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Search results for query: *

  1. lavomar1

    Program Files

    From : http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_qr.htm Read Only You may be unable to remove the Read-Only attribute from a folder using Windows Explorer. In addition, some programs may display error messages when you try to save files to the folder. This behavior occurs because the folder is...
  2. lavomar1

    Remove Software on Add/Remove programs

    You can alos use "regedit" and remove the wanted key under My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  3. lavomar1


    For the iEnd, I'll start the search from CNN and add a trim to remove the trailing space : Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String Dim iStart As Long Dim iEnd As Long s = "khFor CNN23 ON jaf;hdfhdalf" iStart = InStr(1, s, "CNN&quot...
  4. lavomar1

    Need Major help on C Programming !

    Here's how to do it... void main(void) { int Number; int Total; do { printf(&quot;Enter a number between 1 and 16 (0 to quit) : &quot;); fflush(stdin); scanf(&quot;%d&quot;, &Number); Total = 1; if (Number <= 16) for (Number; Number > 1; Number--) Total *=...
  5. lavomar1

    How to know Computer Name

    I seem simple, but I don't want to know the computer name on wich my program run. What I want to know is the computer name of user who has a session open on a server. That's more complicated...
  6. lavomar1

    Linking Access2000 with VB6(i'm loosing my mind)

    Try this : 'Make a reference to 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.5 Library 'Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.5 Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim cnnStr As String Dim Query As String 'This will let you connect to your database. cnnStr =...
  7. lavomar1

    How to know Computer Name

    FILE_INFO_3* FileBuffer = NULL; SESSION_INFO_10* tmpBuf = NULL; NET_API_STATUS FileStatus; NET_API_STATUS StationStatus; ... do { FileStatus = NetFileEnum(ServerName, NULL, NULL, 3...
  8. lavomar1

    How to know Computer Name

    I used NetFileEnum to know all the files open on a server. This function return me a file handle, the path of the file, the user who has the file open ans somes others things not very interesting to me. But I also want to know on wich CPU the user returned by the previous function is logged...
  9. lavomar1

    See Who's Opened A File And Want To Close It ?

    Here's a sample : #define UNICODE #include <wtypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <lmcons.h> #include <lmapibuf.h> #include <lmshare.h> #include <lmerr.h> #include <winnt.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_LEN 256 #define FILE_PER_PAGE 48 int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { WCHAR...
  10. lavomar1

    How to know Computer Name

    Hi... Here's a simple question. I want to know on wich computer (computer name) a specific user is logged. I'm currently trying to perfrom this action with the function NetSessionEnum from the &quot;Network Management SDK&quot;, but it doesn't work correctly. So I'm now wordering if there's...
  11. lavomar1


    If there's no record in your recordset... both rs.BOF and rs.EOF will be True If you want to know when your at the last record... only rs.EOF will be True When you're at the first record... only rs.BOF will be True So you must write ...
  12. lavomar1


    If the code always hava the same lenght you can use : ... Text1_KeyPressed(... If (Len(Text1) = <WantedLenght>) Then Text2.SetFocus
  13. lavomar1

    See Who's Opened A File And Want To Close It ?

    Ok... I find it... With the &quot;Platform SDK : Network Management&quot; I can use - NetFileClose - NetFileEnum - NetFileGetInfo :)
  14. lavomar1

    See Who's Opened A File And Want To Close It ?

    Ok... I find it... With the &quot;Platform SDK : Network Management&quot; I can use - NetFileClose - NetFileEnum - NetFileGetInfo :)
  15. lavomar1

    sql help

    ... Dim Cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim cnnString As String Dim sqlQuery As String ... cnnString = &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=<DatabasePath>&quot; Cnn.Open cnnString ... sqlQuery = &quot;ALTER TABLE <TableName> ADD <FieldName> <FieldType> DEFAULT <Value>&quot...
  16. lavomar1

    See Who's Opened A File And Want To Close It ?

    Windows NT 4 have a helpful program &quot;File Manager&quot; (winfile.exe) that shows wich user is currently into a network file. But in widows 2K,and more, the File Manager is not working properly (clicking &quot;Open By&quot; button did nothing). So I want to create a little program that...
  17. lavomar1

    See Who's Opened A File And Want To Close It ?

    Windows NT 4 have a helpful program &quot;File Manager&quot; (winfile.exe) that shows wich user is currently into a network file. But in widows 2K,and more, the File Manager is not working properly (clicking &quot;Open By&quot; button did nothing). So I want to create a little program that...

Part and Inventory Search
