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Search results for query: *

  1. ciel220

    Beginner: Join Tables

    Hello =) Thanks for your reply. However, the query you gave me doesn't seems to work. First of all, I got a 'syntax' error on the 'insert into' part. I fixed that as follow: SELECT Table1.Id, nz([Table 2]![Type],[Table1]![Type]) AS MostCurrentType, nz([Table 2]![Date],[Table1]![Date]) AS...
  2. ciel220

    Beginner: Join Tables

    Hi, I have 2 tables: On table 1, I have Id Type Date Details -- ---- ---- ------- 1 A Aug02 ABC 2 B Aug02 CDE On table 2, I have the info. for updated entry Id Type Date Details -- ---- ---- ------- 1 A...
  3. ciel220


    Hi gnt =) Thanks, here it is: SELECT * FROM [Forms]![Search Engine]![TblName]; And I got 'error in the FORM clause' @_@ Thanks!
  4. ciel220


    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I was trying to use that SQL and I got a syntax error from Access. IT says "There is a syntax error on your FROM clause". Am I fdoing sth wrong or is it possible to do things like that in a SQL clause? Thanks!
  5. ciel220


    Hello, Is there a way that I can run a query using a variable in a form? I have several tables: TblA TblB TblC ... I have a combo box namely, TableName, which user can browse and select whichever table that want to query with. What I want is, create a single query (instead of multiples...
  6. ciel220


    Many thanks to both of you! ciel220
  7. ciel220


    Hello, I have put in 'MSysObjects' and remove the "". When I use this in a query, it works (I run the query and all tables come out). But when it comes to the row source, it doesn't. Is there anything wrong w/ the setting of my combo box? Thanks so much for your help and...
  8. ciel220


    Hello Jebry, Thanks so much for your prompt response! Unfortunately, I follow all your instructions and it still doesnt' work. I created a form and a combo box with it. In row source -> zoom, I enter your query "Select Name From MySysObjects Where Type = 1 And Name Not Like 'MSys*'&quot...
  9. ciel220


    Sorry, i'm sort of new to Access. Jebry - how can I enter a SQL in row source? It doesn't allow me to enter 'text' but only select table/query form the build in drop down box. What is 'MySysObjects'? Is 'Name' a Key Word? Essnrv - I tried to put the code to my on_load event procedure but it...
  10. ciel220


    Hello, I have a .mdb file with the following tables: Jan01 Feb01 Mar01 ... Sep02 Oct02 All tables are named under the month and year of creation. I want to creat a form, with a combo box listing all existing tables name. How could I do that? I search so long on the web and on the MS Access...
  11. ciel220

    CONFIRM MSGBOX after query run successfully

    But how you know if your query suceed? There might be some 'run query error' and I don't want to prompt a success msg everytime. Is there a way that I can 1. make sure query run success (ex. if (true) then...) 2. prompt msg I am new to access VBA and I wonder how I could do that. Thanks a...
  12. ciel220

    CONFIRM MSGBOX after query run successfully

    Is there a way that I could create a 'customize Msgbox' for confirmation? Thanks a lot! ciel
  13. ciel220

    CONFIRM MSGBOX after query run successfully

    Hi, Could anyone one tell me how could I create a confirm dialog box to prompt user that a query has been run successfully? I'm using, DoDmd Runquery "", to run a append query. I wonder if there's a way to confirm after the append suceed. THANKS SO MUCH!! ciel
  14. ciel220

    TextTransfer using macros

    Thanks! I made a 'spec' and it works now! ciel
  15. ciel220

    Table deleted, file size remain big! Help!!!

    Thanks! I got it :) THANKS A LOT!
  16. ciel220

    TextTransfer using macros

    Hi, I'm having problem with using TEXTTRANSFER with macros. I have a text delimited file, namely file1. I tried to creat a macro and use textTransfer to automate the import process. However, the file imported is NOT in correct format. The text delimited filed all stick together!!! What...
  17. ciel220

    TEXT box displays field infomation

    All I want is a text box (or a label) displaying data on my form. I want sth (a control) to display data from a specific field on my table. How coudl I do that? Thanks in advance! ciel
  18. ciel220

    TEXT box displays field infomation

    Hello, Would anyone please give me some help on how to display field info. using text box? I have several tables, wich has a column namely timestamp. TIMESTAMP --------- 08M02Y O8M02Y The timestamp is same across each table. I have a form and I want to have a textbox or a label showing the...
  19. ciel220

    Table deleted, file size remain big! Help!!!

    Hi, I have a .mdb file with few tables in it. For some reasons, the size of my .mdb file is huge. Originally, I have a 8MB data table in my database. I duplicated this table (within my database) and I find that the size of my database growths to 16MB. I then deleted the duplicated table...
  20. ciel220

    Select COLUMN data by using CHECK BOX

    Hello! Could anyone tell me if that's possible to report & select data using CHECK BOX on form? I have a table with column 1, 2 and 3. And I also have a form with check box 1, 2 and 3. What I want is, if user check CHECKBOX 1, the data on COL 1 on table would be reported. And CHECKBOX 1,2...

Part and Inventory Search
