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Search results for query: *

  1. BlastRadius

    Selecting by the year

    I have an events page which displays the events by month. Currently I have an extra non-essetial field to hold the name of the month just for select the month fields. Problem is now I need to create another field like this for the year so that the events from last year don't show up. All this...
  2. BlastRadius

    missing video on wmv stream

    K here we go. I am using the following piece of code to stream a promotional video. <embed src=&quot;/missionstrips/downloads/mission_low.wmv&quot; width=&quot;160&quot; height=&quot;160&quot;></embed> Everything work great for me when I try to view it from the web site. But I keep getting...
  3. BlastRadius

    referencing a structure within an array

    I have created an array and filled it's values with structures. Now how do I get the info back out. I'll include the code. <cfset arraySpread = arraynew(1)> <cfloop index=&quot;i&quot; from=&quot;1&quot; to=&quot;#rsBudgetTrans.recordCount#&quot;> <!---Create a structure to hold each row of...
  4. BlastRadius

    How can I validate a date

    Thanks Rudy, I had forgoten about the cftry/cfcatch tags I combined these with a few of the list tags and was able to catch the error and recreate the date as a valid date. Works great. I'll include the code incase anyone else is having the same problem. <cfif...
  5. BlastRadius

    How can I validate a date

    ok here it is! I have a form with three jump menus. The menus are populated via a component's methods. This refreshes the pages menu's days field to reflect the number of days in the selected month. The curent selected date is created by combining the value of the 3 fields and is passed as...
  6. BlastRadius

    Directory name invalid

    I am running an IIS server locally for personal testing of my sites. Some time ago I install php onto it and tested it and everything was working. I haven't used it for sometime. Now if there are any php tags in the file I get a &quot;The directory name is invalid.&quot; error. I have tried...
  7. BlastRadius

    Popup Window in Flash MX

    ok here we go press the insert option on the menu and click new symbol on the form that pops up select movieclip and press ok this will open a new timeline create a graphic that looks like a window - put a x in the corner and all that stuff. put your buttons and whatever you want inside the...
  8. BlastRadius

    How do you create a Text Box in MX?

    use the text tool to create a textarea. put the focus on the textarea in the properties panel at the far left is a drop down change it to &quot;input text&quot;. and you have your text box
  9. BlastRadius

    Popup Window in Flash MX

    you could have the new window as a movieclip in flash. Initialize it with the _visible set to false. when the button is pressed set the _visible to true. Then values and buttons on the form in the new window/movieclip can change the values of your dynamic textboxes. This is probably the...
  10. BlastRadius

    how can I use a variable with the addItem function in mx

    I am wanting to dynamically load values into the combobox using an array and a for loop to fill in the label and the data values. But all it will displace is &quot;book(1)&quot; instead of the value of book(1).
  11. BlastRadius

    Updating mySQL database

    Thanks SrinuReddy I have it working with your first example. It helped alot.
  12. BlastRadius

    Updating mySQL database

    This is a simple question but I am having a problem with the syntax for the SQL update command. I have an example code which will update all records where say a = c to update c to d. Which is great but I am wanting to update every field here is the code. Below is the code I used on my last...
  13. BlastRadius

    Passing variable to a flash file

    what j-dogg said should work if it doesn't maybe try surrounding the & with single quotes ie '&'
  14. BlastRadius

    button won't work

    Ok here it is... I have created and invisible button and place an instance of it on the stage. The actions for the button are activated by an on key press event. This button is only on the first frame of the movie. When the movie loads the button will not work on the key press event but...
  15. BlastRadius

    Flash5 buttons in Dreamweaver4

    Are you using a relative link ie. /index.html or the full address ie. http://www.your-page/pages/index.html? I find that flash doesn't always deal well with relative links. Try using the full address or if you don't want to do this try putting the button in the exact same folder as the page...
  16. BlastRadius

    margin widths aren't working

    I put the code you gave into a page and tested it and everything works the way it should. I add some text to the table so i could see where the table was and the table goes right up against the browsers slider. I even checked it in netscape and ie. I am assume though you have recent versions...
  17. BlastRadius

    cell background color

    With something like this I would create two images one with you text w/ the black background and a second with the text with the blue background. Then under the common tools in dreamweaver use the insert rollover image button(top right). use the image w/ black as image 1 and the image w/ blue...
  18. BlastRadius

    HTML tags disappearing in dynamic text box

    Just another tip one that I spent some time on is when embeding the font if the textbox doesn't have enough hieght it will the text box will appear empty. If everything else seems to be right drag the to increase its hieght.(happen with singleline dynamic text)
  19. BlastRadius

    Preloading flashmovies = one step further

    that code is checking to see if all the frame of the movie are loaded, don't need to show the preloader otherwise. If the movie clip has a bar which movies from left to right say over 10 frame this code will move the frames of the bar clip along the timeline until it is fully loaded. I admit it...
  20. BlastRadius

    Preloading flashmovies = one step further

    Create a movieclip with a short animated sequence with an obvious begining and end. Place the movieclip in the first frame of the scene with the stop action assigned to the frame. on the moiveclip on clip event select enterframe then if(_root._framesloaded=_root.totalframe){...

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