, vbReadOnly M :-)
  20. Mossoft

    Checking Filepath of MSAccess.exe

    Try: msgbox syscmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) M :-)

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