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Search results for query: *

  1. diamondsc

    Outlook 2003 not showing email delivered by Exchange

    Actually, I went back to OWA and found the missing emails in the sync issues folder. I can move the emails from there to my inbox and they show up. What would cause these sync issues and is there a way to have Exchange notify me when they occur? Thanks.
  2. diamondsc

    Outlook 2003 not showing email delivered by Exchange

    No, they are not in OWA either.
  3. diamondsc

    Outlook 2003 not showing email delivered by Exchange

    We have Exchange 2003 SP2. Our users all have Outlook 2003. We have certain emails that arrived within a certain time frame this afternoon that were received by our Exchange server and the logs show that these emails were delivered locally to each user. However, these emails do not show up on...
  4. diamondsc

    Old emails got resent to everyone

    We have Exchanger Server 2003. Suddenly four emails that had been sent a few months ago (all on different days and sent by four different people) were sent to a group account for everyone that has an inhouse email account. As soon as I saw what was happening, I shut down and restarted the...
  5. diamondsc

    Add items to multiple comboboxes

    Thanks techsmith. Your post made me realize I could pass the combobox name to the subroutine by declaring a parameter as ComboBox. Public Sub FillCombo(ByVal ItemDesc as String, ByVal ComboBoxName as ComboBox) My head wasn't on straight that day. Thanks again.
  6. diamondsc

    Add items to multiple comboboxes

    I am using Visual Studio 2005 and vb.net. I have several comboboxes on a form. Each combobox needs to be filled with a list of items from a single datasource. Each list will consist of item descriptions from a different set of records from the datasource. I have accomplished this with a...
  7. diamondsc

    Pocket PC app using VB.net and Visual Studio 2005

    I need to develop a mobile app for pocket pc using ActiveSync. I am fairly familiar with vb.net and visual studio 2005. I have never done a mobile app. What would be a good source of information and reference for a beginner in this area?
  8. diamondsc

    W2K Pro/Netware client/SQL Server problem

    Forgive me if I'm on the wrong forum and that I don't have all the information. My client has an issue that seems to involve Netware client on a Windows 2000 Pro machine trying to access MS SQL Server using ODBC. A fresh W2K Pro without Netware client loaded will access the SQL Server...
  9. diamondsc

    The amazing shrinking form

    Thanks macleod! You saved my form from oblivion. I had the border style set to Fixed3D. I changed it to FixedDialog and now it is not the incredible shrinking form anymore. Fixed3D making the form dimensions change after closing it and reopening it is rather odd but I can certainly live with...
  10. diamondsc

    The amazing shrinking form

    I am using VS 2005. I have just noticed that when I edit and save a windows form, the size of the form changes. When I close the form and reopen it, the size is 4 points smaller from the right and bottom edges. If I do this enough times, the controls on the form actually begin to move off the...
  11. diamondsc

    Change connection refresh vb.net form

    I am using Visual Studio 2005 and visual basic.net. I have a vb form that contains a tableadapter bound to an Access table. On the form is a textbox that displays the contents of a specific field in the Access table. This works fine. On the same form I allow the user to choose a different...
  12. diamondsc

    Use expression for value in data table column

    I found the correct syntax for the expression. It is: Sum(Child(RelationshipName).ColumnName) This only works if the two tables are related which in my case they are. However, I'm not getting the result that I should be getting. The relationship does exist between the two tables and there...
  13. diamondsc

    Use expression for value in data table column

    I neglected to say I've tried quotes everywhere I could think of in the SQL statement and I get the same error. I also tried referencing the column in the following ways: Sum([tblName].[ColumnName]) Sum([tblName.ColumnName]) Sum([DataSetName.tblName.ColumnName]) I've placed the brackets in...
  14. diamondsc

    Use expression for value in data table column

    I am using vb.net in visual studio 2005. I have a dataset in my project that contains multiple tables. I have used the dataset designer to add a new column to a table. I want to use an expression in the Expression Property to set the value for this column. The value should be a sum of a...
  15. diamondsc

    Access 2000 and SQL Server

    By the way, here is my connection string: ConnStr = "Provider=sqloledb.1;Driver=SQL Server;Server=" & sqlSvr & ";Database=" & sqlDB & ";UID=" & sqlUser & ";PWD=" & sqlPassword & ";" sqlSvr, sqlDB, sqlUser, and sqlPassword and string variables set within the application.
  16. diamondsc

    Access 2000 and SQL Server

    I am connecting to a SQL server database backend using an Access 2000 frontend. It is working fine on one workstation but on another it keeps asking for a sql server user name and password when you open different forms and it accesses certain tables. I am using the same sql server user name...
  17. diamondsc

    SQL Server Login Form

    If you are using a form for the user login, use the contents of the text boxes for the username and password to populate the connection string. For example, say the text box for the username is call Me!UName and the password is me!PWD. The connection string would look something like: Dim...
  18. diamondsc

    Using 'LIKE' operator in SQL statement

    Using MS Access 2000 VBA and retrieving data from MS SQL Server 2000. I've used the like operator like this in an If statement but have never tried it in a sql statement. The asterisk is suppose to be the wild card for any string of characters.
  19. diamondsc

    Using 'LIKE' operator in SQL statement

    I have tried to use the following sql statement in a VBA module: sqlStr = "Select * From Medications Where MedName Like 'ZOCOR*';" No records are returned. Will a Like operator not work in this situation? If not, what statement would work? Thanks.
  20. diamondsc

    You can't carry out this action at this time

    This is part of the problem. It doesn't occur at any one particular event on any one particular form. It may happen while opening a form one time and while saving a record on a totally different form another time. There is no evident rhyme or reason. And it doesn't happen on any regular...

Part and Inventory Search
