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Search results for query: *

  1. cppiston

    Not Installed??? WHAT???

    Hello, I am working on a DBS here... if I do the: On/Off, CONF, #, 5, (Port Number)... I get the Port and Extension Info... (Port 25, Extension 124) I set up my wiring properly... I made sure the phone works... But when i plug it into the wall, it aint workin... (Port 25), (ext 124).. When...
  2. cppiston

    Get query Data???

    Private Sub TextJobID_LostFocus() Dim stRunCheck As String stRunCheck = "qryJobID_Check" DoCmd.OpenQuery stRunCheck, acViewNormal, acEdit Dim inJobID As Integer Dim inCheckResult As Integer inJobID = Forms!frmOP2.TextJobID...
  3. cppiston

    open an Update QUERY

    Here is a copy of the code in my form: Private Sub OpenFormOP2() On Error GoTo Err_OP1Start_Click Dim stOP2Start As String DoCmd.OpenQuery stOP2Start, acViewNormal, acEdit Exit_OpenFormOP2: Exit Sub Err_OP2Start_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_OpenFormOP2...
  4. cppiston

    Here is my code (Im getting the err

    Hey, It works great!!!! thanks so much...
  5. cppiston

    Here is my code (Im getting the err

    i have a table Job Order Entry... On this table exists a Combo Box (text89 Which has the selection of CamProfiles). Also a text box (GagePoint). I also have another table luCamProfiles. I am trying to have GagePoint get its default data from the luCamProfile table according to the Cam Profile...
  6. cppiston

    Here is my code (Im getting the err

    Here is my code (Im getting the error: Run-time error '3061': Too few parameters. Expected 1. " Private Sub txtGagePoint_Click() On Error GoTo GagePoint_Enter Dim db As Database Dim qry As QueryDef Dim rst As Recordset Dim stDocName As String DoCmd.SetWarnings False stDocName =...
  7. cppiston

    Ok.. I have a form "Job Order Entry

    Cool, sounds good so far.. how could I use the Dlookup and the Label Control.. Could you show me.. PLeeeaaaasssseee!!
  8. cppiston

    Ok.. I have a form "Job Order Entry

    I have done that, my tblCamProfile and the Job Order Entry tables have a relationship. I am having a hard time for me to get the corresponding data from tblCamProfile / gage Point to store that data in Job Order Entry / Gagepoint... and have it show as the default data on the job Order entry...
  9. cppiston

    Ok.. I have a form "Job Order Entry

    On the Job Order Entry form, I want it where when someone selects the CamProfile, it will enter default data (From the tblCamProfiles)into GagePoint on the form, and store that data GagePoint, in the Job Order Entry Table... Sorry, thats the correct way....
  10. cppiston

    Ok.. I have a form "Job Order Entry

    Ok.. I have a form "Job Order Entry", it is linked to a table "Job Order Entry" Inside of the formJob Order Entry, is a Drop down Box "CamProfiles"... I have a new text box in the form called "Gage Point". Now, the Drop Down box call CamProfiles is...
  11. cppiston

    find a sum in an expression

    Thanks ahead of time.... I have a report that gets its info from a table... the table comes from a make-table query... Inside of the Make-Table query are 4 tables.. Ok.. The problem.... I have 2 variables comming from the table.... I want a text box to show the sum of 2 other values from the...
  12. cppiston

    Changing data in a query

    That worked!!! That is awesome.. Cool man.. Hey by the way, I see your listed as mwolf... not a michael wolf?? I sever in the army with a michael wolf....
  13. cppiston

    Changing data in a query

    Hello mwolf... hey, actually the jobNumber field is not set to auto number, the job number is created in our accounting software when they make a PO..etc... so the number can be changed, What I need the user to do is be prompted for "Reference Job" and then be prompted for "New...
  14. cppiston

    Changing data in a query

    I guess what I was trying to say, this is something that will happen daily. The user has a Reference job, and wishes to use that same data for a new job number.. does that make sense???
  15. cppiston

    Changing data in a query

    Hello all, I have a table (Job Order) with a lot of data... Ok, I want to take a row from this table, which I am querying by (Job Number), say 15655. Now I would like to append the original table (Job Order) with the same data EXCEPT change the (Job Number) from 15655 to say 21010. Note...
  16. cppiston

    What is dbo.syncobj_0x3030423....?

    I have two servers running SQL 7.0. One replicates to the other... under views I have syncobj_0x123456.... What is this? Also, I am running an access 97 DB, when I want o link tables I get these along with the list of tables??? Why?
  17. cppiston

    Query runs slow, run locally??

    I have an Access DB run off of the Server. All users run the shortcut to access the DB. One of my queries run slow. Is it possible to run a query localy? When I copy the DB to my system it runs fast.. Any suggestions??
  18. cppiston

    Getting info into form from query based table

    Hello, I have a form, and a make-Table Query, the query uses two combo boxes from the form to get the query info. Question: I need the query to automatically run when the second combo box is chosen, also, how can my text boxes is the same form use this data from the make-table query as its...
  19. cppiston

    Multiple search on Query???

    That is the way have set it up... the problem is it doesnt accept the by date query... it shows all dates, not just the user specified dates
  20. cppiston

    Multiple search on Query???

    I have a query that takes criteia from one combo box and two text boxes from a form. It is layed out like this: The first criteria takes from a combo box, Forging, and searches a table like this. ForgingID field: [Forms]![frm_openForgingForSales].[Combo1]. ForgingID1 field OR...

Part and Inventory Search
