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Search results for query: *

  1. hdougl1

    Form data changed by user?

    I would like to know when a user modifies any of the data presented on a web full of data. I have a JavaScript function (window.confirm) to prompt the user "Are you sure you want to close this window? Yes/cancel" when exiting the page whether or not they made any changes. Instead I...
  2. hdougl1

    XML load method to slow

    I'm actually working on the examples from the Sams 24hrs xml series. Right after using the xmldom load method I'm checking the state of the object if xmlDoc1.readyState=="4", which is false. The actuall return code is "1" Object is loading the data. I'm using javascript and...
  3. hdougl1

    Set and read cookies in client side script?

    Thanks, but that didn't work. I believe that would only work in server side processing, which I've done lots of times but never on the client side.
  4. hdougl1

    Set and read cookies in client side script?

    Can and how do you set and read cookies via client side VB script? Heres what I am trying that does not work. Thanks <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript> <!-- Sub SetCalendarDates_Click Dim SelectedDate If document.cookie(&quot;coDateSet&quot;) <> &quot;&quot; Then SelectedDate =...
  5. hdougl1

    Problem writing dynamic XML from an MTS object?

    Pete and Ted thanks a lot for your help I still have not been successfull in my objective and I have learned a lot in the last 24 hours. I believe my problem has been the mix of HTML and then trying present the XML data. I am looking into XSL to control the HTML and XML output. Again thank you...
  6. hdougl1

    Problem writing dynamic XML from an MTS object?

    Pete, it appears that the browser is not processing the data as XML. Now I see the XML tags and the data on the screen. One last question where or how do I tell the browser I'm sending XML after other HTML tags sent to the page? Thanks
  7. hdougl1

    Problem writing dynamic XML from an MTS object?

    To be exact I'm writing HTML to the page then I'm going to the dll to get the formated XMl data and returning it as a string and then response.write the XML only(tags and data)string to the screen. ex. of the returned string &quot;<?xml version='1.0' ?>&quot; <NoMatchReport> <NoMatchList>...
  8. hdougl1

    Problem writing dynamic XML from an MTS object?

    I tried using Response.ContentType = &quot;text/xml&quot; with error thou, maybe since I'm also linking to a style sheet that states TYPE='text/css'. I don't know where to add text/xml statement with other content types. Thanks
  9. hdougl1

    Problem writing dynamic XML from an MTS object?

    New to XML and, I'm creating a XML structure with data from a recordset within a MTS object returning a XML string called from a ASP page . I'm using response.write to display the XML structure and all I'm getting is the data written across the screen and not in a XML type structure. The basic...
  10. hdougl1

    With 2 recordset a faster no match report?

    Sorry I should have mentioned that I only have read access on the other database, so I can not create any temporary tables. All the processing must be done on the program side. Thanks for the suggestion thou.
  11. hdougl1

    With 2 recordset a faster no match report?

    What would be a faster in locating missing records between two record sets generated from two different servers. One of the servers has a proprietary interface so no joins across databases. Currently I'm looping 1 at a time from the first record set through each record of the second record set...
  12. hdougl1

    Please wait! Strategy needed

    The following code should be all that's neccesary to complete this basic script, howerver the error I recieve is Error:document.myform.pleasewait.style is null or not an object. Any other ideas Thanks <%@ Language=VBScript %> <%Response.Buffer = false%> <html> <body> <form...
  13. hdougl1

    Please wait! Strategy needed

    I cound'nt get this to work, I don't think you can refer to objects on the page from the server can you? <%@ Language=VBScript %> <html> <body> <div id=&quot;pleasewait&quot;>Please Wait</div> <% 'visual delay to see the message go away for i = 1 to 1000000 i = i + 1 next %> </body> <script>...
  14. hdougl1

    Please wait! Strategy needed

    onpnt, thanks for the link that was some very useful code. I however have reservations on opening and closing &quot;popup&quot; windows on a user desktop. This may be pety since I don't have any other choice but... I don't know thanks anyway.
  15. hdougl1

    Please wait! Strategy needed

    I have an asp page which instantiates a dll I created which queries a couple databases on deferent servers. The query process is very slow, so I would like to write to the page &quot;Please wait query in progress&quot; since all of the processing is handling by the dll including all of the...
  16. hdougl1

    Control characters for a page brake

    Is it possible to send html control characters for a page brake for browser printing of a multiple page document.
  17. hdougl1

    How can I maximise the browser?

    Thanks The code in the body tag worked as specified, however the browser loaded a couple of inches of the top left corner. I'm trying to figure out what commands to add to the body tag to load the page in the top left corner a screen.maximixe position. I searched the internet with the code you...
  18. hdougl1

    How can I maximise the browser?

    How do you maximize the browser on the start up of an asp page? Thanks in advance
  19. hdougl1

    Trap for missing DLL

    I have a VB app that instantiates a dll located on a network server. How can I trap the error generated when access to the dll is lost, such as the network is down etc. While trying to test for this error in the IDE with the dll properlly registerd but not located in the specified location I get...
  20. hdougl1

    Connection.Execute instead of Recordset.Open

    All examples I've seen in returning one or more rows from a database using a Select query use the recordset.Open except in stored procedures. I have found that using the Connection.Execute is SIGNIFICATLY faster. Connection established Set rst =...

Part and Inventory Search
