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Search results for query: *

  1. eclipse33

    Should be Simple...Link/Include PHP Page

    Thanks to both of you! overyde...it worked perfectly! Thanks again [thumbsup2]
  2. eclipse33

    Should be Simple...Link/Include PHP Page

    Hi, How would I include this page, http://www.evisiontechnologies.ca/new/SimpleViewer/?album=design in the bottom white/empty part of this page http://www.evisiontechnologies.ca/new/portfolio.php Probably a very easy solution... Thanks in advance Sherrie PS: Here is the website for all...
  3. eclipse33

    Edit/Browse Windows on top?

    I was wondering if there a way to get the Edit and Browse Windows on top of each other rather than clicking back and forth? Kinda the way that Dreamweaver has its code and preview windows? Thanks in advamce eclipse33
  4. eclipse33

    PHP/MySQL - Data not Saving to Database

    Hope someone can help...I inherited this problem and this is my first MySQL job. I have an admin section for a website that allows the client to login, create a group of photos and then add individual photos to each group. The client can create the group fine but when they try to add...
  5. eclipse33

    Image Popup

    Have a look at the popup code at the link below...is there anyway to stop the "flashing/double window" (ie the small blank window opens and then the larger window opens). http://www.codelifter.com/main/javascript/autosizeimagepopup.html Code also pasted below...
  6. eclipse33

    Netscape 4.7 and Liquid Tables (aka Fluid or Expandable Tables)

    I am trying to correct some Netscape 4.7 issues on a web page. The top table is supposed to be a liquid table (aka fluid or expandable - not sure on the correct term) The table needs to expand based on the screen resolution. The below code works fine in IE but of course Netscape 4.7 has an...
  7. eclipse33

    Popup Image Viewer (With Next & Previous)

    I am attempting to set up a photo gallery on my page. I have a table full of thumbnails. I want to be able to click on a thumbnail (pic1.jpg) and for this click to load a new window with a larger version of the picture (pic1a.jpg) but.... In the new popup I want a Next & Previous button that...
  8. eclipse33

    VPN vs pcAnywhere - Suggestions

    Here is the situation: I want to connect to my office computer to another office computer do update once a day some information for about 10-15 minutes. Both offices are each on their own network of about 4 computers .One office has Windows XP and the other had Windows 98. Both computers are...
  9. eclipse33

    Link to Access 2000 in HTML page

    I have a small IT portfolio done in HTML. I have screenshots of an Access 2000 program that I did at a prior job...I just want to have a link in HTML that will open the Access database on my harddrive. Like... <a href=&quot;Links\mydatabase.mdb&quot;target=&quot;_blank&quot;>MyDatabase</a>
  10. eclipse33

    Link to Access 2000 in HTML page??

    Hi, I want to open an Access 2000 database with a link on a local HTML page. <a href=&quot;Links\mydatabase.mdb&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>MyDatabase</a> When I use the above code I get the Windows box &quot;Open this from current location OR Save it to disk&quot; Any ideas how to link...
  11. eclipse33

    Link to Access 2000 in HTML page

    Yep...opens fine when I double click on it.
  12. eclipse33

    Link to Access 2000 in HTML page

    Hi, I want to open an Access 2000 database with a link on a local HTML page. <a href=&quot;Links\mydatabase.mdb&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>MyDatabase</a> When I use the above code I get the Windows box &quot;Open this from current location OR Save it to disk&quot; Any ideas how to link...
  13. eclipse33

    .jpeg vs .jpg

    Hi, A client wants me to save her files as .jpeg rather than .jpg. How would I do this in PhotoShop 5.5?? Thanks in advance [shadeshappy] eclipse33
  14. eclipse33

    No exit buttons on Application Bar or Form bar

    Thanks to SBendBuckeye for a great/simple solution! But question for everyone else that has used this solution.... Bug?? If you click on the Access (x) close button FIRST (it won't close the app) BUT if you then try to exit with the command button does the form close?? Mine won't. But if I...
  15. eclipse33

    Disable Close button on a Customized MenuBar

    Hi all, I want to disable the close(x) button on the customized menubar of my form. Here is what I have tried (neither has worked) 1) Form(properties) - Border Style = None 2) Form(properties) - Control Box = no 3) Form(properties) - Close Button = no 4) MenuBar(properties) - Docking = Can't...
  16. eclipse33

    Email HTML document in body from Access 97 button click

    thanks hennep! I will try the library...I also Think I may have found another way around it if the library doesn't work. I will post it here later if it works for future reference. Have a good weekend hennep Thanks again eclipse33 (only 10:30 am here [mad])
  17. eclipse33

    Email HTML document in body from Access 97 button click

    mi.HTMLBody shows up red as soon as I type it in. And it doesn't appear in the function drop down box. Do you think I need 9.0 instead of 8??
  18. eclipse33

    Email HTML document in body from Access 97 button click

    Hi again hennep Still not working. Microsoft Outlook 8.0 Object Library installed...do you have 9.0?? eclipse33
  19. eclipse33

    Email HTML document in body from Access 97 button click

    Yeah the html works fine...I will make sure the Outlook Object Library is there when I get to work. Maybe that was the problem. I will see in an hour or so when I get to work. Thanks for your help eclipse33
  20. eclipse33

    Email HTML document in body from Access 97 button click

    Hmmm....I tried HTMLBody yesterday and I Access 97 didn't see it as a good command....maybe I have to have a certain library installed. Thanks again eclipse33

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