I have administered by never set up exchange 2000.
the skinny:
small client has w2k server on domain domain1.net behind d-link DSL router. DNS looks good. firewall set up properly, or so it appears. I unstalled exchange 2000, but the have a new domain, which they host both website and email, on...
we had a similar issue with 98 machines that needed a longer lease on the IP. at the time we extended the length of the scope to 10 days, and all problems went away. None of the NT workstations had issues, just the 9x machines.
I no longer struggle with the worthless brick level backup of arcserves exchange agent. it never worked, and when i though i had it, it backed it but would not let me restore anything.
i now use OnTrack Power Controls to open and export from a .edb. it will not let you copy and paste, but you...
we set up a public folder called (strangely enough) "Conference room", making it a public calendar. we made the default user publishing author, which allows them to create and edit their own items, but not edit ordelete anyone elses.
works like a champ, and everyone can see whats...
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