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Search results for query: *

  1. MasterPO

    Unable to update data in a SQL table from within Access

    That did the trick! I found an Access True/False field that converted with NULL values in the SQL bit field. I updated all NULL records to a 0 and the problem went away. Many many thanks for delivering me from my frustration!
  2. MasterPO

    Unable to update data in a SQL table from within Access

    Hi All: I used DTS to move data from an existing Access 2000 database to a SQL Server 2000 database. I linked the SQL table back to Access. The Problem: Imported records will not allow any data fields to be updated via Access. New records can be added and updated with no problem! When I...
  3. MasterPO

    Textbox fails to recalculate until mouse-over!

    Yes, compact-and-repair was my firast thought too, but it has no effect.
  4. MasterPO

    Textbox fails to recalculate until mouse-over!

    A2000 I have a column of textboxes on a form,. The bottom textbox displays a total of the values in the textboxes above (Control source = Val(txt1) + Val(txt2), etc) It worked properly for months, but has now started some bizarre behavior. The calculated total textbox is blank. It does not...
  5. MasterPO

    Use a trigger to update data on a remote server

    I would like to use an 'insert' trigger on a table to write a record into a similar table in a database on a remote server. (Replication is not an option for this project) 1. Is it possible to use a trigger to do this? 2. Must the servers be linked or can you use something like the 4 part...
  6. MasterPO

    Date and Time format in SQL Query

    Thanks - I don't know how I missed these format numbers!
  7. MasterPO

    Date and Time format in SQL Query

    I am trying to insert records into an existing table that has a specific format for dates and times in the existing records: Date format (Last_Chg_Dt) is '2005-09-16 00:00:00.0000' Time format (Last_Chg_Time) is '1900-01-01 12:26:16.060' Using GetDate(), I cannot find a format to replicate...
  8. MasterPO

    Macola Time conversion

    Selecting the Max(Hst)Tm) field (by itself) will not return the last record written to the table since a record may have been written later in the day on an earlier day! To select the last record written today or the last record for a specific PO, you could select Max(Hst_Tm) Where Hst_Dt =...
  9. MasterPO

    here's a good one!!

    If it's an mdb file and if the code that is attmepting to connect to the SQL Server is running when the mdb opens, just open it in design view (hold <Shift> key while opening the mdb file.) This will allow you to relink tables or address any code or macros that are calling the connection on startup.
  10. MasterPO

    TSQL Syntax help

    Good morning all... I need help with the syntax for a Select statement. Table = AROPNFIL Fields = Doc_Type, Apply_To_No, Reference I want to select the Doc_Type and (when Reference field is Numeric, choose Reference field, else choose Apply_To_No field). All my attempts at 'If...then' and...
  11. MasterPO

    Delete Trigger between two databases

    Thank you.... works perfectly!
  12. MasterPO

    Delete Trigger between two databases

    This should be so simple, but I can't seem to get it! I have two databases that are identical (Demodata and Data_01). When a user inserts or deletes a record in a specific table in Demodata, I want to make the same thing happen to the same table in Data_01. I wrote an Insert trigger than works...
  13. MasterPO

    Flexibility and SQL tables

    Just a little more FYI... The same 'Format..' technique works well for padding the Customer No and/or Vendor No (assuming you are using numeric values for those!), PP Order No, SF Ord No, etc. Watch out for the PO_No (Purchase Order No.. see POORDHDR_SQL). It is eight characters, with the...
  14. MasterPO

    vbaConnect.addControl error

    The message you are seeing is usually caused by a screenset error, not necessarily a code error. I have encountered this problem when the screenset has been altered and not copied to the username (or group) trying to access the screen with Flex code behind it; I have also had corrupted...
  15. MasterPO

    Exporting text without double quotes

    Use 'Print' instead of 'Write' When you substitute 'Print' you will lose the quotes, but the file will be formatted with TABS between the datafields: Results: H 12345 ACTION Write the Print statement like this to get rid of the tabs: Print #1...
  16. MasterPO

    Best Place to Invoke Order Confim

    The best way I have found is to invoke your code when the cursor returns to the 'Order Type' field on the 'Enter Orders' Header screen (OE0101.0). I usually set the macform.tag to <empty> when the screens opens, then reset it to the Order Type and Order Number when the user has selected (or...
  17. MasterPO

    Help with Parsing a String

    That did the trick... I can take care of the rest on my own. Thanks!
  18. MasterPO

    Help with Parsing a String

    Hi All: I am trying to write a stored proc that will accept a single parameter as the input and parse this value into multiple 20 character strings. These sub-strings are then written out to a table. Example: Input string = &quot;I want to be a better T_SQL programmer.&quot; Needs to be...
  19. MasterPO

    On running code now Getting error 13: type mismatch,

    Since this was written in 1997, it's code which uses DAO as the default for data access. A2K and beyond uses ADO as the default. A2K is assuming your declarations are ADO objects and generating your error when it attempts to run. So, when you move code from Access97 to A2K, you need to do one...
  20. MasterPO

    email address list

    Try this: (Access 2000 +) Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim rst As Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim strRecipients As String strSQL = &quot;Select * from tblEmailAddress where ReportName ='ONE'&quot; rst.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Do While Not...

Part and Inventory Search
