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Search results for query: *

  1. mharcourt

    Path not found?

    Is "Copy Test.Doc" the actual name of the file? which path can't it find - the network or local? add: On error resume next objFSO.CopyFile "\\kceiscp202a\bus_sale_dev\Copy Test.doc", strFolder & "\", OverwriteExisting If err <> 0 Then wsh.echo err.number,err.description
  2. mharcourt

    Check if excel file is open

    There are additional parameters you can add to the open command. Set objApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objBook = objApp.Workbooks.open(filename,Notify) I have not tested this so be sure to run thru the mill. All the available parameters are...
  3. mharcourt

    Check if excel file is open

    I found another solution because of a slight problem. If the users' creditials, running the script, does not have permissions to return any information then there is a possibility of a problem. However, there is another solution within Excel. Here it is: 'Open the workbook (.xls) file Set...
  4. mharcourt

    Check if excel file is open

    found this script - works like a charm Set objServerObject = GetObject("WinNT://PUT SERVERNAME HERE/LanmanServer") If (IsEmpty(objServerObject) = False) Then iCounter = 0 For Each objresource In objServerObject.resources If (Not objresource.User = "") And (Not Right(objresource.User,1) =...
  5. mharcourt

    Check if excel file is open

    Need some help to determine if an excel spreadsheet is open. If you attempt to open a spreadsheet (outside of a script) you'll receive a notice that the spreadsheet is open and have a choice to open a read only copy. I would like to offer the similar functionality in a vbscript. Basically, the...
  6. mharcourt

    Check if excel file is open

    Thanks. This is exactly what I need. The spreadsheet is not being accessed by other sources except a users.
  7. mharcourt

    Check if excel file is open

    I need a little help in a vb script to determine if a specific excel file is already open. Thanks
  8. mharcourt

    Add Sheets to Excel

    Thanks That did the trick.
  9. mharcourt

    Add Sheets to Excel

    Need help adding sheets to a workbook after the last sheet. I can get a new sheet added but it is not the last sheet and the name I need. The code I'm using is below. What do I need to get this to work? Thanks Dim objXL,objBook,blnSiteFound blnSiteFound = False strFile =...
  10. mharcourt

    Access Multiple sheets in Excel

    Thanks. working great.
  11. mharcourt

    Access Multiple sheets in Excel

    Thanks You'll have to hold my hand on this one. What I have so far is : Set objXL = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXL.Visible = FALSE objXL.Workbooks.Open(<path to xls file>) Where does "set wbk = you Excel workbook object" fit in?
  12. mharcourt

    Access Multiple sheets in Excel

    I need a little help in accessing different sheets in Excel. I have scripts to open and retrieve cell contexts located on the first sheet. How do I move to the next sheet?
  13. mharcourt

    Need help with user/group

    Thanks tsuji for your help I get it now.
  14. mharcourt

    Need help with user/group

    Thanks tsuji Where are you getting "strcomp"?
  15. mharcourt

    Need help with user/group

    Using script snippit below I need a way to determine if the grp parameter is a user or a group. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks Sub EnumGroupMembers(server,grp) Dim Group Dim Member On Error Resume Next 'Bind to a group object. Set Group = GetObject("WinNT://"+server+"/"+grp) If Err...
  16. mharcourt

    Enumerate WMI namespace group/users and permissions.

    Thanks. I know I can enumerate namespaces and enumerate the methods and qualifers for WMI:__SystemSecurity. But this does not give me the information I need. I need the User\groups names and their permissions.
  17. mharcourt

    Enumerate WMI namespace group/users and permissions.

    I can open wmimgmt.msc, go to Properties, then security and expose all the namespaces. After selecting a namespace I can select security and see the group/user names and permissions. What I am trying to accomplish is using a list of server names to audit WMI and enumerate the namespace...
  18. mharcourt

    local group membership

    Try This ... Dim sDomain, sGroupSelection sDomain = InputBox(&quot;Enter Computer Name&quot;) sGroupSelected = &quot;Administrators,group&quot; Set objGroup = GetObject(&quot;WinNT://&quot; & sDomain & &quot;/&quot; & sGroupSelected) For Each objMember in objGroup.Members On Error...
  19. mharcourt

    Install VB6 and VB.Net on one computer

    I have a PC with XP Professional and VB.Net (standard) installed. After installing VB6 (Enterprise Edition) and rebooting I have a blank screen, no desktop icons and no access to the Start key. I'm back up an running, thanks to my ghost image. The question, can both applications run on the same...
  20. mharcourt

    Two Operating Systems Installed

    Thanks. I had a feeling reinstalling the OS would be the best, least time consuming, solution. No data needs to be saved, basically a clean machine.

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